



Tip 2 - Getting AndEngine

Nicolas has made a smart choice with the way he distributes AndEngine. He usesMercurial, which is a Version Control System for projects. It can be directlyused with Google Code, and that’s a massive plus!! It also has a Plugin for usewithin Eclipse, which you can download/setup by following the guide below:


下面是Mercurial 的Plugin的安装方法。



Once you have this installed, it is time to download the AndEngine examples. This is where you should spend a good few hours looking through all of the Examples,familiarizing yourself with the structure of AndEngine and how you would go about accomplishing various tasks.
To download the AndEngine Examples, following these steps:


1. File -> New Project
2. Select the Clone Existing Mercurial Repository under the Mercurial folder

3.In the URL field, copy and paste the following link:

4.Optional - If you want to change the Local Projects Name, enter your preferredname in the Clone Directory Name field.
5. Press Next. This should then be shown a screen with what will be downloaded.
6. Press Next and then Finish to pull the AndEngineExamples down.


Welldone, you now have the AndEngine Examples on your system!
Note: If you cannot see the AndEngine Examples Project within your EclipseWorksapce, then try to import the project from your workspace. You can do thisby selecting File -> Import -> Existing Projects Into Workspace.

Right, so we now have the AndEngine Examples on our system. So go away, andlike I said before, look through them all. See what they all do, build them andtry them on your Phone or Emulator. Once you are done, then move onto the next tip.









Tip 3 - Hello World

So, now that we have everything setup, and that we have had a look at theExamples for AndEngine, you are going to want to try and code somethingyourself. Well, your in luck. This tip will show you how to create your ownProject, and display a simple Sprite on the Screen.

So, first up, create a New Project! Go to File -> New, and the selectAndroid Project from the Android folder. Choose a name for your Project, suchas "HelloWorld".

Now this is done, we need to import the AndEngine Library into out project sothat we can actually use it! Follow these steps:
1. Right Click on your Projects Name
2. Select New -> Folder and create a folder called lib
3. Open up your AndEngine Examples Project, and go to the lib folder.
4. Copy the andengine.jar
5. Past the andengine.jar into your newly created lib folder.

Now you need to add the Library to your Projects Build Path. This is very easy,so follow these steps:
1. Open your lib folder
2. Right Click on the andengine.jar
3. Select Build Path -> Add To Build Path

You now have the AndEngine Library setup in your project! So lets get down tosome code

Open up the default Activity for your Project, which should be if you named your project like I said. Now, DELETE EVERYTHINGfrom this file, EXCEPT the package line at the top of the file.
Once you have done this, copy and paste the following code into your file:





publicclass HelloWorld extends BaseGameActivity {
     // ===========================================================
     // Constants
     private static final int CAMERA_WIDTH =720;
     private static final int CAMERA_HEIGHT =480;
     // ===========================================================
     // Fields
     private Camera mCamera;
     // Constructors
     // ===========================================================
     // Getter & Setter
     // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces
     public Engine onLoadEngine() {
         this.mCamera = new Camera(0, 0,CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT);
         return new Engine(newEngineOptions(true, ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE, newRatioResolutionPolicy(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT), this.mCamera));
     public void onLoadResources() {
     public Scene onLoadScene() {
         final Scene scene = new Scene(1);
         scene.setBackground(newColorBackground(0, 0, 0.8784f));
         return scene;
     public void onLoadComplete() {
     // Methods
     // ===========================================================
     // Inner and Anonymous Classes









Thenpress Ctrl+Shift+O and your project should sort all of the Import Statementsout for you.

Before you build, make sure you add the following line into youeAndroidManifest.xml file:





This allows AndEngine to run and usethe permissions it needs.

Now, try to build and run this. If it builds properly, it should run on your Phone/Emulatorand display a blue background. If so, well done you have written your firstAndEngine Project! Its as simple as that. If you want do display a Sprite,check out the following SpriteExample which will display a Sprite on yourScreen.

To get use to Touch, check out the following examples, and try to add them toyour Project:
SpriteRemove Example
TouchDrag Example

Thats the end of this tutorial. If you feel more needs to be added, such as howto do something within AndEngine, let me know and ill add it in.

Otherwise see you next time!
