
From MSDN:

Modal dialog boxes are normally created on the stack frame and destroyed when the function that created them ends. The dialog object’s destructor is called when the object goes out of scope.

Modeless dialog boxes are normally created and owned by a parent view or frame window — the application’s main frame window or a document frame window. The default  OnClose handler calls DestroyWindow,  which destroys the dialog-box window. If the dialog box stands alone, with no pointers to it or other special ownership semantics, you should override PostNcDestroy to destroy the C++ dialog object. You should also override OnCancel and call DestroyWindow from within it. If not, Don’t call the base class CDialog::OnCancel, because it calls EndDialog, which will make the dialog box invisible but will not destroy it.

You should override PostNcDestroy for modeless dialog boxes in order to delete this, since modeless dialog boxes are usually allocated with new. Modal dialog boxes are usually constructed on the frame and do not need PostNcDestroy cleanup.



2、此时用IDOK,IDCANCEL关闭窗体时,应对OnOK,OnCancel重写,CDialog::OnOK();CDialog::OnCancel();应被替换为CDialog::DestroyWindow()。因为前者是会调用CDialog::EndDialog, 其是为模态对话框而设计,非模态调用它只能隐藏窗体而不会释放。

     void CTestDlg::OnOK()
     / / TODO: Add extra validation here 
     CDialog::DestroyWindow();             // Here!


     void CTestDlg::PostNcDestroy()
          CDialog::PostNcDestroy();            //据说此函数在基类什么都没做
          delete this;                                        //在此释放窗体内存块                                          

    当然父窗体有该模态对话框的指针CDlg*  pDlg,在适当的时候delete pDlg即可

4、上面的E为提到:OnClose 默认会调用 DestroyWindow追踪了一下,没调呀!通过右上角的X按钮关闭对话框时不就内存泄露了。只好自己调了。

    void CTestDlg::OnClose()
    {    CDialog::OnClose();

总之:先DestroyWindow, 然后delete



From: http://blog.csdn.net/sinhua_ren/article/details/1658162
响应OnClose,在OnClose函数最后调用DestoryWindow函数销毁窗口,然后响应PostNCDestory,在最后添加delete this.
