10 个在app store中需要避免的错误(一)


#1 Creating an Overly Complex App

The first app we created at Pinger was called Pinger Phone. Although

this app did get into the top 100 for a short while, its main flaw was that it was way too complex. It had both a social media feed and an IM client. Those who understood it, loved it. Buy many people just didn’t get it.

So when it comes to apps, keep it simple.


我们的第一个程序较Pinger Phone,虽然在Top 100中待了短暂的时间,它的主要缺点是太复杂。既有订阅功能又有即时聊天功能,那些理解这些功能的人非常喜欢他,但是没有人愿意购买。


#2 Having a Paid Only Strategy

There may be certain apps that don’t work well with a lite version, but I suggest you have a free and paid version if possible. You get double the possible exposure in the app store and you let users try your app before spending money on it.


有些应用程序的lite版本销售的并不好,我建议你应该有免费和收费的两个版本。你的应用程序可以在商店中占有两个位置,并且用户可以在购买收费程 序前试用你的免费程序。


#3 Using Sub Par Graphics

Just look at the top 100 apps. Some of the icons look like I created them (that’s not a good thing). They are blurry, unprofessional, and don’t stand out. Create the best graphics that your budget allows.


看看Top 100的应用程序,有些程序的图标就像是我做的一样(不是件好事)。这些图标模糊,不专业,不引人注意。要尽可能的使用最好的图标。

#4 Flipping a Coin to Price your App

The app store is a bit of a garage sale with $.99 tags on many items. Before you just go with the $.99 price, do research. What are your competitor’s apps priced at? Better to price your app a bit high to start. You can always lower the price later. One exception to this is the app Ping! Great app and great strategy. It was free for the first couple days while he marketed it into the top 100. Then he made it $.99. His strategy worked.

So it’s not always one size fits all. Think it through.


App sotre就像旧货市场,很多的程序卖$.99。当要给你的程序标$.99时,先调查一下。和你相似的应用程序是多少钱?刚开始把程序定稍高一点会更好。 你可以过短时间把价格降下来。一个例外是Ping!,好的程序好的策略。当他进入Top100之前,是免费的,然后再卖$.99。

