MPAndroidChart 教程:概述
MPAndroidChart 教程:开始 Getting Started(一)
MPAndroidChart 教程:与图表进行手势交互 Interaction with the Chart(二)
MPAndroidChart 教程:坐标轴,X轴,Y轴,Labels(三)
MPAndroidChart 教程:设置数据,设置颜色(四)
MPAndroidChart 教程:数据格式器 ValueFormatter(五)
MPAndroidChart 教程:图表的具体设置 Specific chart settings(六)
MPAndroidchart 教程:图例 Legend(七)
MPAndroidChart 教程:动态和实时数据 Dynamic & Realtime Data(八)
MPAndroidChart 教程:修改视窗 Modifying the Viewport(九)
MPAndroidChart 教程:动画 Animations(十)
MPAndroidChart 教程:MarkerView(十一)
MPAndroidChart 教程:ChartData类,ChartData子类, DataSet类,DataSet子类(十二)
方法返回你想要的。public interface ValueFormatter {
/** * Called when a value (from labels inside the chart) is formatted * before being drawn. For performance reasons, avoid excessive * calculationsand memory allocations inside this method. * * @param value the value to be formatted * @param entry the entry the value belongs to - in * e.g. BarChart, this is of class BarEntry * @param dataSetIndex the index of the DataSet the entry in * focus belongs to * @param viewPortHandler provides information about the current * chart state (scale, translation, ...) * @return the formatted label ready for being drawn */
String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex,
ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler);
public interface ValueFormatter {
/** * Called when a value (from labels inside the chart) is formatted * before being drawn. For performance reasons, avoid excessive calculations * and memory allocations inside this method. * * @param value the value to be formatted * @param entry the entry the value belongs to - in e.g. BarChart, * this is of class BarEntry * @param dataSetIndex the index of the DataSet the entry in focus belongs to * @param viewPortHandler provides information about the current * chart state (scale, translation, ...) * @return the formatted label ready for being drawn */
String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex,
ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler);
// usage on whole data object
lineData.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter());
// usage on individual dataset object
lineDataSet.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter());
可用于格式化 大于”1.000” 的值。 它会被转变,比如
它不支持带有小数的数字,如“1.000,5”数字。LargeValueFormatter 源码如下:
public class LargeValueFormatter implements ValueFormatter, YAxisValueFormatter {
private static String[] SUFFIX = new String[]{
"", "k", "m", "b", "t"
private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 4;
private DecimalFormat mFormat;
private String mText = "";
public LargeValueFormatter() {
mFormat = new DecimalFormat("###E0");
/** * Creates a formatter that appends a specified text to the result string * * @param appendix a text that will be appended */
public LargeValueFormatter(String appendix) {
mText = appendix;
// ValueFormatter
public String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex,
ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
return makePretty(value) + mText;
// YAxisValueFormatter
public String getFormattedValue(float value, YAxis yAxis) {
return makePretty(value) + mText;
/** * Set an appendix text to be added at the end of the formatted value. * * @param appendix */
public void setAppendix(String appendix) {
this.mText = appendix;
/** * Set custom suffix to be appended after the values. * Default suffix: ["", "k", "m", "b", "t"] * * @param suff new suffix */
public void setSuffix(String[] suff) {
if (suff.length == 5) {
SUFFIX = suff;
/** * Formats each number properly. Special thanks to Roman Gromov * (https://github.com/romangromov) for this piece of code. */
private String makePretty(double number) {
String r = mFormat.format(number);
r = r.replaceAll("E[0-9]",
SUFFIX[Character.getNumericValue(r.charAt(r.length() - 1)) / 3]);
while (r.length() > MAX_LENGTH || r.matches("[0-9]+\\.[a-z]")) {
r = r.substring(0, r.length() - 2) + r.substring(r.length() - 1);
return r;
Used for displaying a “%” sign after each value with 1 decimal digit .
对于 PieChart
来说非常有用。PercentFormatter 源码如下:
public class PercentFormatter implements ValueFormatter, YAxisValueFormatter {
protected DecimalFormat mFormat;
public PercentFormatter() {
mFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.0");
/** * Allow a custom decimalformat * * @param format */
public PercentFormatter(DecimalFormat format) {
this.mFormat = format;
// ValueFormatter
public String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex,
ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
return mFormat.format(value) + " %";
// YAxisValueFormatter
public String getFormattedValue(float value, YAxis yAxis) {
return mFormat.format(value) + " %";
在 v2.1.4
接口可用于创建定制格式化器类,在它们绘制到屏幕之前 动态地调整 x-values 。XValueFormatter
只需创建一个新的类,让它实现接口,通过 getXValue(...)
方法返回任何你想要显示的 X 轴标签。 50 - > 50.0%public class MyCustomXAxisValueFormatter implements XAxisValueFormatter {
public String getXValue(String original, int index, ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
// original is the original value to use, x-index is the index in your x-values array
// implement your logic here ...
return ...;
// usage on XAxis, get axis instance:
XAxis xAxis = chart.getXAxis();
// set the formatter
xAxis.setValueFormatter(new MyCustomXAxisValueFormatter());
package com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ViewPortHandler;
/** * Default formatter class for adjusting x-values before drawing them. * This simply returns the original value unmodified. */
public class DefaultXAxisValueFormatter implements XAxisValueFormatter {
public String getXValue(String original, int index,
ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
return original; // just return original, no adjustments
package com.xxmassdeveloper.mpchartexample.custom;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ViewPortHandler;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.XAxisValueFormatter;
public class MyCustomXAxisValueFormatter implements XAxisValueFormatter {
public MyCustomXAxisValueFormatter() {
// maybe do something here or provide parameters in constructor
public String getXValue(String original, int index, ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
/* Log.i("TRANS", "x: " + viewPortHandler.getTransX() + ", y: " + viewPortHandler.getTransY()); */
// e.g. adjust the x-axis values depending on scale / zoom level
if (viewPortHandler.getScaleX() > 5)
return "4";
else if (viewPortHandler.getScaleX() > 3)
return "3";
else if (viewPortHandler.getScaleX() > 1)
return "2";
return original;
在 v2.1.4
接口可用于创建定制格式化器类,在它们绘制到屏幕之前 动态地调整 x-values 。YValueFormatter
只需创建一个新的类,让它实现接口,通过 getFormattedValue(...)
方法返回任何你想要显示的 。 public class MyYAxisValueFormatter implements YAxisValueFormatter {
private DecimalFormat mFormat;
public MyYAxisValueFormatter () {
mFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.0"); // use one decimal
public String getFormattedValue(float value, YAxis yAxis) {
// write your logic here
// access the YAxis object to get more information
return mFormat.format(value) + " $"; // e.g. append a dollar-sign
然后,为 YAxis
// get an instance of the YAxis (e.g. left axis)
YAxis leftAxis = chart.getAxisLeft();
leftAxis.setValueFormatter(new MyYAxisValueFormatter());
和 PercentFormatter
:MyYAxisValueFormatter.javapublic class MyYAxisValueFormatter implements YAxisValueFormatter {
private DecimalFormat mFormat;
public MyYAxisValueFormatter() {
mFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,##0.0");
public String getFormattedValue(float value, YAxis yAxis) {
return mFormat.format(value) + " $";
YAxis leftAxis = chart.getAxisLeft();
// 给Y轴的标签文本设置数据各格式器,上面的左图未设置格式器
leftAxis.setValueFormatter(new MyYAxisValueFormatter());
的 setValueFormatter
参数类型只能是 YAxisFormatter