利用oracle dbms_scheduler执行windows的bat脚本加载数据
1.windows 配置dbms_scheduler 运行external job需要做以下配置
A.确保Windows服务启动 -- OracleJobSchedulerORACLESID,我的数据库SID为rwadb 所以为OracleJobSchedulerRWADB,如下图所示
# $Header: externaljob.ora 16-dec-2005.20:47:13 rramkiss Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
# externaljob.ora
# This configuration file is used by dbms_scheduler when executing external
# (operating system) jobs. It contains the user and group to run external
# jobs as. It must only be writable by the owner and must be owned by root.
# If extjob is not setuid then the only allowable run_user
# is the user Oracle runs as and the only allowable run_group is the group
# Oracle runs as.
# For Porters: The user and group specified here should be a lowly privileged
# user and group for your platform. For Linux this is nobody
# and nobody.
# rramkiss 12/09/05 - Creation
# External job execution configuration file externaljob.ora
# This file is provided by Oracle Corporation to help you customize
# your RDBMS installation for your site. Important system parameters
# are discussed, and default settings given.
# This configuration file is used by dbms_scheduler when executing external
# (operating system) jobs. It contains the user and group to run external
# jobs as. It must only be writable by the owner and must be owned by root.
# If extjob is not setuid then the only allowable run_user
# is the user Oracle runs as and the only allowable run_group is the group
# Oracle runs as.
run_user = RWA_TEST
run_group = ora_dba
sqlldr.exe userid=rwa_dev/rwa_dev@rwadb control=C:\rwa_file\control\F_MUREX_GL_0001.ctl data=C:\rwa_file\data\F_MUREX_GL_0001_20150531_001.txt
load data
fields terminated by X'01'
trailing nullcols
2014-06-30 00350AED0232 6114 0.000 1000000.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0148 6107 4538300.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0110 6107 1526300.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0971 6107 8006100.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0158 6107 154.430 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD5497 6108 0.000 15200.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0155 6108 1000000.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD0239 6107 0.000 950000.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD0247 6107 0.000 950000.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD9317 6107 262222.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD0123 6114 1000000.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CHF0971 6107 2383200.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00036CNY9867 6118 572590.240 0.000
create table F_MUREX_GL
data_dt DATE,
areano VARCHAR2(10),
currency VARCHAR2(10),
apcode VARCHAR2(20),
orgcde VARCHAR2(20),
damount NUMBER,
camount NUMBER,
remark VARCHAR2(1000)
create user rwa_dev identified by rwa_dev default tablespace etldata;
grant create session to rwa_dev;
grant debug connect session to rwa_dev;
grant create table to rwa_dev;
grant create view to rwa_dev;
grant create synonym to rwa_dev;
grant create role to rwa_dev;
grant alter profile to rwa_dev;
grant create any directory to rwa_dev;
grant alter user to rwa_dev;
grant create any job to rwa_dev;
grant create job to rwa_dev;
grant create procedure to rwa_dev;
grant unlimited tablespace to rwa_dev;
grant create public synonym to rwa_dev;
grant alter any role to rwa_dev;
grant create database link to rwa_dev;
grant create cluster to rwa_dev;
grant debug any procedure to rwa_dev;
grant create profile to rwa_dev;
grant import full database to rwa_dev;
grant create trigger to rwa_dev;
grant create sequence to rwa_dev;
grant restricted session to rwa_dev;
grant create tablespace to rwa_dev;
grant alter tablespace to rwa_dev;
grant execute on dbms_crypto to rwa_dev;
grant all on dbms_crypto to rwa_dev;
grant execute on dbms_pipe to rwa_dev;
grant all on dbms_pipe to rwa_dev;
grant execute on dbms_lock to rwa_dev;
grant all on dbms_lock to rwa_dev;
grant select on v_$session to rwa_dev;
grant select on gv_$session to rwa_dev;
grant execute on dbms_scheduler to rwa_dev;
grant all on dbms_scheduler to rwa_dev;
grant select_catalog_role to rwa_dev;
grant alter system to rwa_dev;
grant create any type to rwa_dev;
grant execute on dbms_rls to rwa_dev;
grant all on dbms_rls to rwa_dev;
grant execute on dbms_session to rwa_dev;
grant all on dbms_session to rwa_dev;
grant alter session to rwa_dev;
grant execute on utl_file to rwa_dev;
grant manage scheduler to rwa_dev;
grant create external job to rwa_dev;
grant create any context to rwa_dev;
grant CREATE JOB to rwa_dev;
grant CREATE ANY JOB to rwa_dev;
grant CREATE EXTERNAL JOB to rwa_dev;
grant EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM to rwa_dev;
grant EXECUTE ANY CLASS to rwa_dev;
grant MANAGE SCHEDULER to rwa_dev;
grant select on v_$statname to rwa_dev;
grant select on v_$sesstat to rwa_dev;
grant select on v_$session to rwa_dev;
grant select on v_$mystat to rwa_dev;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_DATA as 'C:\rwa_file\data';
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_BAD as 'C:\rwa_file\bad';
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_LOG as 'C:\rwa_file\log';
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_CONTROL as 'C:\rwa_file\control';
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_LOADER as 'C:\rwa_file\loader';
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_SH as 'C:\rwa_file\sh';
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_BACKUP as 'C:\rwa_file\backup';
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_DATA to rwa_dev;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_BAD to rwa_dev;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_LOG to rwa_dev;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_CONTROL to rwa_dev;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_LOADER to rwa_dev;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_SH to rwa_dev;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_BACKUP to rwa_dev;
c.在rwa_dev用户下创建external job
job_name => 'LOAD_TEST',
job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
number_of_arguments => 0,
job_action => 'C:\rwa_file\perl\load_data.bat',
auto_drop => FALSE
select * from dba_scheduler_job_run_details
where owner = 'RWA_DEV'
and job_name = 'LOAD_TEST'
dbms_scheduler.purge_log(job_name => 'LOAD_TEST');
dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name => 'LOAD_TEST');
select * from f_murex_gl;