C++ CGI library GNU CgiCc and Linux

[size=medium]Download, Installation, Configuration:

Download: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/cgicc/

Unpack: tar xzf cgicc-X.X.X.tar.gz

Build Libraries:

    * cd cgicc-X.X.X/
    * ./configure --prefix=/usr (Default or /opt. Make sure you have write priviges to the directory.)
      If compiling to create a 32 bit library on a 64 bit Athelon:
      CXXFLAGS="-m32" CFLAGS="-m32" LDFLAGS="-m32"
      If installed in /opt then you will need to include:
          o Include path defined in the compile statement: -I/opt/include
          o Link command reference: -L/opt/lib
            or use LD_RUN_PATH or /etc/ld.so.conf
      I prefer to install into /usr to eliminate the configuration headaches.
    * make install

This will create and install include files, documentation and libraries:

    * Libraries:

               libcgicc.so              (softlink to libcgicc.so.1.3.0)
               libcgicc.so.1            (softlink to libcgicc.so.1.3.0)

    * Include files: /usr/include/cgicc/...
    * Documentation: /usr/doc/cgicc-X.X.X/index.html
      Also available at http://www.gnu.org/software/cgicc/doc/


The Web Page:

    Test CGIcc form

    Value 1 :

    Value 2 :

    Value 3 : Button1 Button2

HTML Form Source:

    <HEAD><TITLE>Test CGIcc form</TITLE></HEAD>
    <BODY bgcolor="#cccccc" text="#000000">
    <H2>Test CGIcc form</H2>
    <FORM method="post" action="/cgi-bin/testcgi">
    Value 1 :
    <input type="text" name="value1">
    Value 2 :
    <select name="value2">
       <option value="option1">Option 1
       <option value="option2">Option 2
       <option value="option3">Option 3
    Value 3 :
    <input type="radio" name="value3" value="button1" checked="checked">Button1
    <input type="radio" name="value3" value="button2">Button2

    <input type="hidden" name="value4" value="data4">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

C++ CGI Source:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>

    #include "cgicc/CgiDefs.h"
    #include "cgicc/Cgicc.h"
    #include "cgicc/HTTPHTMLHeader.h"
    #include "cgicc/HTMLClasses.h"

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    using namespace std;
    using namespace cgicc;     // Or reference as cgicc::Cgicc formData; below in object instantiation.

    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        try {
           Cgicc formData;

           // Send HTTP header: Content-type: text/html
           cout << HTTPHTMLHeader() << endl;

           // Print: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
           cout << HTMLDoctype(HTMLDoctype::eStrict) << endl;

           // Print: <html lang="en" dir="LTR">
           cout << html().set("lang", "EN").set("dir", "LTR") << endl;

           // Set up the HTML document
           cout << html() << head() << title("Cgicc example") << head() << endl;
           cout << body().set("bgcolor","#cccccc").set("text","#000000").set("link","#0000ff").set("vlink","#000080") << endl;

           cout << h1("This is a demonstration of the GNU CgiCC library") << endl;

           form_iterator fvalue1 = formData.getElement("value1");
           if( !fvalue1->isEmpty() && fvalue1 != (*formData).end()) {
              cout << "Value1: " << **fvalue1 << endl;
              cout << "No text entered for value1" << endl;

           cout << p();

           form_iterator fvalue2 = formData.getElement("value2");
           if( !fvalue2->isEmpty() && fvalue2 != (*formData).end()) {
              // Note this is just a different way to access the string class.
              // See the YoLinux GNU string class tutorial.
              cout << "Value2: " << (**fvalue2).c_str() << endl;

           cout << p();

           form_iterator fvalue3 = formData.getElement("value3");
           if( !fvalue3->isEmpty() && fvalue3 != (*formData).end()) {
              cout << "Value3: " << **fvalue3 << endl;

           cout << p();

           form_iterator fvalue4 = formData.getElement("value4");
           if( !fvalue4->isEmpty() && fvalue4 != (*formData).end()) {
              cout << "Value4: " << **fvalue4 << endl;

           // Close the HTML document
           cout << body() << html();
        catch(exception& e) {
           // handle any errors here.
           cout << "ERROR!!" << endl;
        return 0;   // To avoid Apache errors.


    * Compile and static link: (size: 1063688)
          o If installed in /opt/: g++ -o testcgi -I/opt/include testcgi.cpp /opt/lib/libcgicc.a
          o If installed in /usr/: g++ -o testcgi testcgi.cpp /usr/lib/libcgicc.a
    * Dynamic Link (at run time): (size: 48465)
          o If installed in /opt/: g++ -o testcgi -I/opt/include testcgi.cpp -L/opt/lib -lcgicc
          o If installed in /usr/: g++ -o testcgi testcgi.cpp -lcgicc

The following paths are for a Red Hat 7.x installation.

   1. Place web page in: /var/www/html/testcgi.html
   2. Place cgi in: /var/www/cgi-bin/testcgi
   3. Start Apache: service httpd start
   4. Test: http://localhost/testcgi.html


Debugging a "POST" method CGI:

    * Print environment for transaction:
      Code snipet to include in cgicc CGI program:

          // Function declaration
          void dumpEnvironment(const CgiEnvironment& env);

              const CgiEnvironment& env = cgi.getEnvironment();
              cout << env.getRequestMethod() << endl;
              ...     env.getPathInfo()        ...
              ...     env.getPathTranslated()

          Also: env.getRequestMethod(), env.getPathInfo(), env.getPathTranslated(), env.getReferrer(), env.getContentLength(), env.getPostData(), env.getRemoteHost(), env.getRemoteAddr(), env.getAuthType(), env.getRemoteUser(), env.getRemoteIdent(), env.getContentType(), env.getAccept(), env.getUserAgent(), env.getServerSoftware(), env.getServerName(), env.getGatewayInterface(), env.getServerProtocol(), env.getServerPort(), env.usingHTTPS(), env.getRedirectRequest(), env.getRedirectURL(), env.getRedirectStatus(), env.getCookies(), env.getQueryString(), env.getScriptName().

    * Set environment variables: . debug-env

          File: debug-env

          export HTTP_USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041020"
          export SERVER_PORT=80
          export HTTP_HOST=localhost
          export DOCUMENT_ROOT="/var/www/html"
          export HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET="iso-8859-1,*,utf-8"
          export SCRIPT_FILENAME="/var/www/cgi-bin/env.sh"
          export REQUEST_URI="/cgi-bin/env.sh"
          export SCRIPT_NAME="/cgi-bin/program.cgi"
          export HTTP_REFERRER="http://localhost/web-page.html"
          export HTTP_CONNECTION=Keep-Alive""
          export REMOTE_PORT=32984
          export PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin"
          export PWD="/var/www/cgi-bin"
          export SERVER_ADMIN="root@localhost"
          export HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=en
          export HTTP_ACCEPT='text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5'
          export REMOTE_ADDR=''
          export SHLVL=1
          export SERVER_NAME=localhost
          export SERVER_SOFTWARE='Apache/2.0.52 (Fedora)'
          export QUERY_STRING=
          export SERVER_ADDR=''
          export GATEWAY_INTERFACE='CGI/1.1'
          export SERVER_PROTOCOL='HTTP/1.1'
          export HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip
          export REQUEST_METHOD=POST
          export CONTENT_LENGTH=47
          export CONTENT_TYPE='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
          export POST_DATA='formval1=VALUE1&formval2=VALUE2&formval3=VALUE3'

    * Create file for (standard input) stdin: echo $POST_DATA > debug-stdin

    * Run in dbx:
          o dbx program.cgi
          o break ##### (Set breakpoints)
          o run < debug-stdin
      If not debugging, just run: echo $POST_DATA | ./program.cgi


    * GNU CgiCC Home page
          o CgiCC Documentation
    * YoLinux C++ Tutorials and info
    * More source code examples:
          o Generic test: test.cpp
          o Upload a file: upload.cpp
          o Drop a cookie: cookie.cpp


原文地址: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialC++CGI.html
