Phase angle calculation with high accuracy 高精度相角计算

   Two schemes for the phase angle/frequency calculation are implemented in my one of projects. One scheme is the zero-crossing in the time domain. Another is based on DFT in the frequency domain. The first one will be demonstrated later.   

   First of all, let's consider two sinusoidal waveforms with the same frequency. Two vectors can be obtained after taking DFT on those two waveforms. Assume the two vectors are represented as the following:   

     V1 = R1 + j I1 ,   V2 = R2 + j I2

  Then the phase angle difference between V1 and V2 can be derived from the following equations:

        |V1| * |V2| * exp(j (A1 - A2))

       = |V1|*exp(j A1) * |V2|*exp(- j A2)

       = (R1 + j I1) * (R2 - j I2)    

       = (R1 * R2 + I1 * I2) + j (R2 * I1 - R1 * I2)  

   where A1 and A2 are phase angles of the corresponding vectors.

   Thus,  the angle difference A1 - A2 = arctan2( (R1 * R2 + I1 * I2), (R2 * I1 - R1 * I2))

   It is easy for some applications to compute the A1-A2 because there exists the arctan2 function in their library. But it could be a nightmare for some slow CPUs without the floating-point co-processor. A faster function should be developed by using fixed-point instructions.   

  The arctan function can be derived from the Taylor serial:

     arctan(x) =  0.463647609000806 +  0.8*(x-0.5) -0.32*(x-0.5)^2  -0.0426666667*(x-0.5)^3 + 0.1536*(x-0.5)^4 -0.077824*(x-0.5)^5

The reason why x-0.5 is used is to get a more accurate result while x is always kept less than 1. PI is mapped into the number 32768 which can benefit from the periodical 16-bit signed or unsigned integer. For example: 2PI --> 2*32768 = 0x10000 = 0 (16-bit unsigned) or PI = -PI  --> 32768 = -32768 (16-bit signed)   

The source code (CPU: TMS320C5X)


;  Calculate arctan2


; In: ACC + j ACCB

; Out: ACC [0, 7FFFH] <--> [0, PI], [8000H, FFFFH] <--> [-PI, 0]

; ACC [0, FFFFH] <--> [0, 2PI]



 ldp #temp0

 sacl temp0     ;save real

 sach temp1



 sacl temp2     ;save image

 sach temp3


 sbb          ;image - real

 bcnd _Use_arccotan, GT   ;if real < image then use arcctan

 bcnd _arctan_1, LT   

 lacc #0FFFFH 

 and #0FFFFH

 b  _arctan_2



 lacl temp2     ;accb = real

 addh temp3                                   ;acc  = image


 exar        ;acc = R, accb = I

 lar ar7, #17-1

 call Div_32_32, ar7    ;ACCB = ACCB / ACC  <---> image / real



 call Arctan, ar0

 b  _Arctan_Calc_1



 lacl temp2

 addh temp3


; exar        ;acc = R, accb = I

 lar ar7, #17-1

 call Div_32_32, ar7    ;ACCB = ACCB / ACC  <---> real / image


 call Arctan, ar0


 lacc #7FFFH, 2    ;PI/2.  FFFFH is PI/4

 sbb      ;arctan(real/image) = PI/2 - arctan(image/real)



 ldp #temp0

 bsar 3

 sacb      ;[0, PI/2] <--> [0, 3FFFH]


 lacc temp1

 bcnd _sect_23, LT

 lacc temp3

 bcnd _sect_4, LT

 lacb      ;[0, 3FFFH]





 ret      ;[C000H, FFFFH]


 lacc temp3

 bcnd _sect_3, LT

 lacc #7FFFH


 ret      ;[4000H, 7FFFH]


 lacc #8000H

 and #0FFFFH


 ret      ;[8000H, BFFFH]


;  Taylor Serial Expansion of arctan at 0.5: 

; arctan(x) =  0.463647609000806 

;     +  0.8 (x-0.5) 

;     + -0.32 (x-0.5)^2 

;        + -0.0426666667 (x-0.5)^3

;                +  0.1536 (x-0.5)^4 

;     + -0.077824 (x-0.5)^5


;   arctan(x) = B0 + y*(B1 + y*(B2 + y*(B3 + y*(B4 + y*B5))))

;      y = x - 0.5


;   X :  [0,    1.0]  ---- [0,     2^16]

;   X-0.5:  [-0.5, 0.5] ----  [-2^15, 2^15]


;   Result in ACC: [0, PI/4]   <-----> [0, FFFFH]

;   Max Error at 0 and 1.0 <---> 0, 45 degree : 0.27 degree 

;   Max Error after Correction: 0.05 degree


Coeff_B0   .SET 995675659  ;0.463647609000806 * 65536 * 32768

Coeff_B1  .SET 26214 

Coeff_B2  .SET -10485 -80  ;with Correction Coeff

Coeff_B3  .SET -1398 +80

Coeff_B4  .SET 5033

Coeff_B5  .SET -2550

Coeff_1_Over_PI  .SET 41721/2   ;2* 2^16 / 3.1415927 



 ldp #0 

 sub #7FFFH

 sub #1

 sacl AR0      

 lt AR0

 mpy #Coeff_B5


 bsar 16

 add #Coeff_B4

 sacl AR1


 mpy AR1


 bsar 16

 add #Coeff_B3

 sacl AR1


 mpy AR1


 bsar 16

 add #Coeff_B2

 sacl AR1


 mpy AR1


 bsar 16

 add #Coeff_B1

 sacl AR1


 mpy AR1


 add #(Coeff_B0 >> 15), 15

 add #(Coeff_B0 % 32768) 


 sach ar0, 1


 lacc #Coeff_1_Over_PI

 sacl TREG0

 mpyu  ar0


 add #1, 13

 bsar 14


