记录锁相当于线程同步中读写锁的一种扩展类型,可以用来对有亲缘或无亲缘关系的进程进行文件读与写的同步,通过 fcntl 函数来执行上锁操作。尽管读写锁也可以通过在共享内存区来进行进程的同步,但是fcntl记录上锁往往更容易使用,且效率更高。
fcntl 函数有多种用途,我们这里只讨论关于记录锁的部分,具体如下:
int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, struct flock *lock); //需 #include <fcntl.h> /* cmd = F_GETLK,测试能否建立一把锁 cmd = F_SETLK,设置锁 cmd = F_SETLKW,阻塞设置一把锁 */ //POSIX只定义fock结构中必须有以下的数据成员,具体实现可以增加 struct flock { short l_type; /* 锁的类型: F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK */ short l_whence; /* 加锁的起始位置:SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END 分别表示文件头,当前位置和文件尾*/ off_t l_start; /* 加锁的起始偏移,相对于l_whence */ off_t l_len; /* 上锁的字节数,如果为0,表示从偏移处一直到文件的末尾*/ pid_t l_pid; /* 已经占用锁的PID(只对F_GETLK 命令有效) */ /*...*/ }; //Return value: 0表示成功,-1表示失败
F_SETLK (struct flock *) Acquire a lock (when l_type is F_RDLCK or F_WRLCK) or release a lock (when l_type is F_UNLCK) on the bytes specified by the l_whence, l_start, and l_len fields of lock. If a conflicting lock is held by another process, this call returns -1 and sets errno to EACCES or EAGAIN. F_SETLKW (struct flock *) As for F_SETLK, but if a conflicting lock is held on the file, then wait for that lock to be released. If a signal is caught while waiting, then the call is interrupted and (after the sig‐ nal handler has returned) returns immediately (with return value -1 and errno set to EINTR; see signal(7)). F_GETLK (struct flock *) On input to this call, lock describes a lock we would like to place on the file. If the lock could be placed, fcntl() does not actually place it, but returns F_UNLCK in the l_type field of lock and leaves the other fields of the structure unchanged. If one or more incompatible locks would prevent this lock being placed, then fcntl() returns details about one of these locks in the l_type, l_whence, l_start, and l_len fields of lock and sets l_pid to be the PID of the process holding that lock.
//在同一进程加锁的情况下,可以继续加锁(调用程序在文章后面给出) void *thread_test(void* fd_ptr) { int fd = * (int *)fd_ptr; flock lock; lock_init(&lock, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0); if(writew_lock(fd) == 0) cout << "Got it!" << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; } int main() { char *FILE_PATH = "a.txt"; int FILE_MODE = 0664; pthread_t pid; void *retVal; int fd = open(FILE_PATH, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); readw_lock(fd); cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, thread_test, (void *)&fd); pthread_join(pid, &retVal); unlock(fd); return 0; }
0 0 Got it! 0 0
//在父同进程里加读锁,看子进程能否继续加锁(调用程序在文章后面给出) int main() { char *FILE_PATH = "a.txt"; int FILE_MODE = 0664; int retVal; int fd = open(FILE_PATH, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); readw_lock(fd); if(fork() == 0) { sleep(3); cout << "I'm child." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; exit(0); } else { cout << "I'm father." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; } wait(&retVal); unlock(fd); return 0; }
I'm father. 0 0 I'm child. 11331 0
//在父同进程里加写锁,看子进程能否继续加锁(调用程序在文章后面给出) int main() { char *FILE_PATH = "a.txt"; int FILE_MODE = 0664; int retVal; int fd = open(FILE_PATH, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); readw_lock(fd); if(fork() == 0) { sleep(3); cout << "I'm child." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; exit(0); } else { cout << "I'm father." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; } wait(&retVal); unlock(fd); return 0; }
I'm father. 0 0 I'm child. 11393 11393此时的父进程加的是写锁,所以子进程什么锁都不能加。
2. 锁的粒度
3. 记录锁的隐含继承与释放
//测试进程的结束是否影响该进程加的锁(调用程序在文章后面给出) int main() { char *FILE_PATH = "a.txt"; int FILE_MODE = 0664; int retVal; int fd = open(FILE_PATH, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); if(fork() == 0) { writew_lock(fd); cout << "I'm child and I have a writew_lock." << endl; sleep(3); exit(0); } else { sleep(1); cout << "I'm father." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; wait(&retVal); cout << "My child is over." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; } unlock(fd); return 0; }
I'm child and I have a writew_lock. I'm father. 12149 12149 My child is over. 0 0说明在子进程结束后,它所建立的锁失效。
//测试fd对锁的影响 #include <iostream> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/shm.h> using namespace std; struct share_data{ pthread_cond_t cond; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_mutexattr_t mutexAttr; pthread_condattr_t condAttr; }; int main() { char *FILE_PATH = "a.txt"; int FILE_MODE = 0664; int retVal; int shmid; struct share_data *shm; shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(struct share_data), 0644 | IPC_CREAT); int fd_1 = open(FILE_PATH, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); int fd_2 = open(FILE_PATH, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); if(fork() == 0) { shm = (struct share_data *) shmat(shmid, 0, 0); pthread_mutexattr_init(&(shm->mutexAttr)); pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&(shm->mutexAttr), PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED); pthread_mutex_init(&(shm->mutex), &(shm->mutexAttr)); pthread_condattr_init(&(shm->condAttr)); pthread_condattr_setpshared(&(shm->condAttr), PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED); pthread_cond_init(&(shm->cond), &(shm->condAttr)); writew_lock(fd_1); cout << "I'm child and I have a writew_lock." << endl; sleep(5); close(fd_1); pthread_cond_signal(&(shm->cond)); sleep(3); exit(0); } else { shm = (struct share_data *) shmat(shmid, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_lock(&(shm->mutex)); sleep(1); cout << "I'm father." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd_2, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd_2, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout << "I'm waiting." << endl; pthread_cond_wait(&(shm->cond), &(shm->mutex)); cout << "My son's fd_1 is over." << endl; cout<<lock_test(fd_2, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; cout<<lock_test(fd_2, F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 0)<<endl; } wait(&retVal); return 0; }
I'm child and I have a writew_lock. I'm father. 17460 17460 I'm waiting. My son's fd_1 is over. 0 0证明了当关闭一个文件描述符时,则进程通过该文件描述符引用的该文件上的任何一把锁都将被释放。
int main() { int fd = open("./a.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0664); readw_lock(fd); //child 1 if (fork() == 0) { cout<<"child 1 try to get write lock..."<<endl; writew_lock(fd); cout<<"child 1 get write lock..."<<endl; unlock(fd); cout<<"child 1 release write lock..."<<endl; exit(0); } //child 2 if (fork() == 0) { sleep(3); cout<<"child 2 try to get read lock..."<<endl; readw_lock(fd); cout<<"child 2 get read lock..."<<endl; unlock(fd); cout<<"child 2 release read lock..."<<endl; exit(0); } sleep(10); unlock(fd); return 0; }
child 1 try to get write lock... child 2 try to get read lock... child 2 get read lock... child 2 release read lock... child 1 get write lock... child 1 release write lock...
int main() { int fd = open("./a.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0664); writew_lock(fd); int retVal; //child 1 if (fork() == 0) { cout<<"child 1 try to get write lock..."<<endl; writew_lock(fd); cout<<"child 1 get write lock..."<<endl; unlock(fd); cout<<"child 1 release write lock..."<<endl; exit(0); } //child 2 if (fork() == 0) { sleep(3); cout<<"child 2 try to get read lock..."<<endl; readw_lock(fd); cout<<"child 2 get read lock..."<<endl; unlock(fd); cout<<"child 2 release read lock..."<<endl; exit(0); } sleep(10); unlock(fd); return 0; }
child 1 try to get write lock... child 2 try to get read lock... child 2 get read lock... child 2 release read lock... child 1 get write lock... child 1 release write lock...结果表明还是读锁的优先级高啊。 与参考博文的结果FIFO不同。。。先这么着吧
int main() { int fd = open("./a.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0664); writew_lock(fd); //child if (fork() == 0) { cout<<"child try to get write lock..."<<endl; writew_lock(fd); cout<<"child get write lock..."<<endl; unlock(fd); cout<<"child release write lock..."<<endl; exit(0); } sleep(5); close(fd); sleep(5); return 0; }结果:
child try to get write lock... child get write lock... child release write lock...其中1,2两句间,3句与结束之间有较长时间等待。表明就是sleep()函数的原因。当父进程里的fd回收后,子进程才拿到写锁。