library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ---------------------------------------------- entity clock is port(clk:in std_logic;--系统时钟 key:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); seg:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);--段码 q:out std_logic; seg_sel:out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0));--位选 end; ---------------------------------------------- architecture behave of clock is component xd is port(cin,clk:in std_logic; q:out std_logic); end component; signal sel:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal clk1,clk2:std_logic; signal a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000"; signal ns,disp:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);--ns 临时信号 signal wei:integer range 3 to 6; signal mode:std_logic:='0'; begin --------------------------------------------- process(clk) --一次分频,100ms延时 variable cnt:integer range 0 to 5000000; begin if clk'event and clk ='1' then cnt:=cnt+1; if cnt<2500000 then clk1<='0'; elsif cnt<5000000 then clk1<='1'; else cnt:=0;clk1<='0'; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------- text1:for j in 0 to 3 generate u1:xd port map(key(j),clk,ns(j)); end generate text1; ------------------------------------------- process(clk,ns) begin if clk='1' and clk'event then if ns(0)='1' and mode='0' then -- x1<=a1;x2<=a2; x3<=a3;x4<=a4;x5<=a5;x6<=a6; wei<=3;mode<='1'; elsif ns(0)='1' and mode='1' then mode<='0'; elsif mode='1' then if ns(1)='1' then if wei>=6 then wei<=3; else wei<=wei+1; end if; end if; if ns(2)='1' then case wei is -- when 1=>if (x1<9) then x1<=x1+1; -- else x1<="0000"; -- end if; -- when 2=>if (x2<6) then x2<=x2+1; -- else x2<="0000"; -- end if; when 3=>if (x3<9) then x3<=x3+1; else x3<="0000"; end if; when 4=>if (x4<5) then x4<=x4+1; else x4<="0000"; end if; when 5=>if (x5<9 and x6<2 ) then x5<=x5+1; elsif (x5=9 and x6<2)then x5<="0000"; elsif (x5<3 and x6=2)then x5<="0000"; else x5<=x5+1; end if; when 6=>if (x6<2) then x6<=x6+1; else x6<="0000"; end if; end case; end if; if ns(3)='1' then case wei is -- when 1=>if (x1>0) then x1<=x1-1; -- else x1<="1001"; -- end if; -- when 2=>if (x2>0) then x2<=x2-1; -- else x2<="0110"; -- end if; when 3=>if (x3>0) then x3<=x3-1; else x3<="1001"; end if; when 4=>if (x4>0) then x4<=x4-1; else x4<="0110"; end if; when 5=>if (x5>0 ) then x5<=x5-1; elsif (x6=2)then x5<="0100"; else x5<="1001"; end if; when 6=>if (x6>0) then x6<=x6-1; else x6<="0010"; end if; end case; end if; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------- process(clk1,ns) begin if ns(0)='1' and mode='1' then -- a1<=x1;a2<=x2; a3<=x3;a4<=x4;a5<=x5;a6<=x6; elsif clk1'event and clk1='1' then a0<=a0+1; --毫秒百位 if (a0 >=9) then a1<=a1+1;a0 <="0000";--秒个位 if (a1 >=9) then a2<=a2+1;a1 <="0000";--秒十位 if (a2 >=5) then a3<=a3+1;a2 <="0000";--分个位 if (a3 >=9) then a4<=a4+1;a3 <="0000";--分十位 if (a4 >=5) then a5<=a5+1;a4 <="0000";--时个位 if (a5>=9 and a6<2) then a6<=a6+1;a5 <="0000";--时十位 elsif(a6>=2 and a5>=3) then a1<="0000";a2<="0000";a3<="0000"; a4<="0000";a5<="0000";a6<="0000"; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------ process(clk) --0.5ms延时,用于扫描 variable cnt1:integer range 0 to 2500; begin if clk'event and clk ='1' then cnt1:=cnt1+1; if cnt1<1250 then clk2<='0'; elsif cnt1<2500 then clk2<='1'; else cnt1:=0;clk2<='0'; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------ process(clk2) --扫描显示 begin if clk2'event and clk2='1' then sel<=sel+1; if a0<5 then Q<='1'; if mode='0' then case sel is when"010"=>disp<=a1;seg_sel<="111110"; when"011"=>disp<=a2;seg_sel<="111101"; when"100"=>disp<=a3;seg_sel<="111011"; when"101"=>disp<=a4;seg_sel<="110111"; when"110"=>disp<=a5;seg_sel<="101111"; when"111"=>disp<=a6;seg_sel<="011111"; when others=>disp<="0000"; end case; else case sel is when"010"=>disp<=a1;seg_sel<="111110"; when"011"=>disp<=a2;seg_sel<="111101"; when"100"=>disp<=x3;seg_sel<="111011"; when"101"=>disp<=x4;seg_sel<="110111"; when"110"=>disp<=x5;seg_sel<="101111"; when"111"=>disp<=x6;seg_sel<="011111"; when others=>disp<="0000"; end case; end if; else Q<='0'; if mode='1' then case sel is when"010"=>disp<=a1;seg_sel<="111110"; when"011"=>disp<=a2;seg_sel<="111101"; when"100"=>if wei=3 then disp<="1111"; else disp<=x3; end if; seg_sel<="111011"; when"101"=>if wei=4 then disp<="1111"; else disp<=x4; end if; seg_sel<="110111"; when"110"=>if wei=5 then disp<="1111"; else disp<=x5; end if; seg_sel<="101111"; when"111"=>if wei=6 then disp<="1111"; else disp<=x6; end if; seg_sel<="011111"; when others=>disp<="0000"; end case; else case sel is when"010"=>disp<=a1;seg_sel<="111110"; when"011"=>disp<=a2;seg_sel<="111101"; when"100"=>disp<=a3;seg_sel<="111011"; when"101"=>disp<=a4;seg_sel<="110111"; when"110"=>disp<=a5;seg_sel<="101111"; when"111"=>disp<=a6;seg_sel<="011111"; when others=>disp<="0000"; end case; end if; end if; end if; end process; --------------------------------- process(disp) --共阳译码 begin case disp is when"0000"=>seg<="11000000";--0 when"0001"=>seg<="11111001";--1 when"0010"=>seg<="10100100";--2 when"0011"=>seg<="10110000";--3 when"0100"=>seg<="10011001";--4 when"0101"=>seg<="10010010";--5 when"0110"=>seg<="10000010";--6 when"0111"=>seg<="11111000";--7 when"1000"=>seg<="10000000";--8 when"1001"=>seg<="10010000";--9 when others=>seg<="11111111"; end case; end process; end; --消抖例化部分原代码程序 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity xd is port(cin,clk:in std_logic; q:out std_logic); end ; architecture xuchu of xd is begin process(clk) variable i:integer range 0 to 35001; begin if (clk'event and clk='1')then if(cin='0')then if(i<35000)then i:=i+1; elsif(i=35000)then q<='1'; i:=i+1; else q<='0'; end if; else i:=0;q<='0'; end if; end if; end process; end xuchu;