算法学习之“Big Oh Notation”

一、Asymptotic analysis

Suppose we are considering two algorithms, A and B, for solving a given problem. Furthermore, let us say that we have done a careful analysis of the running times of each of the algorithms and determined them to be tex2html_wrap_inline59029 and tex2html_wrap_inline59031, respectively, where n is a measure of the problem size. Then it should be a fairly simple matter to compare the two functions tex2html_wrap_inline59029 and tex2html_wrap_inline59031 to determine which algorithm is the best!

这段话的意识,比较两种算法的时间成本来判定哪种算法更好。但实际应用中,T(n)是随着问题的规模n变化的,在事先不知道n的情况下,没法比较两种算法的优劣。由此,引入“Asymptotic behavior”,比较两种算法的T(n)在n比较大时的“增长级数”,例如:对数增长、线性增长、指数级增长。

二、Big Oh notation

In 1892, P. Bachmann  invented a notation for characterizing the asymptotic behavior of functions. His invention has come to be known as big oh notation:

Definition (Big Oh)        Consider a function  f( n) which is non-negative for all integers  tex2html_wrap_inline59063. We say that `` f( n) is big oh  g( n),'' which we write  f( n)= O( g( n)), if there exists an integer  tex2html_wrap_inline59043 and a constant  c>0 such that for all integers  tex2html_wrap_inline59075tex2html_wrap_inline59077.
保罗.巴赫曼的“大O标记法”是最常用的一种算法 “Asymptotic behavior”的分析法(Asymptotic analysis)。它表示的是一种算法“Asymptotic behavior”的上界(upper bound)。

从定义可以看出,使用Big Oh Notation的过程中,需要求解这3个量:起始点(n0)、倍数(c)和基准函数。关于基准函数,我们一般可以选取简单的对数函数、线性函数等,一个个去套,哪个更合适就用哪个。

除了定义外,Big Oh Notation还有3个数学特性:和(summation)、积(product)以及传递性。

  • What can we say about the asymptotic behavior of the sum of tex2html_wrap_inline59231 and tex2html_wrap_inline59233? (Theorems gif and gif).
  • What can we say about the asymptotic behavior of the product of tex2html_wrap_inline59231 and tex2html_wrap_inline59233? (Theorems gif and gif).
  • How are tex2html_wrap_inline59231 and tex2html_wrap_inline59241 related when tex2html_wrap_inline59243? (Theorem gif).
1,通过Big Oh Notation的和性质(summation),可以简化多项式的的上界;

2,通过Big Oh Notation的积性质(product),可以直接求出两个多项式相乘后的上界;

3,通过Big Oh Notation的的传递性,一般与和结合使用;

4,多项式的Big Oh Notation,由最高次幂项,其中它的系数要大于0。

In fact, whenever we have a function, which is a polynomial in ntex2html_wrap_inline59551 we will immediately ``drop'' the less significant terms (i.e., terms involving powers of n which are less than m), as well as the leading coefficient, tex2html_wrap_inline59557, to write tex2html_wrap_inline59519.

5,以10为底的对数的Big Oh Notation,参考点击打开链接

三、Tight Big Oh bound

Definition (Tightness)   Consider a function f(n)=O(g(n)). If for every function h(n) such that f(n)=O(h(n)) it is also true that g(n)=O(h(n)), then we say that g(n) is a tight asymptotic bound  onf(n).

Certain conventions have evolved which concern how big oh expressions are normally written:

  • First, it is common practice when writing big oh expressions to drop all but the most significant terms. Thus, instead of tex2html_wrap_inline59875 we simply write .
  • Second, it is common practice to drop constant coefficients. Thus, instead of tex2html_wrap_inline59879, we simply write . As a special case of this rule, if the function is a constant, instead of, say O(1024), we simply write O(1).

Of course, in order for a particular big oh expression to be the most useful, we prefer to find a tight asymptotic bound (see Definition gif). For example, while it is not wrong to write tex2html_wrap_inline59885, we prefer to write f(n)=O(n), which is a tight bound.

以上是关于Big Oh Notation的一些约定。同时,学术界也给一些常用的Big Oh expression进行了特意命名,参考点击打开链接
