To find all the log types available on the local or a remote computer

 Excute the following command to find all the log types available on the local or a remote computer:

Get-EventLog –list

Get-EventLog -computerName RemoteServerName –list


Query all the entries in the Application event log:

Get-EventLog –LogName "Application"


Find information about Get-Eventlog by executing the following command:

Get-Eventlog -LogName "Application" -newest 1 | Get-Member | sort MemberType 


Find all the types of information available by querying the EntryType as follows:

Get-EventLog -LogName "Application" | Select-Object EntryType -unique | Format-Table –auto

Get-EventLog -LogName "System" -computername RemoteServerName | Select-Object EntryType -unique | Format-Table –auto
Get-EventLog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" | Select-Object EntryType -unique | Format-Table –auto

Get-EventLog -LogName "application" -newest 10  



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