
1. What have you been working on lately?

I head developer relations for is a cloud development platform for creating HTML5 and Cordova apps connected to any APIs. We also got integrated backend services (cloud database, push, server code). You build the app entirely in the browser, connect to any APIs, then package for web, Android, iOS or Windows Phone. I work with other developer evangelists and also lead the support team. As we are a small team, I also lead platform roadmap and features development. I enjoy creating videos, writing tutorials, blogging, and just helping developers get started building mobile apps with I also very much enjoy traveling and speaking at various meetups and conferences. 

2. You seem to identify mostly as a mobile developer. What are some of the most enjoyable and least enjoyable things about coding for mobile? Where do you see mobile development going in 2015? 

Most enjoyable: you can literally build the first version of your mobile app connected to a number of APIs in a few hours (with Least enjoyable: testing apps on the device. 

I think hybrid mobile development (with HTML5/JavaScript) is going to gain momentum, especially in the enterprises. 

3. Are there any particular developer tools or resources you couldn't live without?

Chrome Developer Tools

4. Do you have a favorite open source project (or projects) that you've contributed to recently?

Not lately. In my previous work I have been heavily involved with RichFaces open source project (now owned by JBoss). I published two books on RichFaces. 

5. Do you follow any blogs or Twitter feeds that you would recommend to developers? - @kinlane - @yakofain - @benkepes

Not a blog, but another great site for (mobile) developers:

And of course

6. Did you have a coding first love -- a particular program, gadget, game, or language that set you on the path to life as a developer?

My first programming language was C. I think HTML would be my first love. I coded my first HTML page (in notepad) back in 1995. It was pretty cool to get a web page up and running. I still remember I used the <blink> tag in many places.
