SUP (SAP Mobile SDK 2.2) 连接 Sybase SQL Anywhere sample 数据库

安装了   SAP Mobile SDK 2.2   后发现,这个版本没有自带Sybase SQL Anywhere  数据库。


1. 免费下载 SQL Anywhere Developer Edition 版本16

2.  安装,启动 AQL Anywhere 16 -> SQL Anywhere -> Network Server Sample

  查看Windows 系统托盘中的 Sybase小图标里面的日志,确认监听端口为2638

Users\Documents\SQL Anywhere 16\Samples\demo.db" consists of 23 disk fragments
Transaction log: demo.log
Starting checkpoint of "demo" (demo.db) at Sun Sep 01 2013 11:30
Finished checkpoint of "demo" (demo.db) at Sun Sep 01 2013 11:30
Database "demo" (demo.db) started at Sun Sep 01 2013 11:30
Database server started at Sun Sep 01 2013 11:30
Trying to start SharedMemory link ...
    SharedMemory link started successfully
Trying to start TCPIP link ...
Starting on port 2638
    TCPIP link started successfully
Now accepting requests

3. 启动 启动 AQL Anywhere 16 -> Administration Tools -> Sybase Centrol,查看demo数据库里面的表和数据

4. 在 SUP IDE的Enterprise Explorer中,新建数据库连接,选择 Sybase ASE,输入 localhost,2638,dba, sql等字样就可以连接到 demo数据库了。

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