#encoding=utf-8 print '中国' #将数用于货币处理 import decimal
def italformat(value, places=2, curr='EUR',sep='.',dp=',',pos='',neg='-', overall=10): """ 将十进制value转化为财务格式的字符串 places: 十进制小数点后面的数字的位数 curr: 可选的货币符号(可能为空) sep: 可选的分组(三个一组)分隔符(逗号、句号或空白) dp: 小数点指示符(逗号或句号);当places是0时 小数点被指定为空白 pos: 正数的可选的符号:"+",空格或空白 neg: 正数的可选的符号:"-"、"(",空格或空白 overall: 最终结果的可选的总长度,若长度不够,左边货币符号 和数字之间会被填充符占据 """ q=decimal.Decimal((0, (1,), -places)) # 2 places --> '0.01' sign, digits, exp = value.quantize(q).as_tuple( ) result = [] digits = map(str, digits) append, next = result.append, digits.pop for i in range(places): if digits: append(next( )) else: append('0') append(dp) i = 0 while digits: append(next( )) i += 1 if i == 3 and digits: i = 0 append(sep) while len(result) < overall: append(' ') append(curr) if sign: append(neg) else: append(pos) result.reverse( ) return ''.join(result) # 获得计算用的小计 def getsubtotal(subtin=None): if subtin == None: subtin = input("Enter the subtotal: ") subtotal = decimal.Decimal(str(subtin)) print "\n subtotal: ",italformat(subtotal) return subtotal # 指定意大利税法函数 def cnpcalc(subtotal): contrib = subtotal * decimal.Decimal('.02') print "+ contributo integrativo 2%: ",italformat(contrib, curr='') return contrib def vatcalc(subtotal, cnp): vat = (subtotal+cnp) * decimal.Decimal('.20') print "+ IVA 20%: ", italformat(vat, curr='') return vat def ritacalc(subtotal): rit = subtotal * decimal.Decimal('.20') print "-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: ", italformat(rit, curr='') return rit def dototal(subtotal, cnp, iva=0, rit=0): totl = (subtotal+cnp+iva)-rit print " TOTALE: ", italformat(totl) return totl # 最终计算报告 def invoicer(subtotal=None, context=None): if context is None: decimal.getcontext().rounding="ROUND_HALF_UP" # 欧洲截断规则 else: decimal.setcontext(context) # 设置上下文环境 subtot = getsubtotal(subtotal) contrib = cnpcalc(subtot) dototal(subtot, contrib, vatcalc(subtot, contrib), ritacalc(subtot)) print "Welcome to the invoice calculator" tests = [100, 1000.00, "10000", 555.55] print "Euro context" for test in tests: invoicer(test) print "\n\ndefault context" for test in tests: invoicer(test, context=decimal.DefaultContext)
Welcome to the invoice calculator
Euro context
subtotal: EUR 100,00
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 2,00
+ IVA 20%: 20,40
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 20,00
TOTALE: EUR 102,40
subtotal: EUR 1.000,00
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 20,00
+ IVA 20%: 204,00
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 200,00
TOTALE: EUR 1.024,00
subtotal: EUR 10.000,00
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 200,00
+ IVA 20%: 2.040,00
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 2.000,00
TOTALE: EUR 10.240,00
subtotal: EUR 555,55
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 11,11
+ IVA 20%: 113,33
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 111,11
TOTALE: EUR 568,88
default context
subtotal: EUR 100,00
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 2,00
+ IVA 20%: 20,40
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 20,00
TOTALE: EUR 102,40
subtotal: EUR 1.000,00
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 20,00
+ IVA 20%: 204,00
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 200,00
TOTALE: EUR 1.024,00
subtotal: EUR 10.000,00
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 200,00
+ IVA 20%: 2.040,00
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 2.000,00
TOTALE: EUR 10.240,00
subtotal: EUR 555,55
+ contributo integrativo 2%: 11,11
+ IVA 20%: 113,33
-Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 111,11
TOTALE: EUR 568,88