scala> class NewList extends List
<console>:7: error: illegal inheritance from sealed class List
class NewList extends List
scala> :pas
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
abstract class People
case object American extends People
case object Japanese extends People
case object Chinese extends People
case object Russia extends People
def people(p: People) = p match {
case American ⇒ println("American person")
case Japanese ⇒ println("Japanese person")
case Chinese ⇒ println("Chinese person")
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined class People
defined object American
defined object Japanese
defined object Chinese
defined object Russia
people: (p: People)Unit
scala> people(American)
American person
scala> people(Russia)
scala.MatchError: Russia (of class Russia$)
at .people(<console>:13)
... 33 elided
<console>:18: warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on the following input: Russia
def people(p: People) = p match {
def people(p: People) = (p: @unchecked) match {
case American ⇒ println("American person")
case Japanese ⇒ println("Japanese person")
case Chinese ⇒ println("Chinese person")
从上面的描述我们可以知道,sealed 关键字主要有2个作用:
- 其修饰的trait,class只能在当前文件里面被继承;
- 在检查模式匹配的时候,用sealed修饰目的是让scala知道这些case的所有情况,scala就能够在编译的时候进行检查,看你写的代码是否有没有漏掉什么没case到,减少编程的错误。