Netty Thread Leak?

1. Problem

我们的netty程序既是client也是server,从upstream server拿数据再提供给downstream clients。

现在的情况是运行一段时间后就不再能拿到新的数据了,所以downstream clients也只能拿到初始化数据了。

2. Analysis

2.1 Monitor and Static Analysis


用jvisualvm做了一个dump以便静态分析,用的是eclipse MAT,比较方便,这145个线程中netty nio event loop就有130个线程,正好我程序里面定义了2个netty nio event loop,分别是20个和110个,这样的话所有线程都占满了,应该是线程泄露导致服务中断。但是为什么会占用掉所有线程呢?我想看看这些线程的状态,因为我感觉这些线程在某个地方阻塞了,但在MAT中好像看不到。看看代码吧

2.2 Code Review


2.2.1 channelInactive的时候没有close channel



2.2.2 没有区分bossgroup和workergroup



Most of the times using the same group for accepting and handling the accepted connections is working out quite well and so allows you to save some threads. The only time when you may not want to do this is if the handling logic of the accepted connections will keep the EventLoops so busy that you are not able to accept fast enough. So best is to just use the same group when you start and switch to two if you need it.

2.2.3 创建channel group用的是DefaultChannelGroup(ImmediateEventExecutor.INSTANCE)


2.2.4 使用了readwritelock,可能系统中有deadlock导致线程阻塞。

2.3 Bigger View: Upstream might close the connection under certain conditions

2.4 Experiment

Reproduced this problem by unplugging/plugging the cable

奇怪的是拔掉网线后channelInactive并没有被调用,exceptionCaught也没有。可能是因为是我这个client端不发送数据,也没有加heart beat机制,所以disconnected了也不知道。

In some case netty couldnt detect if channel is closed or not. One way to solve the provlem is usingheartbeat messages. Netty supports heartbeat with IdleStateHandler.

3. Solution

使用IdleStateHandler进行reconnect,经测试稳定性高了很多, and I will keep monitoring。




[3] Netty in Action
