黑马程序员-学习日记9(集合框架 3 ) .

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Collection :集合是可变长度的!!!
     //如果元素的hashCode值不同,不会调用equals方法。 所以当我们在自定义对象时,通常要覆写HashCode和equals方法。这两个方法是系统底层自己调用的。
  |--TreeSet:可以对Set集合中的元素进行排序。实现compareble接口 按ASCII码排序。
     底层数据结构是二叉树。保证元素唯一性的依据:cpmpareTo方法:retrurn 0; (判断元素是否相同都是以return 0,的方式)

     它是通过compareTo方法return 0,来保证元素唯一的。









import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  TreeSet ts = new TreeSet();
  ts.add(new Student("lisi02",22));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi07",20));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi09",19));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi08",19));
  //ts.add(new Student("lisi01",40));
  Iterator i = ts.iterator();
   Student stu = (Student)i.next();
class Student implements Comparable{//该接口强制让学生具备比较性。
 private String name;
 private int age;
 Student(String name,int age){
  this.name = name;
  this.age = age;
 public int compareTo(Object obj){//不能声明异常。
  if(!(obj instanceof Student))
   throw new RuntimeException("不是学生对象");

  Student s = (Student)obj;
   return -1;
   return -(this.name.compareTo(s.name));//取反。
  return 1;

 public String getName(){
  return name;
 public int getAge(){
  return age;

import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  TreeSet ts = new TreeSet();
  ts.add(new Student("lisi02",22));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi07",20));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi09",19));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi08",19));
  //ts.add(new Student("lisi01",40));
  Iterator i = ts.iterator();
   Student stu = (Student)i.next();
class Student implements Comparable{//该接口强制让学生具备比较性。
 private String name;
 private int age;
 Student(String name,int age){
  this.name = name;
  this.age = age;
 public int compareTo(Object obj){//不能声明异常。
  return 1;

 public String getName(){
  return name;
 public int getAge(){
  return age;



import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  TreeSet ts = new TreeSet(new MyCompare());
  ts.add(new Student("lisi02",22));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi07",20));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi09",19));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi07",29));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi08",18));
  //ts.add(new Student("lisi01",40));
  Iterator i = ts.iterator();
   Student stu = (Student)i.next();
class Student implements Comparable{//该接口强制让学生具备比较性。
 private String name;
 private int age;
 Student(String name,int age){
  this.name = name;
  this.age = age;
 public int compareTo(Object obj){//不能声明异常。
  if(!(obj instanceof Student))
   throw new RuntimeException("不是学生对象。");
  Student stu = (Student)obj;
    return 1;
   return this.name.compareTo(stu.name);
  return -1;

 public String getName(){
  return name;
 public int getAge(){
  return age;
class MyCompare implements Comparator{
 public int compare(Object o1,Object o2){
  Student s1 = (Student)o1;
  Student s2 = (Student)o2;
  int num = s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName());
  if(num == 0){
   // return 1;
   // return 0;
   //return -1;
   return new Integer(s1.getAge()).compareTo(new Integer(s2.getAge()));
  return num;


import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  TreeSet ts = new TreeSet(new MyCompare());
  ts.add(new Student("lisi02",22));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi007",20));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi007",20));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi09",19));
  ts.add(new Student("lisi08",19));
  //ts.add(new Student("lisi01",40));
  Iterator i = ts.iterator();
   Student stu = (Student)i.next();
class MyCompare implements Comparator{
 public int compare(Object o1,Object o2){
  Student s1 = (Student)o1;
  Student s2 = (Student)o2;
  int num = s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName());
   //return  (s1.getAge()-s2.getAge())>0?1:-1;
   //return 0;
   return new Integer(s1.getAge()).compareTo(new Integer(s2.getAge()));
  return num;

class Student {//implements Comparable该接口强制让学生具备比较性。
 private String name;
 private int age;
 Student(String name,int age){
  this.name = name;
  this.age = age;
 public String getName(){
  return name;
 public int getAge(){
  return age;







//    ②避免了强制转换麻烦。
//  泛型格式:通过<>来定义要操作的引用数据类型。




import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  //int[] arr = new int[3];
  //arr[0] = 4;
  //arr[1] = 3.5;
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();

  //a1.add(4);//a1.add(new Integer(4))两种方法都行,因为集合中只能添加对象,不能
  Iterator i = a1.iterator();
   String s = (String)i.next();//因为用到了子类的特有方法,所以得向下转型。
   System.out.println(s+" : "+s.length());

import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();

  //a1.add(4);//a1.add(new Integer(4))两种方法都行,因为集合中只能添加对象,不能
  Iterator i = a1.iterator();
   String s = i.next();//因为用到了子类的特有方法,所以得向下转型。
   System.out.println(s+" : "+s.length());

import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  TreeSet<String> ts = new TreeSet<String>(new LenComparator());
  Iterator<String> it = ts.iterator();//此处也需要加泛型。
   String s = it.next();//不用强转了,

class LenComparator implements Comparator<String>{
 public int compare(String o1,String o2){
  int num = new Integer(o2.length()).compareTo(new Integer(o1.length()));
   return o2.compareTo(o1);//将对象调个位置就可以。
  return -num;


class Tool{
 private Worker w;
 public void setWorker(Worker w){
  this.w = w;
 public Worker getWorker(){
  return w;

class VectorDemo {
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Tool t = new Tool();
  t.setObject(new Worker());
  Worker w = (Worker)t.getObject();
class Tool{
 private Object obj;
 public void setObject(Object obj){
  this.obj = obj;
 public Object getObject(){
  return obj;
class Student{

class Worker{


class Tool{
 private Object obj;
 public void setObject(Object obj){
  this.obj = obj;
 public Object getObject(){
  return obj;

class VectorDemo {
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Utils<Worker> u = new Utils<Worker>();
  u.setObject(new Worker());//传Student将编译失败。
  Worker w = u.getObject();
class Utils<E>{
 private E q;
 public void setObject(E q){
  this.q = q;
 public E getObject(){
  return q;

class Student{

class Worker{

class Utils <QQ>{
 private QQ q;
 public void setObject(QQ q){
  this.q = q;
 public QQ getObject(){
  return q;

class Demo<T>{
 public void show(T t){
  System.out.println("show: "+t);
 public void print(T t){
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Demo<Integer> d = new Demo<Integer>();
  d.show(new Integer(4));



class Demo{
 public <T> void show(T t){
 public <Q> void print(Q q){
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Demo d = new Demo();
  d.show(new Integer(4));
  d.show("new Integer(4)");



class Demo<T>{
 public void show(T t){
  System.out.println("show : "+t);
 public void print(T t){
  System.out.println("print : "+t);
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Demo<Integer> d = Demo<Integer>();
  d.show(new Integer(4));

class Demo{
 public <T> void show(T t){
  System.out.println("show : "+t);
 public <Q> void print(Q q){
  System.out.println("print : "+q);
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Demo d = new Demo();
  d.show(new Integer(4));


//public static <W>  void method(W t){//当该方法存在时,T类型的对象还不存在,所以无法访问。
//  System.out.println("method:"+t);
// }


class Demo<T>{
 public void show(T t){//该方法上声明的T 是随着类型走的。
 public <Q> void print(Q q){
 //public static  void method(T t){//当该方法存在时,T类型的对象还不存在,所以无法访问。
 // System.out.println("method:"+t);
 public static <W> void method(W t){//这个是可以 的。
  System.out.println("method : "+t);

class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Demo<String> d = new Demo<String>();
  d.show("new Integer(4)");
  d.show(new Integer(4));//怎样是不行的,该方法上声明的T 是随着类型走的。



interface Inter<T>{
 void show(T t);
class InterImpl implements Inter<String>{
 public void show(String t){
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
 //InterImpl<Integer> i = new InterImpl<Integer>();
 InterImpl i = new InterImpl();

interface Inter<T>{
 void show(T t);
class InterImpl<T> implements Inter<T>{
 public void show(T t){
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  InterImpl<Integer> i = new InterImpl<Integer>();



import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<Integer> a11 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<String> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();泛型不允许。
  Iterator<String>it = a1.iterator();


import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<Integer> a11 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<?> a1){//不指定泛型是可以的,但程序不严谨。应加一个<?>占位符。
  Iterator<?> it = a1.iterator();//这样就通用了,
 //public static <T> void printColl(ArrayList<T> a1){//这样也行,区别不是太大
 // Iterator<T> it = a1.iterator();//
 // while(it.hasNext()){//此处可接收T ,并操作T,//T t = it.next();System.out.println(t);如果成了?就不能接收,因为它类型不明确。
 //  System.out.println(it.next());//,泛型提高扩展性,但不能使用类型的特有方法。length(),
 // }


import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<Integer> a11 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<?> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  Iterator<?> it = a1.iterator();


import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<Integer> a11 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 public static <T> void printColl(ArrayList<T> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  Iterator<T> it = a1.iterator();

//?和T 的区别,T代表一种具体的类型,可以接收一个类型,并操作,而用?表不明确类型,可以不能接收。
import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<Integer> a11 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 public static <T> void printColl(ArrayList<T> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  Iterator<T> it = a1.iterator();


import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<Integer> a11 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<?> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  Iterator<?> it = a1.iterator();


import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
  ArrayList<Integer> a11 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<?> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  Iterator<?> it = a1.iterator();


import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<Person> a1 = new ArrayList<Person>();
  a1.add(new Person("abc1"));
  a1.add(new Person("abc2"));
  a1.add(new Person("abc3"));
  ArrayList<Student> a11 = new ArrayList<Student>();
  a11.add(new Student("abc1"));
  a11.add(new Student("abc2"));
  a11.add(new Student("abc3"));
  printColl(a11);//ArrayList<Person> a1 = new ArrayList<Studnet>();怎样不允许,在定义时,声明集合时,
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<Person> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Student>();
  Iterator<Person> it = a1.iterator();
class Person{
 private String name;
 Person(String name){
  this.name = name;
 public String getName(){
  return name;
class Student extends Person{
 public Student(String name){



//?叫通配符,也可以叫占位符,泛型的限定,? extends E:
//? super E:可以接收E类型或E的父类型,这称为下限定。
import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<Person> a1 = new ArrayList<Person>();
  a1.add(new Person("abc1"));
  a1.add(new Person("abc2"));
  a1.add(new Person("abc3"));
  ArrayList<Student> a11 = new ArrayList<Student>();
  a11.add(new Student("abc--1"));
  a11.add(new Student("abc--2"));
  a11.add(new Student("abc--3"));
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<? extends Person> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Student>();
  Iterator<? extends Person> it = a1.iterator();
class Person{
 private String name;
 Person(String name){
  this.name = name;
 public String getName(){
  return name;
class Student extends Person{
 public Student(String name){


class Student implements Comparable<Person>{//<? super E>
 public int compareTo(Person s){
class Comp implements Comparator<Person>{
 public int compare(Person s1,Person s2){
  return s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName());
TreeSet<Student> ts = new TreeSet<Student>(new Comp()));
ts.add(new Student("abc1"));
ts.add(new Student("abc2"));
ts.add(new Student("abc3"));

import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  ArrayList<Person> a1 = new ArrayList<Person>();
  a1.add(new Person("abc1"));
  a1.add(new Person("abc2"));
  a1.add(new Person("abc3"));
  ArrayList<Student> a11 = new ArrayList<Student>();
  a11.add(new Student("abc--1"));
  a11.add(new Student("abc--2"));
  a11.add(new Student("abc--3"));
 public static void printColl(ArrayList<? super Student> a1){//ArrayList<String> a1 = new ArrayList<Student>();
  Iterator<? super Student> it = a1.iterator();
class Person{
 private String name;
 Person(String name){
  this.name = name;
 public String getName(){
  return name;
class Student extends Person{
 public Student(String name){


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import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  // 此处也可使用匿名内部类。。。。。。。
  TreeSet ts = new TreeSet(new StrLenComparator());

  Iterator it = ts.iterator();
class StrLenComparator implements Comparator{
 public int compare(Object o1,Object o2){
  String s1 = (String)o1;
  String s2 = (String)o2;
  // return 1;
  // return 0;
  //return -1;
  int num = new Integer(s1.length()).compareTo(new Integer(s2.length()));
  if(num == 0)
   return s1.compareTo(s2);
  return num;



import java.util.*;
class VectorDemo{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  TreeSet<Student> ts = new TreeSet<Student>(new Com());
  ts.add(new Student("abc03"));
  ts.add(new Student("abc02"));
  ts.add(new Student("abc06"));
  ts.add(new Student("abc01"));
  for(Iterator<Student> i = ts.iterator();i.hasNext();){

  TreeSet<Worker> ts1 = new TreeSet<Worker>(new Com());
  ts1.add(new Worker("wabc03"));
  ts1.add(new Worker("wabc02"));
  ts1.add(new Worker("wabc06"));
  ts1.add(new Worker("wabc01"));
  for(Iterator<Worker> i = ts1.iterator();i.hasNext();){

class StuCom implements Comparator<Student>{
 public int compare(Student s1,Student s2){
  return s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName());

class WorkCom implements Comparator<Worker>{
 public int compare(Worker s1,Worker s2){
  return s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName());
class Com implements Comparator<Person>{//这里面只能用父类的方法,
 public int compare(Person p1,Person p2){
  return p2.getName().compareTo(p1.getName());//这里面只能用父类的方法,
class Person{
 private String name;
 Person(String name){
  this.name = name;
 public String getName(){
  return name;
 public String toString(){
  return "person : "+name;
class Student extends Person{
 Student(String name){
class Worker extends Person{
 Worker(String name){


你可能感兴趣的:(黑马程序员-学习日记9(集合框架 3 ) .)