It is pretty cold , a gust of autumn wind is blowing. and sun light is beautiful today, all of that
whisper to me."go,do something,shopping and buy yourself something".em... that is really a good idea.
Someone said that shopping is enjoying, whereas I never had that feeling before. In the aisle of "汇金百货" ,dark hair, brown, white,are there, lot of them in sunday, especially a good sunday like today.noisy and crowded and dizzy...
Without the telent of shopping, I get lost in the department store finally, not in men's department, but girl's, embarrassed. beautiful clothes all around there. but not for me! get out, get out.
Looking around, clothes there are elaborate, soft, and expensive. really hard for me to choose. Reason
is useless here. you can not judge one of the vestments by any theories or logic. someone said you
need some kind of a instinct of beauty and harmonious, however, my instinct sucks. Base on the
disadvantageous situation. I use neither reason or instinct. I took the first one I like the most.
Till now, I do not feel the feeling of shopping. faced the countless choice troubles me a lot,really.
I pay for the one by my cridit card, its first time being used. Then, When I slot the card,
something speacial happens to me. In my mind, not the number of the money, not the fitness of the vestment, nothing there, but just good:spending without cash, like killing without sword, like singing
without words.
From the very begining of the shopping to the end, It took me 47 minutes.