



statspace比 utlbstat/utlestat在下面几个方面有提高:
  - Statspack collects more data, including high resource SQL
    (and the optimizer execution plans for those statements)

-statspacek在调优的时候,提前计算很多有用的比率,如cache hit比率等









awr是oracle server的组成部分,自动60分钟收集一次server相关的数据,当statistics_level被设置成typical或all时,server自己收集数据,addm使用这些数据来诊断问题,dba和性能优化工程师可以使用em来查看性能建议,或是使用awr。作为对比,statspace是手工来安装并配置的。

2.  statspack 配置
2.1.  数据库空间要求


statspack的表默认额初始extent,next extent是100k,1m,3m,或5m。为了安装statspack,最小空间要求是100MB,
2.2.  安装工具
    e.g.  Start SQL*Plus, then:
      on Unix:
        SQL>  connect / as sysdba
        SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/spcreate
      on Windows:
        SQL>  connect / as sysdba
        SQL>  @%ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\spcreate
      1.  spcusr  ->  creates the user and grants privileges
      2.  spctab  ->  creates the tables
      3.  spcpkg  ->  creates the package



        perfstat_password    -> for the password
        default_tablespace   -> for the default tablespace
        temporary_tablespace -> for the temporary tablespace
        on Unix:
          SQL>  connect / as sysdba
          SQL>  define default_tablespace='tools'
          SQL>  define temporary_tablespace='temp'
          SQL>  define perfstat_password='erg8oiw'
          SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/spcreate
          SQL>  undefine perfstat_password

2.3. 在安装过程中的错误
比如.  Start SQL*Plus, connect as a user with SYSDBA privilege, then:
       SQL> @spdrop
       SQL> @spcreate
3.  通过快照采集数据


      SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
      SQL>  execute statspack.snap;
     SQL> variable snap number;
     SQL> begin   :snap := statspack.snap;   end;
       2  /
     PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
     SQL> print snap

3.1.  自动化数据收集



    - using Operating System utilities.  On Unix systems, you could use 
      utilities such as 'cron' or 'at'.  On Windows, you could schedule a 
      task (e.g. via Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools> 
      Scheduled Tasks).
3.2.  使用dbms_job




    execute dbms_job.interval(1,'SYSDATE+(1/48)');

上面的结果是每隔半小时收集一次 1440/48=30

    execute<job number>);
    execute dbms_job.remove(<job number>);
4. 运行报告



sql报告是具体sql的报告,提供了详细的信息,需要改sql的hash value
4.1. 运行报告
   1. The beginning snapshot Id
    2. The ending    snapshot Id
    3. The name of the report text file to be created
    e.g. on Unix
      SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
      SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/spreport
    e.g. on Windows
      SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
      SQL>  @%ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\spreport
    Example output:
    SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
    SQL>  @spreport
Current Instance

   DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
 2618106428 PRD1                1 prd1

Instances in this Statspack schema

   DB Id    Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
----------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
 2618106428        1 PRD10        prd1         dlsun525

Using  261810642 for database Id
Using          1 for instance number

Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.

Listing all Completed Snapshots

                           Snap                    Snap
Instance     DB Name         Id   Snap Started    Level Comment
------------ ------------ ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------------
prd1         PRD1             1 11 May 2000 12:07     5
                              2 11 May 2000 12:08     5

                              3 12 May 2000 07:07     5
                              4 12 May 2000 08:08     5

Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 1
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 1

Enter value for end_snap: 2

End   Snapshot Id specified: 2

Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is sp_1_2  To use this name,
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
Enter value for report_name: <press return or enter a new name>

Using the report name sp_1_2

  The report will now scroll past, and also be written to the file
  specified (e.g. sp_1_2.lis).



      The variables are:
        begin_snap   -> specifies the begin Snapshot Id
        end_snap     -> specifies the end   Snapshot Id
        report_name  -> specifies the Report output name
        on Unix:
          SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
          SQL>  define begin_snap=1
          SQL>  define end_snap=2
          SQL>  define report_name=batch_run
          SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/spreport
      spreport will no longer prompt for the above information.

4.2. 当有多个实例的时候生成报告,在rac下对特定的实例生成报告,需要运行sprepins.sql,会出现下面的提示
    1. The DBId
    2. The Instance Number
    3. The beginning snapshot Id
    4. The ending    snapshot Id

    5. The name of the report text file to be created

    Example output:
    SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
    SQL>  @sprepins

Instances in this Statspack schema

   DB Id    Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
----------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
  590400074        1 CON90        con90        dlsun525
 4290976145        1 MAIL         MAIL         mailhost

Enter value for dbid: 4290976145
Using 4290976145 for database Id
Enter value for inst_num: 1

      The variables are
        dbid         -> specifies the dbid
        inst_num     -> specifies the instance number
        begin_snap   -> specifies the begin Snapshot Id
        end_snap     -> specifies the end   Snapshot Id
        report_name  -> specifies the Report output name
          SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
          SQL>  define dbid=4290976145
          SQL>  define inst_num=1
          SQL>  define begin_snap=1
          SQL>  define end_snap=2
          SQL>  define report_name=batch_run
          SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/sprepins



num_days是要显示几天的快照,默认是显示全部快照,现在这个是可以配置的了。这个变量可以在实例报告和sql变量中修改。通过修改num_days来实现。 T
        define num_days = 60
    <null>      - When a null string is used, all snapshots will be displayed.
                  This is the default setting.
                        define num_days = ''

    <n>         - Where n is the number of days of snapshots to list.
                  e.g. to set the number of days of snapshots to list to 31,
                  set num_days to 31:
                        define num_days = 31
    0           - A value of 0 means do not print out any snapshots.
                  This value would be of most use for batch execution of
                  the instance report, where the values for begin snap id and
                  end snap id are already known, thus printing out a list to
                  choose from is unneeded.
                        define num_days = 0
    <undefined> - This means the parameter is commented out in (or totally 
                  removed from) the file sprepins.sql
                  An undefined value for num_days will result in the report
                  prompting you for the number of days to enter, interactively.
                  Using '--' before the 'define' comments out the definition
                  of the variable, thus leaving it undefined.
                       -- define num_days=31
                  Choosing this setting as your site's default means the 
                  instance report cannot be run in batch mode.


Current Instance

   DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
 1296193444 MAINDB              1 maindb

Instances in this Statspack schema

   DB Id    Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
----------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
 1296193444        1 MAINDB       maindb       main1

Using 1296193444 for database Id
Using          1 for instance number

Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.

Enter value for num_days: 5

Listing the last 5 days of Completed Snapshots

                           Snap                    Snap
Instance     DB Name         Id   Snap Started    Level Comment
------------ ------------ ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------------
                             13 26 Sep 2002 17:01     5
                             14 27 Sep 2002 13:28     5
                             15 27 Sep 2002 13:29     5
                             16 30 Sep 2002 14:40     5

Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 

  SQL section report settings - top_n_sql



        define top_n_sql = 65;
  SQL section report settings - num_rows_per_hash



        define num_rows_per_hash = 10;
  SQL section report settings - top_pct_sql



  This is a number which restricts the rows of SQL shown in the SQL sections  
  of the report.  Only SQL statements which exceeded top_pct_sql percentage
  of resources used, are candidates for listing in the report.
  The default value is 1.0%  To change the default, change the value of the
  variable top_pct_sql.
        define top_pct_sql = 0.5;
在sql报告的ordered by gets部分,sql只有超过0.5%的sql才能在报告中显示。
  Segment related report settings - top_n_segstat


段相关的设置 top_n_segstat,默认值是5,top 5的逻辑读sql被展示,按下面的修改设置:

  The number of top segments to display in each of the Segment sections of 
  the instance report.
  The default value is 5, which means only the top 5 segments in each category
  (e.g. top 5 logical reads) will be displayed.  To change the default, 
  change the value of the variable top_n_segstat.
         define top_n_segstat = 5;
4.4. Running the SQL report
    1. The beginning snapshot Id
    2. The ending    snapshot Id
    3. The Hash Value for the SQL statement
    4. The name of the report text file to be created

    Example output:
    SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
    SQL>  @sprepsql

   DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
 2618106428 PRD1                1 prd1

Completed Snapshots
                           Snap                    Snap
Instance     DB Name         Id   Snap Started    Level Comment
------------ ------------ ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------------
prd1         PRD1            37 02 Mar 2001 11:01     6
                             38 02 Mar 2001 12:01     6

                             39 08 Mar 2001 09:01     5
                             40 08 Mar 2001 10:02     5

Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 39
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 39

Enter value for end_snap: 40
End   Snapshot Id specified: 40

Specify the Hash Value
Enter value for hash_value: 1988538571
Hash Value specified is: 1988538571

Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is sp_39_40_1988538571.  To use this name,
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
Enter value for report_name: 

Using the report name sp_39_40_1988538571

  The report will scroll past, and also be written to the file
  specified (e.g. sp_39_40_1988538571.lis).
      The variables are:
        begin_snap   -> specifies the begin Snapshot Id
        end_snap     -> specifies the end   Snapshot Id
        hash_value   -> specifies the Hash Value
        report_name  -> specifies the Report output name

          SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
          SQL>  define begin_snap=39
          SQL>  define end_snap=40
          SQL>  define hash_value=1988538571
          SQL>  define report_name=batch_sql_run
          SQL>  @sprepsql
      sprepsql will no longer prompt for the above information.

4.5. 在多实例的库上运行sql报告
   You will be prompted for:
    1. The DBId
    2. The Instance Number
    3. The beginning snapshot Id
    4. The ending    snapshot Id
    5. The Hash Value for the SQL statement
    6. The name of the report text file to be created

    Example output:
    SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
    SQL>  @sprsqins

Current Instance

   DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
 1296193444 MAINDB              1 maindb

Instances in this Statspack schema

   DB Id    Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
----------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
 1296193444        1 MAINDB       maindb       main1
 4290976145        1 MAIL         MAIL         mailhost

Enter value for dbid: 4290976145
Using 4290976145 for database Id
Enter value for inst_num: 1


      The variables are:
        dbid         -> specifies the dbid
        inst_num     -> specifies the instance number
        begin_snap   -> specifies the begin Snapshot Id
        end_snap     -> specifies the end   Snapshot Id
        hash_value   -> specifies the Hash Value        
        report_name  -> specifies the Report output name
          SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
          SQL>  define dbid=4290976145
          SQL>  define inst_num=1
          SQL>  define begin_snap=1
          SQL>  define end_snap=2
          SQL>  define hash_value=1988538571
          SQL>  define report_name=batch_run
          SQL>  @?/rdbms/admin/sprsqins

execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname=>'PERFSTAT',cascade=>true);

5.  配置收集的数据量


5.1. 快照的级别
5.2. 快照阀值


  e.g. Take a single level 6 snapshot (do not save level 6 as the default):
    SQL>  execute statspack.snap(i_snap_level=>6);


     SQL>  execute statspack.snap - 
           (i_snap_level=>10, i_modify_parameter=>'true');


 SQL>  execute statspack.modify_statspack_parameter - 

            (i_snap_level=>10, i_buffer_gets_th=>10000, i_disk_reads_th=>1000);

5.4 快照级别-详细


这个级别或是高于0级别的收集基本的性能数据,比如:等待数据,系统事件,系统数据,回滚段数据,row cache ,sga,后台事件,会话事件,锁信息,bufferpool数据 ,latch数据,资源限制,队列数据,还有如下启用的信息:aum,buffer cache advisory ,pga内存管理,集群数据库数据。

级别5 收集除了低级别收集的信息,还有 sql的资源使用 ,这个生成快照的花费的时间跟shared_pool_size相关。共享池越大,sql越多,就越慢。





3sql解析调用数 ,默认是1000

4sql的buffer gets默认是1000

5sql使用的共享内存大小 ,默认是 1m

6sql的版本数量 默认是 20

快照级别6除了获取低级别的信息还 获取的额外信息,sql计划和sql计划的使用
为了获取sql计划,当快照执行的时候,sql一定要在共享池中 ,并且超过了阀值。为了获取在共享池中所有的sql信息,你可以临时指定阀值i_execution_th成0.

级别7 除了获取低级别的所有数据,还要获得段级别的信息。











3在rac中global cache对定位实例间的交通堵塞有帮助




3buffer busy waits

4itl waits

5row lock waits

6global cache cr blocks served*


        - number of logical reads on the segment                (default 10000)
        - number of physical reads on the segment               (default 1000)
        - number of buffer busy waits on the segment            (default 100)
        - number of row lock waits on the segment               (default 100)
        - number of ITL waits on the segment                    (default 100)
        - number of global cache Consistent Read blocks served* (default 1000)
        - number of global cache CUrrent blocks served*         (default 1000)

级别10除了收集低级别的信息,还收集 父子latch信息 ,这个是很耗时的,会导致资源紧张,需要在oracle建议下使用。
5.5. 指定session id

如果你想要获取sessin的数据和等待事件,可以指定sesion id 

    SQL>  execute statspack.snap(i_session_id=>3);
为了使session的数据在报告输出中显示,session的序列号一定要在快照的开始和结束时保持一致 ,如果不一致产生的报告就是无效的,会有下面的警告出来:
    captured in begin and end snapshots are for different sessions
    (Begin Snap sid,serial#: 10,752,  End Snap sid,serial#: 10,754).

5.6. 为snap和modify_statspack_parameters存储过程的输入参数

                    Range of      Default
Parameter Name      Valid Values  Value    Meaning
------------------  ------------  -------  -----------------------------------
i_snap_level        0,5,6,7,10    5        Snapshot Level
i_ucomment          Text          <blank>  Comment to be stored with Snapshot
i_executions_th    Integer >=0   100      SQL Threshold: number of times
                                           the statement was executed
i_disk_reads_th    Integer >=0   1,000    SQL Threshold: number of disk reads 
                                           the statement made
i_parse_calls_th    Integer >=0   1,000    SQL Threshold: number of parse 
                                           calls the statement made
i_buffer_gets_th    Integer >=0   10,000   SQL Threshold: number of buffer
                                           gets the statement made
i_sharable_mem_th   Integer >=0   1048576  SQL Threshold: amount of sharable
i_version_count_th  Integer >=0   20       SQL Threshold: number of versions
                                           of a SQL statement
i_seg_phy_reads_th  Integer >=0   1,000    Segment statistic Threshold: number
                                           of physical reads on a segment. 
i_seg_log_reads_th  Integer >=0   1,0000   Segment statistic Threshold: number 
                                           of logical reads on a segment.
i_seg_buff_busy_th  Integer >=0   100      Segment statistic Threshold: number 
                                           of buffer busy waits for a segment.
i_seg_rowlock_w_th  Integer >=0   100      Segment statistic Threshold: number 
                                           of row lock waits for a segment.
i_seg_itl_waits_th  Integer >=0   100      Segment statistic Threshold: number 
                                           of ITL waits for a segment.
i_seg_cr_bks_sd_th  Integer >=0   1000     Segment statistic Threshold: number
                                           of Consistent Reads blocks served by
                                           the instance for the segment*.
i_seg_cu_bks_sd_th  Integer >=0   1000     Segment statistic Threshold: number
                                           of CUrrent blocks served by the
                                           instance for the segment*.
i_session_id        Valid sid     0 (no    Session Id of the Oracle Session
                    from          session) to capture session granular
                    v$session              statistics for
i_modify_parameter  True,False    False    Save the parameters specified for 
                                           future snapshots?


oracle现在支持捕获秒及毫秒级别的性能数据 。如下视图包含秒

  - v$session_wait, v$system_event, v$session_event (time_waited_micro column)
  - v$sql, v$sqlarea (cpu_time, elapsed_time columns)
  - v$latch, v$latch_parent, v$latch_children (wait_time column)
  - v$sql_workarea, v$sql_workarea_active (active_time column)


  - v$enqueue_stat (cum_wait_time)

For clarity, the time units used are specified in the column headings of
each timed column in the Statspack report.  The convention used is:
      (s)  - a second
      (cs) - a centisecond - which is       100th of a second
      (ms) - a millisecond - which is     1,000th of a second 
      (us) - a microsecond - which is 1,000,000th of a second 
7. 事件时间

如果计时可用,在报告中等待事件会按时间排序,如果timed_statistics是false,在后续用户的程序中设置了timed_statistics =true,那么在报告中看到时间和事件就 不正常了 。建议timed_statistics应该在实例级别设置成true用于诊断问题 。


设置基线对于后续出问题时候来对比是很有必要的,设置成基线的快照不会被statspack丢弃。如果以后你不想保存之前的基线快照,你可以标记快照可以清除。新的存储过程和函数已经被添加到了 statspack包中 ,make_baseline和clear_baseline,他们都可以接受参数

-开始snap id 和结束snap id 

开始和结束snap id 对可以被指定,这种情况下,你或是选择开始snap id或 end snap id的范围作为baseline或是只是这两个snapshots作为基线,默认的是快照对之间的全部是基线。



调用make_baseline存储过程或是 make_baseline函数都是可以的。唯一的不同时make_baseline函数返回设置成快照的号,而存储过程不会 。

相似的 clear_baseline返回清除的快照数量 。


如果i_snap_rang参数设置了false那么只是输入的快照是 基线。

                    Range of           Default
Parameter Name      Valid Values       Value    Meaning
------------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------------------
i_begin_snap        Any Valid Snap Id  -        SnapId to start the baseline at
i_end_snap          Any valid Snap Id  -        SnapId to end the baseline at
i_snap_range        TRUE/FALSE         TRUE     Should the range of snapshots
                                                between the begin and end snap
                                                be included?
i_dbid              | Any valid DBId/  Current  Caters for RAC databases
i_instance_number   | inst number      DBId/    where you may wish to baseline
                      combination      Inst #   snapshots on one instance
                      in this                   which were physically taken
                      Statspack                 on another instance

  Example 1:

为了使快照 45和50之间的快照成基线 ,并且不想有返回值看有多少快照被设置成基线 ,使用perfstat用户登录sql*plus

       SQL> exec statspack.make_baseline -
                 (i_begin_snap => 45, -
                  i_end_snap   => 50);
       SQL> exec statspack.make_baseline(45, 50);

  Example 2:

1237和1241范围中的都是基线 ,看返回至值,调用函数 。

       SQL> variable num_snaps number;
       SQL> begin
       SQL>   :num_snaps := statspack.make_baseline(1237, 1241);
       SQL> end;
       SQL> /
       SQL> print num_snaps

  Example 3:


       SQL> exec statspack.make_baseline(5, 12, false);

                    Range of           Default
Parameter Name      Valid Values       Value    Meaning
------------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------------------
i_begin_date        Any valid date     -        Date to start the baseline at
i_end_date          Any valid date >   -        Date to end baseline at
                    begin date
i_dbid              | Any valid DBId/  Current  Caters for RAC databases
i_instance_number   | inst number      DBId/    where you may wish to baseline
                      combination      Inst #   snapshots on one instance
                      in this                   which were physically taken
                      Statspack                 on another instance

  Example 1:
       To make a baseline of snapshots taken between 12-Feb-2003 at 9am, and 
       12-Feb-2003 at 12 midday (and be informed of the number of snapshots 
       affected), call the MAKE_BASELINE function.  Log into the PERFSTAT 
       user in SQL*Plus, and:

       SQL> variable num_snaps number;
       SQL> begin
       SQL>   :num_snaps := statspack.make_baseline 
                (to_date('12-FEB-2003 09:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'),
                 to_date('12-FEB-2003 12:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'));
       SQL> end;
       SQL> /
       SQL> print num_snaps
  Example 2:
       To clear an existing baseline which covers the times 13-Dec-2002 at 
       11pm and 14-Dec-2002 at 2am (without wanting to know how many 
       snapshots were affected), log into the PERFSTAT user in SQL*Plus, and:
       SQL> exec statspack.clear_baseline - 
              (to_date('13-DEC-2002 23:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'), -
               to_date('14-FEB-2002 02:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'));
8.2.清空删除不必要的数据 ,清空perfstat用户下面的不必要数据时可能的,但是基线快照不会被清空。
-清空的数据可以使用snap id和end snap id指定 。
  - 开始日期与结束日期
 - 清除指定日期之前的数据
- 几天内的数据


                    Range of           Default
Parameter Name      Valid Values       Value    Meaning
------------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------------------
i_begin_snap        Any Valid Snap Id  -        SnapId to start purging from
i_end_snap          Any valid Snap Id  -        SnapId to end purging at
i_snap_range        TRUE/FALSE         TRUE     Should the range of snapshots
                                                between the begin and end snap
                                                be included?
i_extended_purge    TRUE/FALSE         FALSE    Determines whether unused
                                                SQL Text, SQL Plans and 
                                                Segment Identifiers will be
                                                purged in addition to the
                                                normal data purged
i_dbid              | Any valid DBId/  Current  Caters for RAC databases
i_instance_number   | inst number      DBId/    where you may wish to baseline
                      combination      Inst #   snapshots on one instance
                      in this                   which were physically taken
                      Statspack                 on another instance

  Example 1:
       Purge all snapshots between the specified begin and end snap ids.  Also
       purge unused SQL Text, SQL Plans and Segment Identifiers, and
       return the number of snapshots purged.  Log into the PERFSTAT user 
       in SQL*Plus, and:
       SQL> variable num_snaps number;
       SQL> begin
       SQL>   :num_snaps := statspack.purge
                 ( i_begin_snap=>1237, i_end_snap=>1241
                 , i_extended_purge=>TRUE);
       SQL> end;
       SQL> /
       SQL> print num_snaps       

  8.2.2.  为purge存储过程和函数输入日期。

                    Range of           Default
Parameter Name      Valid Values       Value    Meaning
------------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------------------
i_begin_date        Date               -        Date to start purging from
i_end_date          End date > begin   -        Date to end purging at
                    date               -        SnapId to end the baseline at
i_extended_purge    TRUE/FALSE         FALSE    Determines whether unused
                                                SQL Text, SQL Plans and 
                                                Segment Identifiers will be
                                                purged in addition to the
                                                normal data purged
i_dbid              | Any valid DBId/  Current  Caters for RAC databases
i_instance_number   | inst number      DBId/    where you may wish to baseline
                      combination      Inst #   snapshots on one instance
                      in this                   which were physically taken
                      Statspack                 on another instance

  Example 1:
       Purge all snapshots which fall between 01-Jan-2003 and 02-Jan-2003.
       Also perform an extended purge.  Log into the PERFSTAT user in 
       SQL*Plus, and:
        SQL> exec statspack.purge -
               (i_begin_date=>to_date('01-JAN-2003', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), -
                i_end_date  =>to_date('02-JAN-2003', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), -


                    Range of           Default
Parameter Name      Valid Values       Value    Meaning
------------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------------------
i_purge_before_date Date               -        Snapshots older than this date
                                                will be purged
i_extended_purge    TRUE/FALSE         FALSE    Determines whether unused
                                                SQL Text, SQL Plans and 
                                                Segment Identifiers will be
                                                purged in addition to the
                                                normal data purged.
i_dbid              | Any valid DBId/  Current  Caters for RAC databases
i_instance_number   | inst number      DBId/    where you may wish to baseline
                      combination      Inst #   snapshots on one instance
                      in this                   which were physically taken
                      Statspack                 on another instance
  Example 1:
       To purge data older than a specified date, without wanting to know the 
       number of snapshots purged, log into the PERFSTAT user in SQL*Plus,
       SQL> exec statspack.purge(to_date('31-OCT-2002','DD-MON-YYYY'));
  8.2.4. Input Parameters for the PURGE procedure and function
         which accept the Number of Days of data to keep
  This section describes the input parameters for the PURGE procedure and 
  function which accept the number of days of snapshots to keep.  All data
  older than the specified number of days will be purged.  The input 
  parameters for both procedure and function are identical.  If 
  i_extended_purge is TRUE, also perform an extended purge.
  If the function is called, it will return the number of snapshots purged.
                    Range of           Default
Parameter Name      Valid Values       Value    Meaning
------------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------------------
i_num_days          Number > 0         -        Snapshots older than this
                                                number of days will be purged
i_extended_purge    TRUE/FALSE         FALSE    Determines whether unused
                                                SQL Text, SQL Plans and 
                                                Segment Identifiers will be
                                                purged in addition to the
                                                normal data purged
i_dbid              | Any valid DBId/  Current  Caters for RAC databases
i_instance_number   | inst number      DBId/    where you may wish to baseline
                      combination      Inst #   snapshots on one instance
                      in this                   which were physically taken
                      Statspack                 on another instance

  Example 1:
       To purge data older than 31 days, without wanting to know the number 
       of snapshots operated on, log into the PERFSTAT user in SQL*Plus, and:
       SQL> exec statspack.purge(31);


当sppurge运行的时候,可用的快照被列出来,dba指定低snap id和高snap id,在这之间的所有快照都会被删除。这个删除动作时自动提交的,删除后就不能回滚了

  e.g. Purging data - connect to PERFSTAT using SQL*Plus, then run the
       sppurge.sql script - sample example output appears below.
SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
SQL>  set transaction use rollback segment rbig;
SQL>  @sppurge
Database Instance currently connected to
   DB Id    DB Name    Inst Num Name
----------- ---------- -------- ----------
  720559826 PERF              1 perf

Snapshots for this database instance
                               Base-  Snap
 Snap Id   Snapshot Started    line? Level Host            Comment
-------- --------------------- ----- ----- --------------- --------------------
       1  30 Feb 2000 10:00:01           6 perfhost
       2  30 Feb 2000 12:00:06 Y         6 perfhost
       3  01 Mar 2000 02:00:01 Y         6 perfhost
       4  01 Mar 2000 06:00:01           6 perfhost

Specify the Lo Snap Id and Hi Snap Id range to purge
Enter value for losnapid: 1
Using 1 for lower bound.

Enter value for hisnapid: 2
Using 2 for upper bound.

Deleting snapshots 1 - 2

Purge of specified Snapshot range complete.

SQL> -- end of example output


如果想要清除所有的数据,可以使用sptrunc.sql,这个脚本会清除所有的数据,包括基线快照 。

    SQL>  connect perfstat/perfstat_password
    SQL>  @sptrunc
    Running sptrunc.sql removes ALL data from Statspack tables.  You may
    wish to export the data before continuing.

    About to Truncate Statspack Tables
    If would like to exit WITHOUT truncating the tables, enter any text at the
    begin_or_exit prompt (e.g. 'exit'), otherwise if you would like to begin
    the truncate operation, press <return>

    Enter value for begin_or_exit: 
    Entered at the 'begin_or_exit' prompt

    ... Starting truncate operation

    Table truncated.
    Table truncated.
    Commit complete.
    Package altered.
    ... Truncate operation complete
8.4. 通过export共享数据 
    exp userid=perfstat/perfstat_password parfile=spuexp.par
