Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01


Add new Tab to transaction CO01(Creation production order) and store the values in standard Include CI_AUFK which will get appended to Production order header table AUFK. 


Create a project in CMOD with enhancement PPCO0012.

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第1张图片

Go to components Double click on screen exit SAPLCOKO1 it will take you to

The screen number 0100 program name SAPLXCO1. 

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第2张图片

Design your screen as per the requirement in screen layout. 

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第3张图片

For PBO use the function module EXIT_SAPLCOKO1_001

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第4张图片

For PAI use the function module EXIT_SAPLCOKO1_002 

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第5张图片

Now in order to declare the screen fields globally

Goto function group XC01 in SE80, declare in the include ZXCO1TOP

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第6张图片

Use the E_COCI_AUFK exporting parameter to append the values to Structure CI_AUFK, which will get saved in AUFK when the production Order gets saved.

Create the Custom field in the structure CI_AUFK.

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第7张图片

Create the production order using the transaction CO01. 

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第8张图片

Custom tabs appears as follows

Implementing Screen Exit for the transaction CO01_第9张图片

Now when you create the production order the value entered in the custom field gets saved along with the production order data in AUFK table.

