BAPI for goods receipt for subcontracting PO

*Item Parameters to be passed:     

Ordered (Subcontracting) Material:

Parameter     Field     Description     Value

GOODSMVT_ITEM     MATERIAL     Material Number     100-200

     PLANT     Plant     1000

     ENTRY_QNT     Quantity in Unit of Entry     0.000

     MOVE_TYPE     Movement Type     121

     PO_NUMBER     Purchase Order Number     4500000007

     PO_ITEM     Item Number of Purchasing Document     00010

     MVT_IND     Movement Indicator     O

     LINE_ID     Unique identification of document line     000001

     PARENT_ID     Identifier of immediately superior line     000000

Note: Quantity of ordered material must be zero.



Component Material 1:

Parameter     Field     Description     Value

GOODSMVT_ITEM     MATERIAL     Material Number     100-100

     PLANT     Plant     1000

     ENTRY_QNT     Quantity in Unit of Entry     2.000

     LINE_ID     Unique identification of document line     000002

     PARENT_ID     Identifier of immediately superior line     000001

Note: LINE_ID should be incremented for each component and the PARENT_ID remains same for all the components of an ordered material. Component negative quantity can be given in case of Under Consumption.



Component Material 2:

Parameter     Field     Description     Value

GOODSMVT_ITEM     MATERIAL     Material Number     100-100

     PLANT     Plant     1000

     ENTRY_QNT     Quantity in Unit of Entry     3.000

     LINE_ID     Unique identification of document line     000003

     PARENT_ID     Identifier of immediately superior line     000001

Encapsulated function :

FUNCTION z_subcontractadjustment.
*"*"Local interface:

  DATA:goodsmvt_header TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_01.
  DATA:goodsmvt_code TYPE bapi2017_gm_code.
  DATA:materialdocument TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc.
  DATA:matdocumentyear TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year.
  DATA:goodsmvt_item TYPE TABLE OF bapi2017_gm_item_create WITH HEADER LINE.
  DATA:t_output TYPE TABLE OF zwms_get_sampling_info_output WITH HEADER LINE.
  DATA:lv_werks LIKE ekpo-werks,
       lv_lgort LIKE ekpo-lgort,
       lv_meins LIKE ekpo-meins.

  CLEAR goodsmvt_header.
  CLEAR goodsmvt_code.
  CLEAR materialdocument.
  CLEAR matdocumentyear.

  goodsmvt_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.
  goodsmvt_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
  goodsmvt_code-gm_code = '07'.

  REFRESH goodsmvt_item.
  CLEAR goodsmvt_item.

  LOOP AT input.

    goodsmvt_item-material = input-matnr.      "'000000000000207560'."      Material Number     100-200
    goodsmvt_item-plant = input-werks.         "'6100'."     Plant     1000
    goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = '0'.             "Quantity in Unit of Entry     0.000
    goodsmvt_item-move_type = '121'.           "Movement Type     121
    goodsmvt_item-po_number = input-ebeln.     "'4500038045'."    Purchase Order Number     4500000007
    goodsmvt_item-po_item = input-ebelp.       "'00010'."     Item Number of Purchasing Document     00010
    goodsmvt_item-mvt_ind = 'O'.               "Movement Indicator     O
    goodsmvt_item-line_id = '000001'.          "Unique identification of document line     000001
    goodsmvt_item-parent_id = '000000'.        "    Identifier of immediately superior line     000000

    APPEND goodsmvt_item.
    CLEAR goodsmvt_item.

    "Component Material 3:
    "Parameter     Field     Description     Value
    goodsmvt_item-material = input-zjtnr.      "'YZCA-00019-101'. "     Material Number     100-100
    goodsmvt_item-plant = input-werks.         "'6100'. "    Plant     1000
    goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt = input-entry_qnt. "'1'. "    Quantity in Unit of Entry     3.000
*    GOODSMVT_ITEM-LINE_ID = '000004'.         "Unique identification of document line     000003
    goodsmvt_item-parent_id = '000001'.        "    Identifier of immediately superior line     000001
    goodsmvt_item-batch = input-batch.         "'CPD10709'.
    APPEND goodsmvt_item.
    CLEAR goodsmvt_item.

      goodsmvt_header  = goodsmvt_header
      goodsmvt_code    = goodsmvt_code
      materialdocument = materialdocument
      matdocumentyear  = matdocumentyear
      goodsmvt_item    = goodsmvt_item
      return           = return.

  IF materialdocument NE ''.
    flag = 'S'.
    mblnr = materialdocument.
    message = '创建凭证成功!'.
        wait = 'X'.
    flag = 'E'.
    CLEAR return.
    READ TABLE return WITH KEY type = 'E'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      CONCATENATE '凭证创建失败:' return-message '!' INTO message.


你可能感兴趣的:(BAPI for goods receipt for subcontracting PO)