Yakexi, this is the best age!" Dong MW works hard and get high pay, he has many 1 Jiao and 5 Jiao banknotes(纸币), some day he went to a bank and changes part of his money into 1 Yuan, 5 Yuan, 10 Yuan.(1 Yuan = 10 Jiao)
"Thanks to the best age, I can buy many things!" Now Dong MW has a book to buy, it costs P Jiao. He wonders how many banknotes at least,and how many banknotes at most he can use to buy this nice book. Dong MW is a bit strange, he doesn't like to get the change, that is, he will give the bookseller exactly P Jiao.
T(T<=100) in the first line, indicating the case number. T lines with 6 integers each: P a1 a5 a10 a50 a100 ai means number of i-Jiao banknotes. All integers are smaller than 1000000.
Two integers A,B for each case, A is the fewest number of banknotes to buy the book exactly, and B is the largest number to buy exactly.If Dong MW can't buy the book with no change, output "-1 -1".
Sample Input
33 6 6 6 6 6
10 10 10 10 10 10
11 0 1 20 20 20
Sample Output
6 9
1 10
-1 -1
思路就是, 求最少时,就用贪心算法,很简单。当求最多时,转化一下,就是求剩下钱的最少值:第一组例子,33 6 6 6 6 6,一共是996毛减去33毛,就是剩下的963毛,下面的问题 就是 963毛用现有的钱数最少用几张凑出。这样33毛不就是最对了么,反正钱的总张数是一定的。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int f1(int m,int a1,int a5,int a10,int a50,int a100) { int mm,m2=0,n,sum=0; m2=a1+a5+a10+a50+a100; mm=a1+5*a5+10*a10+50*a50+100*a100; n=mm-m; for(;n >= 100&&a100 > 0;--a100) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-100; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 50&&a50 > 0;--a50) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-50; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 10&&a10 > 0;--a10) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-10; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 5&&a5 > 0;--a5) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-5; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 1&&a1 > 0;--a1) { int m1=0; n = n-1; ++m1; sum=sum+m1; } if(n == 0) return (m2-sum); else return -1; } int f2(int n,int a1,int a5,int a10,int a50,int a100) { int sum=0; for(;n >= 100&&a100 > 0;--a100) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-100; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 50&&a50 > 0;--a50) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-50; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 10&&a10 > 0;--a10) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-10; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 5&&a5 > 0;--a5) { int m1=0; ++m1; n = n-5; sum=sum+m1; } for(;n >= 1&&a1 > 0;--a1) { int m1=0; n = n-1; ++m1; sum=sum+m1; } if(n == 0) return sum; else return -1; } int main() { int m,k,Min,Max; int n,m1=0,m2,a1,a5,a10,a50,a100; cin>>k; while(k) { --k; cin>>n>>a1>>a5>>a10>>a50>>a100; Min = f2(n,a1,a5,a10,a50,a100); Max = f1(n,a1,a5,a10,a50,a100); cout<<Min<<" "<<Max<<endl; } }