/*! * Ext Core Library 3.0 * http://extjs.com/ * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * * MIT Licensed - http://extjs.com/license/mit.txt */ Ext.ns('Ext.ux'); Ext.ux.Lightbox = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable,{ els : {}, images : [], params : {}, activeImage : 0, initialized : false, selectors : [], width : 600, height : 530, overlayOpacity: 0.35, animate: true, dragable : false, resizeSpeed: 8, model : false, loadpage : false, borderSize: 10, group : false, labelImage: "Image", labelOf: "of", constructor : function(config) { this.activeImage = 0;this.els = {};this.selectors = []; config = config || {}; Ext.apply(this, config); Ext.ux.Lightbox.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); var sel = config.sel; this.resizeDuration = this.animate ? ((11 - this.resizeSpeed) * 0.15) : 0; this.overlayDuration = this.animate ? 0.2 : 0; this.addEvents('open', 'close'); if(this.selectors.indexOf(sel) === -1) { this.selectors.push(sel); Ext.fly(document).on('click', function(ev){ var target = ev.getTarget(sel); if (target) { ev.preventDefault(); this.open(target, sel, this.group); } }, this); } }, initMarkup: function() { this.els.shim = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { tag: 'iframe', id: 'ux-lightbox-shim' }, true); this.els.overlay = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { id: 'ux-lightbox-overlay' }, true); var lightboxTpl = new Ext.Template(this.getTemplate()); this.els.lightbox = lightboxTpl.append(document.body, {}, true); var ids = ['outerImageContainer', 'imageContainer', 'target', 'hoverNav', 'navPrev', 'navNext', 'loading', 'loadingLink', 'outerDataContainer', 'dataContainer', 'data', 'details', 'caption', 'imageNumber', 'bottomNav', 'navClose','container']; Ext.each(ids, function(id){ this.els[id] = Ext.get('ux-lightbox-' + id); },this); Ext.each([this.els.overlay, this.els.lightbox, this.els.shim], function(el){ el.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY) el.hide(); }); var size = (this.animate ? 250 : 1) + 'px'; this.els.outerImageContainer.setStyle({ width: size, height: size }); }, getTemplate : function() { return [ '<div id="ux-lightbox">', '<div id="ux-lightbox-outerDataContainer">', '<div id="ux-lightbox-dataContainer">', '<div id="ux-lightbox-data">', '<div id="ux-lightbox-details">', '<span id="ux-lightbox-caption"></span>', '<span id="ux-lightbox-imageNumber"></span>', '</div>', '<div id="ux-lightbox-bottomNav">', '<a href="#" id="ux-lightbox-navClose"></a>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div id="ux-lightbox-outerImageContainer">', '<div id="ux-lightbox-imageContainer">', '<div id="ux-lightbox-container"><img id="ux-lightbox-target"></div>', '<div id="ux-lightbox-hoverNav">', '<a href="#" id="ux-lightbox-navPrev"></a>', '<a href="#" id="ux-lightbox-navNext"></a>', '</div>', '<div id="ux-lightbox-loading">', '<a id="ux-lightbox-loadingLink"></a>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>' ]; }, initEvents: function() { var close = function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.close(); }; this.els.overlay.on('click', close, this); this.els.loadingLink.on('click', close, this); this.els.navClose.on('click', close, this); if(!this.model) { this.els.lightbox.on('click', function(ev) { if(ev.getTarget().id == 'ux-lightbox') { this.close(); } }, this); } this.els.navPrev.on('click', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.setImage(this.activeImage - 1); }, this); this.els.navNext.on('click', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.setImage(this.activeImage + 1); }, this); }, open: function(target, sel, group) { this.initMarkup(); this.initEvents(); this.initialized = true; this.setViewSize(); this.els.overlay.fadeIn({ duration: this.overlayDuration, endOpacity: this.overlayOpacity, callback: function() { this.targets = []; var index = 0; if(!this.group) { this.targets.push([target.href, target.title]); } else { var setItems = Ext.query(sel); Ext.each(setItems, function(item) { if(item.href) { this.targets.push([item.href, item.title]); } },this); while (this.targets[index][0] != target.href) { index++; } } var pageScroll = Ext.fly(document).getScroll(); var lightboxTop = pageScroll.top + (Ext.lib.Dom.getViewportHeight() / 10); var lightboxLeft = pageScroll.left; this.els.lightbox.setStyle({ top: lightboxTop + 'px', left: lightboxLeft + 'px' }).show(); this.setImage(index); this.fireEvent('open', this.targets[index]); }, scope: this }); }, setViewSize: function(){ var viewSize = this.getViewSize(); this.els.overlay.setStyle({ width: '100%', height: viewSize[1] + 'px' }); this.els.shim.setStyle({ width: '100%', height: viewSize[1] + 'px' }).show(); }, setImage: function(index){ this.activeImage = index; this.disableKeyNav(); if (this.animate) { this.els.loading.show(); } this.els.target.hide(); this.els.hoverNav.hide(); this.els.navPrev.hide(); this.els.navNext.hide(); this.els.dataContainer.setOpacity(0.0001); this.els.imageNumber.hide(); if(!this.loadpage) { var preload = new Image(); preload.onload = (function(){ this.els.target.dom.src = this.targets[this.activeImage][0]; this.resizeContaner(preload.width, preload.height); }).createDelegate(this); preload.src = this.targets[this.activeImage][0]; } else { this.els.target.remove(); this.ajaxload(this.targets[this.activeImage][0]); this.els.container.hide(); this.els.hoverNav.remove(); this.resizeContaner(this.width, this.height); } }, ajaxload : function (url){ //this.els.container.load({ Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, success: function(response,opts){ //this.els.container.update(''); var html = response.responseText; this.els.container.insertHtml('beforeEnd',html,true); this.els.container.setStyle({ fontSize : '12px', width : '100%', height : '100%' }); }, failure: function(){this.els.container.insertHtml('beforeEnd','服务器忙,请稍候再试!',true);}, method : 'POST', params : this.params, timeout : 3000, callback : this.callback, disableCaching : false, scope : this, scripts : true }); }, resizeContaner: function(w, h){ var wCur = this.els.outerImageContainer.getWidth(); var hCur = this.els.outerImageContainer.getHeight(); var wNew = (w + this.borderSize * 2); var hNew = (h + this.borderSize * 2); var wDiff = wCur - wNew; var hDiff = hCur - hNew; var afterResize = function(){ if(!this.loadpage) { this.els.hoverNav.setWidth(this.els.imageContainer.getWidth() + 'px'); this.els.navPrev.setHeight(h + 'px'); this.els.navNext.setHeight(h + 'px'); } this.els.outerDataContainer.setWidth(wNew + 'px'); this.showContaner(); }; if (hDiff != 0 || wDiff != 0) { this.els.outerImageContainer.shift({ height: hNew, width: wNew, duration: this.resizeDuration, scope: this, callback: afterResize, delay: 50 }); } else { afterResize.call(this); } }, showContaner: function(){ this.els.loading.hide(); this.els.container.show(); if(!this.loadpage){ this.els.target.fadeIn({ duration: this.resizeDuration, scope: this, callback: function(){ this.updateDetails(); } }); this.preloadImages(); }else { this.els.container.fadeIn({ duration: this.resizeDuration, scope: this, callback: function(){ this.updateDetails(); } }); } }, updateDetails: function(){ var detailsWidth = this.els.data.getWidth(true) - this.els.navClose.getWidth() - 10; this.els.details.setWidth((detailsWidth > 0 ? detailsWidth : 0) + 'px'); this.els.caption.update(this.targets[this.activeImage][1]); this.els.caption.show(); if (this.targets.length > 1) { this.els.imageNumber.update(this.labelImage + ' ' + (this.activeImage + 1) + ' ' + this.labelOf + ' ' + this.targets.length); this.els.imageNumber.show(); } this.els.dataContainer.fadeIn({ duration: this.resizeDuration/2, scope: this, callback: function() { var viewSize = this.getViewSize(); this.els.overlay.setHeight(viewSize[1] + 'px'); if(!this.loadpage) this.updateNav(); } }); }, updateNav: function(){ this.enableKeyNav(); this.els.hoverNav.show(); // if not first target in set, display prev target button if (this.activeImage > 0) this.els.navPrev.show(); // if not last target in set, display next target button if (this.activeImage < (this.targets.length - 1)) this.els.navNext.show(); }, enableKeyNav: function() { Ext.fly(document).on('keydown', this.keyNavAction, this); }, disableKeyNav: function() { Ext.fly(document).un('keydown', this.keyNavAction, this); }, keyNavAction: function(ev) { var keyCode = ev.getKey(); if ( keyCode == 88 || // x keyCode == 67 || // c keyCode == 27 ) { this.close(); } else if (keyCode == 80 || keyCode == 37){ // display previous target if (this.activeImage != 0){ this.setImage(activeImage - 1); } } else if (keyCode == 78 || keyCode == 39){ // display next target if (this.activeImage != (this.targets.length - 1)){ this.setImage(this.activeImage + 1); } } }, preloadImages: function(){ var next, prev; if (this.targets.length > this.activeImage + 1) { next = new Image(); next.src = this.targets[this.activeImage + 1][0]; } if (this.activeImage > 0) { prev = new Image(); prev.src = this.targets[this.activeImage - 1][0]; } }, close: function(){ this.disableKeyNav(); this.els.lightbox.hide(); this.els.shim.hide(); this.els.overlay.fadeOut({ duration: this.overlayDuration, scope: this, callback : function(){ this.els.lightbox.remove(); this.els.overlay.remove(); this.els.shim.remove(); } },this); this.fireEvent('close', this.activeImage); }, getViewSize: function() { return [Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(), Ext.lib.Dom.getDocumentHeight()]; } });
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Ext Lightbox Example</title> <link href="../examples.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="../../ext-core-debug.js"></script> <script src="lightbox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function() { new Ext.ux.Lightbox({ sel:'a.lightboxs', model : true }); new Ext.ux.Lightbox({ sel:'a.ajax', loadpage : true, model : true, width:540, height:400, params : {id :1}, callback : call }); new Ext.ux.Lightbox({ sel:'a[rel^=lightbox]', model : true }); new Ext.ux.Lightbox({ sel:'a.lb-flower', group:true, model : true }); function call (){ Ext.get('testimg').setStyle({ width : '100%', height : '80%' }); } }); </script> <style> .thumbnail { padding: 4px; background-color: #e6e6e0; border: 1px solid #d6d6d0; float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="thumbnail" > <a href="images/image1.jpg" class="lightboxs" ><img src="images/thumb1.jpg" alt="Columbine" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> <h3 style="clear: both;">Single</h3> <div class="thumbnail" > <a href="ajax.html" class="ajax" ><img src="images/thumb1.jpg" alt="Columbine" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> <h3 style="clear: both;">Ajax</h3> <div id="content" > <h2>Example</h2> <h3>Single Images</h3> <div id="lightbox"> <div class="thumbnail" > <a href="images/image1.jpg" rel="lightbox" ><img src="images/thumb1.jpg" alt="Columbine" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="images/image2.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="This caption is optional."><img src="images/thumb2.jpg" alt="Pink Whirls" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> </div> <h3 style="clear: both;">Gallery</h3> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="images/image3.jpg" class="lb-flower" title="Click on the right side of an image to move forward."><img src="images/thumb3.jpg" alt="Lily of the Valley" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="images/image4.jpg" class="lb-flower" title="You can also use the arrow keys to navigate the gallery."><img src="images/thumb4.jpg" alt="Pansy" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="images/image5.jpg" class="lb-flower" title="While you are viewing an image, the lightbox preloads the next image in the gallery."><img src="images/thumb5.jpg" alt="Primrose" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="images/image6.jpg" class="lb-flower" title="This is a narrow image with a long description. Notice how the bottom of the lightbox automatically expands to accommodate the longer caption."><img src="images/thumb6.jpg" alt="Periwinkle" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="images/image7.jpg" class="lb-flower" title="Press 'Esc' to close the gallery."><img src="images/thumb7.jpg" alt="Daffodil" width="120" height="72"></a> </div> </div> </body> </html>
<img src="images/image7.jpg" width="215" height="154" border="0" style="width:100px; height:76px;" id="testimg"/>