虚拟机增加网卡 进入single模式

用的是VirtualBox, Fedora11 Linux.

在VirtualBox中virtual machine, choose "Settings"->"Network", in "Adapter 2" tab, enable Network Adapter, 选择第二块真实的网卡,保存后,启动虚拟机。

Fedora 启动以后,

通过"terminer" 输入 ifconfig 检查两个网卡的名字,我的是eth5, eth6.


“System"->"Administration"->"Network" enter "Network Configuration" dialog.

In "Devices" tab,

        choose "New" button, "Device Type" choose "Ethernet connect", press "Forward". In "Ethernet card", we can choose "eth6"(it has been added in Linux system),

        We can choose an exist configuration Devices, choose one, and click "Edit", in "Hardware Device" tab, in Hardware list box, choose "eth6", it can automatically bind the matched Mac Address. In "General" tab, we can choose "DHCP" or "Static IP Address".

In "Terminal", run "/etc/init.d/network restart"



Ubuntu,启动时按 Ctrl + z 进入Grub模式,可以进行选择

选择第二项,Ubuntu 高级选项

press 'e' 进入GNU GRUB 2.02 菜单

向下移动光标,有一行起始描述: menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-24-generic (recovery mode)....

继续向下找到   linux      /boot/vmlinuz.....    ro recovery nomodeset

'ro recovery nomodeset' 改为 'rw single init=/bin/bash'

press 'Ctrl+x" 进入引导模式,如果弹出的是进到模式菜单,选择第二项".... (recovery mode)" an Enter键进入

