// RBTree.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> class RB_Tree { class RB_Node; enum Color {BLACK,RED}; public: RB_Tree(); bool Insert(T data); bool Insert(RB_Node &node); bool Delete(T data); bool Delete(RB_Node *node); RB_Node* FindData(T data) { RB_Node *p=pRoot; RB_Node *pFound=NULL; while(p!=pNil) if(data<p->data) p=p->lChild; else if(data>p->data) p=p->rChild; else{ pFound=p; break; } return pFound; } class RB_Node{ public: RB_Node():lChild(Children[0]),rChild(Children[1]) { parent=NULL; Children[0]=Children[1]=NULL; } // To force two pointers to be together.
// For later use of "lChild+1" in delete operation RB_Node *Children[2]; (RB_Node *)& lChild; (RB_Node *)& rChild; RB_Node *parent; T data; Color color; }; private: void leftRotate(RB_Node *const x); void rightRotate(RB_Node *const x); void InsertFixup(RB_Node *x); void DeleteFixup(RB_Node *x); void Free(RB_Node *x); typedef void (RB_Tree<T>::*RotateFunc)(RB_Node *const ); RotateFunc pRotates[2]; RB_Node nil; RB_Node *pRoot,*pNil; }; enum Twist {LR=0,RL=1,LL=2,RR=3}; template<typename T> RB_Tree<T>::RB_Tree() { pRotates[0]=&RB_Tree::leftRotate; pRotates[1]=&RB_Tree::rightRotate; //nil initialization pNil=new RB_Node; pNil->color=BLACK; pRoot=pNil; //pNil's children and points are useless //pNil's parent is useful in deleting fixup. pNil->lChild=pNil->rChild=pNil->parent=NULL; } template<typename T> void RB_Tree<T>::leftRotate(RB_Node *const x) { RB_Node *y=x->rChild; //This case won't be happened when the function used inside the class if(pNil==y) return; x->rChild=y->lChild; if(pNil!=y->lChild) y->lChild->parent=x; y->parent=x->parent; if(pNil==x->parent) pRoot=y; else if(x->parent->lChild==x) x->parent->lChild=y; else x->parent->rChild=y; y->lChild=x; x->parent=y; } template<typename T> void RB_Tree<T>::rightRotate(RB_Node *const y) { RB_Node *x=y->lChild; //This case won't be happened when the function used inside the class if(pNil==x) return; y->lChild=x->rChild; if(pNil!=x->rChild) x->rChild->parent=y; x->parent=y->parent; if(pNil==y->parent) pRoot=x; else if(y->parent->lChild==y) y->parent->lChild=x; else y->parent->rChild=x; x->rChild=y; y->parent=x; } template<typename T> bool RB_Tree<T>::Insert(T data) { bool bRet; RB_Node *pNode; pNode=new RB_Node; pNode->data=data; bRet=Insert(*pNode); return bRet; } template<typename T> bool RB_Tree<T>::Insert(RB_Node &node) { RB_Node *p,*pre; pre=pNil; p=pRoot; while(p!=pNil){ pre=p; if(node.data<p->data) p=p->lChild; else if(node.data==p->data){ printf("Data already exited.\n"); return false; } else p=p->rChild; } node.parent=pre; node.lChild=node.rChild=pNil; node.color=RED; if(pre==pNil) pRoot=&node; else if(node.data<pre->data) pre->lChild=&node; else pre->rChild=&node; //test printf("data %2d has been added in case ",node.data); InsertFixup(&node); return true; } template<typename T> void RB_Tree<T>::InsertFixup(RB_Node *x) { while(1){ //case 1 if(x==pRoot){ x->color=BLACK; printf("1\n"); return; } //case 2 else if(x->parent->color==BLACK){ printf("2\n"); return; } //case 3 : parent and uncle both are red if(x->parent->parent->lChild->color==x->parent->parent->rChild->color){ x->parent->parent->lChild->color=BLACK; x->parent->parent->rChild->color=BLACK; x->parent->parent->color=RED; x=x->parent->parent; printf("3"); } //case 4:uncle node is black else{ Twist twist; //case 4.1: uncle node is grandparent node's right node if(x->parent->parent->lChild->color==RED){ if(x->parent->lChild->color==RED) twist=LL; else twist=LR; } else if(x->parent->lChild->color==RED) twist=RL; else twist=RR; /* enum value LR : 0 RL : 1 LL : 2 RR : 3 */ if(twist==LR||twist==RL){ x=x->parent; (this->*pRotates[twist])(x); } printf("4(%d)\n",twist); x=x->parent->parent; int opTwist=1-twist%2; (this->*pRotates[opTwist])(x); x->color=RED; x->parent->color=BLACK; return; } } } template<typename T> bool RB_Tree<T>::Delete(RB_Node *p) { RB_Node *del,*pre,**pParentToDel,*successor; if(pNil==p){ printf("Nil can't be deleted \n"); return false; } if(pNil==p->parent) pParentToDel=&pRoot; else if(p->parent->lChild==p) pParentToDel=&(p->parent->lChild); else pParentToDel=&(p->parent->rChild); if(pNil==p->lChild){ del=p; p=p->rChild; p->parent=del->parent; *pParentToDel=p; } else if(pNil==p->rChild){ del=p; p=p->lChild; p->parent=del->parent; *pParentToDel=p; } else{ pre=p; del=p->lChild; while(del->rChild!=pNil){ pre=del; del=del->rChild; } p->data=del->data; successor=del->lChild; if(del==pre->lChild) pre->lChild=successor; else pre->rChild=successor; successor->parent=pre; p=successor; } if(del->color==BLACK) DeleteFixup(p); Free(del); return true; } template<typename T> bool RB_Tree<T>::Delete(T data) { RB_Node *pFound=NULL; bool bRet; pFound=FindData(data); if(NULL==pFound) return false; printf("%d has been deleted by ",data); bRet=Delete(pFound); cout<<endl; return bRet; } template<typename T> void RB_Tree<T>::DeleteFixup(RB_Node *x) { RB_Node *brother; while(x!=pRoot&&x->color==BLACK) { int direction,opDirection; if(x==x->parent->lChild) direction=0; else direction=1; opDirection=1-direction; brother=x->parent->Children[opDirection]; // <==> brother=*(&(x->parent->lChild)+opDirection); //case 1:Parent's black and brother's red. //Rotate brother up to make parent red to enter case 2, 3, 4. if(brother->color==RED){ brother->color=BLACK; brother->parent->color=RED; (this->*pRotates[direction])(x->parent); brother=x->parent->Children[opDirection]; printf("1"); } //case 2;brother's black and brother's children are both Black //mark brother to red. Then the problem of balance is lifted up to parent if(brother->lChild->color==BLACK&&brother->rChild->color==BLACK){ brother->color=RED; x=x->parent; printf("2"); } else{ //case 3: Brother's son closer to me is red,the one distanter to me is black //Rotate to enter case 4 if(brother->Children[opDirection]->color==BLACK){ (this->*pRotates[opDirection])(brother); brother->color=RED; brother=brother->parent; brother->color=BLACK; cout<<3; } //case 4:brother's son distanter to me is red:we can rotate
//brother and this son up and make the son black to balance the whole tree. brother->color=x->parent->color; x->parent->color=BLACK; (this->*pRotates[direction])(x->parent); brother->Children[opDirection]->color=BLACK; //to quite x=pRoot; cout<<4; } } x->color=BLACK; } template<typename T> void RB_Tree<T>::Free(RB_Node *x) { delete x; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { RB_Tree<int> rb_tree; int times=100; for(int i=0;i<times;++i){ rb_tree.Insert(-i); rb_tree.Insert(i); } for(int i=0;i>-times;--i) rb_tree.Delete(i); return 0; }