//ban the column,row,diagonal elements of the queen void Ban(int (*p)[lenth],int m,int n) { //In fact,we need only ban elements below the queen's line 'cause\ our search is line by line if(m>=lenth-1||n>=lenth) return; //column for(int i=m+1;i<lenth;++i) ++p[i][n]; //diagonal for(int delta=1;m+delta<lenth;++delta){ if(n+delta<lenth) ++p[m+delta][n+delta]; if(n-delta>=0) ++p[m+delta][n-delta]; } } void UnBan(int (*p)[lenth],int m,int n) { //In fact,we need only unban elements below the queen's line 'cause\ our search is line by line //column for(int i=m+1;i<lenth;++i) --p[i][n]; //diagonal for(int delta=1;m+delta<lenth;++delta){ if(n+delta<lenth) --p[m+delta][n+delta]; if(n-delta>=0) --p[m+delta][n-delta]; } }
void DoQueenPussleR(int lineNum,int (*matrix)[lenth],int result[lenth],int& count) { if(lineNum==lenth){ for(int i=0;i<lenth;++i) cout<<result[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; ++count; } for(int i=0;i<lenth;++i) if(matrix[lineNum][i]==OK) { Ban(matrix,lineNum,i); result[lineNum]=i; DoQueenPussleR(lineNum+1,matrix,result,count); UnBan(matrix,lineNum,i); } } int QueenPussleR() { int count=0; int matrix[lenth][lenth]; int result[lenth]; for(int i=0;i<lenth;++i) for(int j=0;j<lenth;++j){ matrix[i][j]=OK; } DoQueenPussleR(0,matrix,result,count); return count; }
void disp(stack<int> stk) { while(!stk.empty()){ cout<<stk.top()<<" "; stk.pop(); } cout<<endl; }
int QueenPussle() { int matrix[lenth][lenth]; stack<int> choices; int i,j; int obsolete=-1; for(i=0;i<lenth;++i) for(j=0;j<lenth;++j) matrix[i][j]=OK; int size_=0; int answerNum=0; while(1){ choices.push(obsolete+1); ++size_; //test if the new choices is right if(matrix[size_-1][choices.top()]==OK){ //We need reset obsolete. obsolete=-1; Ban(matrix,size_-1,choices.top()); if(size_!=lenth) continue; else{ ++answerNum; disp(choices); } } //Notify the upper line to chose next one of obsolete obsolete=choices.top(); choices.pop(); --size_; //obsolete==lenth-1 means: this is no available one to choose in this line while(obsolete==lenth-1){ UnBan(matrix,size_-1,choices.top()); obsolete=choices.top(); choices.pop(); --size_; if(size_==0&&obsolete==lenth-1) return answerNum; } } }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { clock_t start_,clicks1,clicks2; start_=clock(); cout<<QueenPussle()<<endl; clicks1=clock()-start_; start_=clock(); cout<<QueenPussleR()<<endl; clicks2=clock()-start_; cout<<"Time consumed by irrecursive way:"<<endl; cout<<static_cast<double>(clicks1)/static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<<endl; cout<<"Time Consumed by recursive way:"<<endl; cout<<static_cast<double>(clicks2)/static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<<endl; return 0; }