ISO 14496 - 12 定义了一种封装媒体数据的基础文件格式,mp4、3gp、ismv等我们常见媒体封装格式都是以这种基础文件格式为基础衍生的。
本次继续解析moov box,关于moov的解析推荐从我上一篇博文《MP4文件格式详解——元数据moov(一)》看起。
moov |
√ |
container for all the metadata |
mvhd |
√ |
movie header, overall declarations |
trak |
√ |
container for an individual track or stream |
tkhd |
√ |
track header, overall information about the track |
tref |
track reference container |
edts |
edit list container |
elst |
an edit list |
mdia |
√ |
container for the media information in a track |
mdhd |
√ |
media header, overall information about the media |
hdlr |
√ |
handler, declares the media (handler) type |
minf |
√ |
media information container |
vmhd |
video media header, overall information (video track only) |
smhd |
sound media header, overall information (sound track only) |
hmhd |
hint media header, overall information (hint track only) |
nmhd |
Null media header, overall information (some tracks only) |
dinf |
√ |
data information box, container |
dref |
√ |
data reference box, declares source(s) of media data in track |
stbl |
√ |
sample table box, container for the time/space map |
stsd |
√ |
sample descriptions (codec types, initialization etc.) |
stts |
√ |
(decoding) time-to-sample |
ctts |
(composition) time to sample |
stsc |
√ |
sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information |
stsz |
sample sizes (framing) |
stz2 |
compact sample sizes (framing) |
stco |
√ |
chunk offset, partial data-offset information |
co64 |
64-bit chunk offset |
stss |
sync sample table (random access points) |
stsh |
shadow sync sample table |
padb |
sample padding bits |
stdp |
sample degradation priority |
sdtp |
independent and disposable samples |
sbgp |
sample-to-group |
sgpd |
sample group description |
subs |
sub-sample information |
前面我们已经知道每个文件是由多个Track(轨道)组成的,每个Track都对应了自身trak box,其中存放了本track的元数据信息。
本次继续解析trak box的一系列子box:
1)tkhd box
0x5c是tkhd box长度,0x746b6864是“tkhd”的ASCII码。
0x00 00 00 0f是使用了Full box中的flag位(Full box 8bits version + 24bits flag,详见我第一篇日志),这里flag= 0xf,即1111b。
Track_enabled: Indicates that the track is enabled. 若此位为0,则该track内容无需播放(比如我们用一些非线编软件<如Sony Vegas>做视频剪辑时,有些Track仅为我们参考与模仿用,在输出时将该Track关掉)。
Track_in_movie: Indicates that the track is used in the presentation.
Track_in_preview: Indicates that the track is used when previewing the presentation.
Track_in_poster: Indicates that the track is used in movie's poster.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
重要的是该“14496-12 基础文件格式”协议如果认祖归宗,我们发现这种文件格式最初是由Apple公司的QuickTime媒体格式发展而来的。
即,mov格式发展出了“ISO 14496 - 12协议”,再由该协议衍生出了mp4,f4v,ismv,3gp等我们常见的媒体封装格式。
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
两个0xc5268eb6 是track的创建时间与最后修改时间;
紧随其后的0x00000002,代表track ID =2,Track ID是非0的,唯一的,不可重复使用的标识track的方式;
后面32bit全0是保留位;0x0009d97c是本track的时长,需要配合mvhd box中的timescale 计算实际的持续时间。
alternate_group,track的备用分组ID,当该值为0时,意味着本track内容无备份;否则本track会可能会有零到多个备份track。当播放时相同group ID的track只选择一个进行播放。