Boune-type shell:
Boune shell(sh),
Korn shell (ksh)
Bourne Again Shell( bash)
POSIX Shell (sh)
C-type shell:
C shell(csh)
Tenex/TOPS C shell(tcsh)
Boune type shell is more powerful than C type shell. It holds the following features:
1, Process Control
2, Variables
3, Regular Expressions
4, Flow Control
5, Powerful Input/Output control
6, Functions
the shortcoming of original bourne shell:
1, No filename completion
2, No command history or command editing
3, DIfficulty in executing multiple background processes or jobs
the C type shell is used to convinent interactive use and to change the syntax of Bourne shell to C type.
Its drawbacks includes:
1, weak input / output control
2, lack of function
3, confusing syntax due to a lazy intepreter
Its Strengths include:
1, command history
2, Alias
3, File name completion
4, Job controls
The TENEX/TOPS C shell, tcsh, is a newer version of the C shell that enables you to scroll through the
command history using the up and down arrow keys. It also enables you to edit commands using right and
left arrow keys.
It incorporates all the C shell's interactive features into the Bourne shell's syntax.
Some of the additional features that the Korn shell brings to the Bourne shell include the following:
l Command history and history substitution
l Command aliases and functions
l File name completion
l Arrays
Built-in integer arithmetic
The Bourne Again shell, bash, was developed as part of the GNU project and has replaced the Bourne
shell, sh, for GNU-based systems like Linux. All major Linux distributions, including Red Hat, Slackware,
and Caldera, ship with bash as their sh replacement.
Although it includes C shell ( csh and tcsh) and Korn shell ( ksh) features, bash retains syntax
compatibility with the Bourne shell, enabling it to run almost all Bourne shell scripts.
Some features that bash includes in addition to those of the Korn shell are
l Name completion for variable names, usernames, host names, commands, and filenames
l Spelling correction for pathnames in the cd command
l Arrays of unlimited size
l Integer arithmetic in any base between 2 and 64