Linux Boot Logo Making

Ubuntu 下制作生成PPM文件。

Method 1:

1. apt-get install netpbm

2. convert the jpeg, bmp, and etc to ppm. (taking the jpeg as an example)

    jpegtoppm *.jpeg > temp1.pnm (generating the pnm file)

    ppmquant 224 temp1.pnm > temp2.ppm  (convert the color depth to 224)

    pnmnoraw temp2.ppm > final.ppm (convert the raw to ascii)

3. use the final.ppm to replace the used ppm. (note: the *ppm.c will be generate automatically from ppm file)


Method 2: (using the Imagemagic to convert and p2a to convert raw to ascii)

p2a can get from





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