
property ticsSinceActive : 0
property idleTime : 60 -- time to idle, in seconds
property timeLimit : 10 -- memory range, in minutes
property cpuUsage : {}

on idle
	set maxTicCount to timeLimit * 60 / idleTime
	tell application "System Events"
		if exists (some process whose name contains "Illustrator") then
			-- get reference to the app
			set theIllustratorApp to some process whose name contains "Illustrator"
			-- illustrator is not running
			set ticsSinceActive to 0
			set cpuUsage to {}
		end if
		set illustratorPID to unix id of theIllustratorApp
		-- check if illustrator is inactive
		if frontmost of theIllustratorApp is true then
			set ticsSinceActive to 0
			set ticsSinceActive to ticsSinceActive + 1
		end if
		-- take a running snapshot of cpu usage 
		set shellCmd to "ps -c -o %cpu='' -p " & illustratorPID
		set end of cpuUsage to (do shell script shellCmd) as number
		if (count of cpuUsage) is greater than maxTicCount then
			-- trim off items more than 10 minutes old 
			set cpuUsage to items ((count of cpuUsage) - maxTicCount + 1) thru -1 of cpuUsage
		end if
		set maxCpu to 0
		set aveCpu to 0
		repeat with thisBit in cpuUsage
			if thisBit > maxCpu then setmaxCpu to thisBit
			set aveCpu to aveCpu + thisBit
		end repeat
		set aveCpu to aveCpu / (count of cpuUsage)
		if ticsSinceActive > maxTicCount or maxCpu < 3 or aveCpu < 3 then
			tell theIllustratorApp
				display alert "Shutting down Illustrator" message "Illustrator has been inactive for 10 minutes.  Please verify that you are still using this application, or the system will shut it down." as critical buttons {"Close it", "Keep it running"} default button 1 giving up after 30
				if button returned of the result is "Close it" or gave up of the result is true then
					repeat 60 times
						if exists document 1 then
							close document 1 saving no
							exit repeat
						end if
					end repeat
					set ticsSinceActive to 0
				end if
			end tell
		end if
	end tell
	return idleTime
end idle

set backupFolder to (choose folder)
tell application "Finder" to set theseFolders to (get folders of backupFolder)
repeat with oneFolder in theseFolders
if (creation date of (info for oneFolder as alias) < (current date) - 30 * days) then
tell application "Finder" to delete oneFolder
end if
end repeat

global wasLoaded

on run
	set wasLoaded to isAppLoaded("Safari")
end run

on idle
	set x to isAppLoaded("Safari")
	if x and not wasLoaded then
		display dialog "Safari was loaded."
		set wasLoaded to true
	else if wasLoaded and not x then
		display dialog "Safari was quit."
		set wasLoaded to false
	end if
	return 1 --will wait 1 second before checking again
end idle

on isAppLoaded(app_name)
	tell application "System Events"
		set app_list to every application process whose name contains app_name
		if the (count of app_list) > 0 then
			return true
			return false
		end if
	end tell
end isAppLoaded

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items

delay 0.2

set this_folder to alias "Liz's MBP:Users:liz:Downloads:Extract:"

set target_folder to alias "Liz's MBP:Users:liz:Movies:"

set fileList to {}

set fileList to my recursiveSearch(fileList, this_folder)

tell application "Finder"

repeat with aItem in fileList

if name extension of aItem is in {"avi", "wmv", "srt", "idx", "sub", "mkv"} then

if aItem exists then

move aItem to target_folder

end if

end if

end repeat

end tell

end adding folder items to

on recursiveSearch(theList, currentFolder)

tell application "Finder"

set theList to theList & (every file of currentFolder)

set folderList to (every folder of currentFolder)

repeat with newFolder in folderList

set theList to my recursiveSearch(theList, newFolder)

end repeat

return theList

end tell

end recursiveSearch

--script to find empty folders and delete them

set pathoffolder to alias "Liz's MBP:Users:liz:Downloads:Extract:"

--change folder here

tell application "Finder"

repeat with oneFolder in (get folders of pathoffolder)

if (count items) of oneFolder is 0 or ((count items) of oneFolder is 1 and name of item 1 of oneFolder is ".DS_Store") then delete oneFolder

end repeat

end tell
