Archlinux conky配置

conky 是一个轻量级的系统监视器,可以实时反映出系统的相关信息。



Archlinux conky配置_第1张图片

代码主要和参考中的一致,只是天气那块我是自己用 python 写的,因为原来的 已经不能用了,所以也就不需要安装 conkyforecase 这个东西 得意

首先当然是安装 conky:

# pacman -S conky

在 Archlinux 只需要安装 conky 这一个包,并且这个包可以支持显示图片,其他发行版可能需要装名字类似于 conky-image(也许叫这个,不一定)这个的包。

天气预报的信息是从 google 的天气 API 中得到的。数据是 XML 格式的,所以只需要调用 python 解析 XML 文件的库就可以了。


import xml.dom.minidom
import urllib.request
import sys

CITY = 'Lanzhou'
URL = '' + CITY
TMPFILE = '/tmp/myconkyweather'
XMLFILE = '/tmp/googleweather.xml'

##### get the content of the google weather page ###
response = urllib.request.urlopen(URL)
content =
f = open(XMLFILE, 'w')
fd = open(TMPFILE, 'w')

##### get the root element ###
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(XMLFILE)
root = dom.documentElement

##### get city name ###
node = root.getElementsByTagName("city")
city = node[0].getAttribute("data")
fd.write(city + '\n')

##### get current condition ###
node = root.getElementsByTagName("condition")
cur_condition = node[0].getAttribute("data")
fd.write(cur_condition + '\n')

##### get current temperature ###
node = root.getElementsByTagName("temp_c")
cur_temp = node[0].getAttribute("data")
fd.write(cur_temp + '\n')

##### get current humidity ###
node = root.getElementsByTagName("humidity")
cur_humi = node[0].getAttribute("data")
fd.write(cur_humi + '\n')

##### get current wind speed ###
node = root.getElementsByTagName("wind_condition")
cur_wind = node[0].getAttribute("data")
fd.write(cur_wind + '\n')

##### get 4 days forecast ###
node = root.getElementsByTagName("day_of_week")
today = node[0].getAttribute("data")
the_2nd_day = node[1].getAttribute("data")
the_3rd_day = node[2].getAttribute("data")
the_4th_day = node[3].getAttribute("data")

node = root.getElementsByTagName("low")
today_low = node[0].getAttribute("data")
the_2nd_day_low = node[1].getAttribute("data")
the_3rd_day_low = node[2].getAttribute("data")
the_4th_day_low = node[3].getAttribute("data")

node = root.getElementsByTagName("high")
today_hi = node[0].getAttribute("data")
the_2nd_day_hi = node[1].getAttribute("data")
the_3rd_day_hi = node[2].getAttribute("data")
the_4th_day_hi = node[3].getAttribute("data")

node = root.getElementsByTagName("condition")
today_con = node[1].getAttribute("data")
the_2nd_day_con = node[2].getAttribute("data")
the_3rd_day_con = node[3].getAttribute("data")
the_4th_day_con = node[4].getAttribute("data")

fd.write(today + '\n' + today_low + '\n' + today_hi + '\n' + today_con + '\n')
fd.write(the_2nd_day + '\n' + the_2nd_day_low + '\n' + the_2nd_day_hi + '\n' + the_2nd_day_con + '\n')
fd.write(the_3rd_day + '\n' + the_3rd_day_low + '\n' + the_3rd_day_hi + '\n' + the_3rd_day_con + '\n')
fd.write(the_4th_day + '\n' + the_4th_day_low + '\n' + the_4th_day_hi + '\n' + the_4th_day_con + '\n')


上面这个脚本叫做,从 google 获得天气的 XML 文件,然后用 DOM tree 的方法去读这个 XML 的内容,并从中抽取有用的信息。

所有获取的信息都存放在 /tmp 下的 myconkyweather 文件中。以方便另外一个 python 脚本从里边读数据。

import sys, os

TMPFILE = '/tmp/myconkyweather'
IMAGEPATH = '/home/shyodx/.conkygreen/images/weathericons/'

conditions_text = {
	"Tornado"		: IMAGEPATH + '00.png',
	"Tropical Storm"	: IMAGEPATH + '01.png',
	"Hurricane"		: IMAGEPATH + '02.png',
	"Severe Thunderstorms"	: IMAGEPATH + '03.png',
	"Thunderstorms"		: IMAGEPATH + '04.png',
	"Mixed Rain and Snow"	: IMAGEPATH + '05.png',
	"Mixed Rain and Sleet"	: IMAGEPATH + '06.png',
	"Mixed Precipitation"	: IMAGEPATH + '07.png',
	"Freezing Drizzle"	: IMAGEPATH + '08.png',
	"Drizzle"		: IMAGEPATH + '09.png',
	"Freezing Rain"		: IMAGEPATH + '10.png',
	"Light Rain"		: IMAGEPATH + '11.png',
	"Rain"			: IMAGEPATH + '12.png',
	"Snow Flurries"		: IMAGEPATH + '13.png',
	"Light Snow Showers"	: IMAGEPATH + '14.png',
	"Drifting Snow"		: IMAGEPATH + '15.png',
	"Snow"			: IMAGEPATH + '16.png',
	"Chance of Snow"	: IMAGEPATH + '16.png',
	"Hail"			: IMAGEPATH + '17.png',
	"Sleet"			: IMAGEPATH + '18.png',
	"Dust"			: IMAGEPATH + '19.png',
	"Fog"			: IMAGEPATH + '20.png',
	"Haze"			: IMAGEPATH + '21.png',
	"Mostly Sunny"		: IMAGEPATH + '21.png',
	"Smoke"			: IMAGEPATH + '22.png',
	"Blustery"		: IMAGEPATH + '23.png',
	"Windy"			: IMAGEPATH + '24.png',
	"N/A"			: IMAGEPATH + '25.png',
	"Cloudy"		: IMAGEPATH + '26.png',
#	"Mostly Cloudy"		: IMAGEPATH + '27.png',
	"Mostly Cloudy"		: IMAGEPATH + '28.png',
#	"Partly Cloudy"		: IMAGEPATH + '29.png',
	"Partly Cloudy"		: IMAGEPATH + '30.png',
#	"Clear"			: IMAGEPATH + '31.png',
	"Clear"			: IMAGEPATH + '32.png',
#	"Fair"			: IMAGEPATH + '33.png',
	"Fair"			: IMAGEPATH + '34.png',
	"Partly Sunny"		: IMAGEPATH + '34.png',
	"Mixed Rain and Hail"	: IMAGEPATH + '35.png',
	"Hot"			: IMAGEPATH + '36.png',
	"Isolated Thunderstorms": IMAGEPATH + '37.png',
        "Scattered Thunderstorms": IMAGEPATH + '38.png',
	"Scattered Showers"	: IMAGEPATH + '39.png',
	"Heavy Rain"		: IMAGEPATH + '40.png',
	"Scattered Snow Showers": IMAGEPATH + '41.png',
#	"Heavy Snow"		: IMAGEPATH + '42.png',
	"Heavy Snow"		: IMAGEPATH + '43.png',
	"N/A"			: IMAGEPATH + '44.png',
#	"Scattered Showers"	: IMAGEPATH + '45.png',
	"Snow Showers"		: IMAGEPATH + '46.png',
	"Isolated Thunderstorms": IMAGEPATH + '47.png'

fd = open(TMPFILE, 'r')

weather_dict = {
	'location'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'cur_cond'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'cur_temp'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n') + ' °C',
	'cur_humi'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'cur_wind'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'today'		: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'today_lo'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'today_hi'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'today_cond'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'secd_day'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'secd_day_lo'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'secd_day_hi'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'secd_day_cond'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'thrd_day'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'thrd_day_lo'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'thrd_day_hi'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'thrd_day_cond'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'foth_day'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'foth_day_lo'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'foth_day_hi'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'foth_day_cond'	: fd.readline().rstrip('\n'),
	'cur_cond_icon'		: None,
	'today_cond_icon'	: None,
	'secd_day_cond_icon'	: None,
	'thrd_day_cond_icon'	: None,
	'foth_day_cond_icon'	: None


tmplist = ('cur_cond', 'today_cond', 'secd_day_cond',
		'thrd_day_cond', 'foth_day_cond')
for tmp in tmplist:
	weather_dict[tmp + '_icon'] = conditions_text[weather_dict[tmp]]

switchlist = ('today_lo', 'today_hi', 'secd_day_lo', 'secd_day_hi',
	'thrd_day_lo', 'thrd_day_hi', 'foth_day_lo', 'foth_day_hi')
for tmp in switchlist:
	fahrenhite = int(weather_dict[tmp])
	celsius = 5 * (fahrenhite - 32) // 9
	weather_dict[tmp] = str(celsius) + '°C'

os.system('cp ' + weather_dict['cur_cond_icon'] + ' /tmp/cur_cond.png')
os.system('cp ' + weather_dict['today_cond_icon'] + ' /tmp/today_cond.png')
os.system('cp ' + weather_dict['secd_day_cond_icon'] + ' /tmp/secd_day_cond.png')
os.system('cp ' + weather_dict['thrd_day_cond_icon'] + ' /tmp/thrd_day_cond.png')
os.system('cp ' + weather_dict['foth_day_cond_icon'] + ' /tmp/foth_day_cond.png')

for key in weather_dict:
	if sys.argv[1] == key:

以上这个脚本叫做,读存放在 /tmp 下的 myconkyweather 文件,并根据用户指定的命令行参数,打印出相应的信息。并把当前使用到的天气情况的相关图片放在 /tmp 下,并指定好图片的名字,方便 conky 配置文件使用。命令行参数是 weather_dict 的索引部分。conditions_text 指出各种天气对应的图片的路径和名称。

这样,在 conky 的配置文件中,只需要按照如下的格式写,就可以得到天气的相关信息了。

${execi 10800 python /home/shyodx/.conkygreen/}
${color white}${font :bold:size=12}WEATHER $font$color $alignr ${execi 1080 python /home/shyodx/.conkygreen/ location}
${image /tmp/cur_cond.png -p 127,624 -s 85x85}

${font :bold:size=9}Condition: $font$alignr${execi 1080 python /home/shyodx/.conkygreen/ today_cond}
${font :bold:size=9}Temperature: $font$alignr${execi 1080 python /home/shyodx/.conkygreen/ cur_temp}
${font :bold:size=9}Humidity: $font$alignr${execi 1080 python /home/shyodx/.conkygreen/ cur_humi}
${font :bold:size=9}Wind speed: $font$alignr${execi 1080 python /home/shyodx/.conkygreen/ cur_wind}

我的配置文件已经上传到。其中包括我所用到的几个 conky 配置文件,也包括天气预报的两个 python 脚本和天气情况的图片。

