

LI -- 该函数被调用时需要持有mInstallLock这把锁

LP -- 该函数被调用时需要持有mPackages这个HashMap对象

LPr -- 表示读

LPw -- 表示写

    343     // Lock for state used when installing and doing other long running
    344     // operations.  Methods that must be called with this lock held have
    345     // the prefix "LI".
    346     final Object mInstallLock = new Object();

    360     // Keys are String (package name), values are Package.  This also serves
    361     // as the lock for the global state.  Methods that must be called with
    362     // this lock held have the prefix "LP".
    363     final HashMap<String, PackageParser.Package> mPackages =
    364             new HashMap<String, PackageParser.Package>();
