
在ASP.Net MVC中,验证是在Controller层,而错误呈现是在View层,Controller层是通过ModelState属性进行验证的,ModelState的状态是通过AddModelError()方法进行 添加的。


  • Html.ValidationMessage()
  • Html.ValidationSummary()


public  ActionResult Create([Bind(Exclude = " CustomerId " )] Customer customer)
if  (customer.CompanyName.Length  ==   0 )
" CompanyName " " CompanyName不能为空 " );
if  (customer.EmailAddress.Length  ==   0 )
" EmailAddress " " EmailAddress不能为空 " );
if  ( ! ModelState.IsValid)
return  View();
return  RedirectToAction( " Index " );
return  View();


<% @ Page Title = ""  Language = " C# "  MasterPageFile = " ~/Views/Shared/Site.Master "  Inherits = " System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MvcApplication4.Models.Customer> "   %>

< asp:Content  ID ="Content1"  ContentPlaceHolderID ="TitleContent"  runat ="server" >
</ asp:Content >

< asp:Content  ID ="Content2"  ContentPlaceHolderID ="MainContent"  runat ="server" >

< h2 > Create </ h2 >

<% =  Html.ValidationSummary( " Create was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again. " %>

<%  using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>

< fieldset >
< legend > Fields </ legend >
< p >
< label  for ="NameStyle" > NameStyle: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " NameStyle " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " NameStyle " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="Title" > Title: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " Title " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " Title " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="FirstName" > FirstName: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " FirstName " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " FirstName " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="MiddleName" > MiddleName: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " MiddleName " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " MiddleName " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="LastName" > LastName: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " LastName " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " LastName " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="Suffix" > Suffix: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " Suffix " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " Suffix " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="CompanyName" > CompanyName: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " CompanyName " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " CompanyName " " CompanyName不能为空 " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="SalesPerson" > SalesPerson: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " SalesPerson " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " SalesPerson " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="EmailAddress" > EmailAddress: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " EmailAddress " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " EmailAddress " " EmailAddress不能为空 " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="Phone" > Phone: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " Phone " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " Phone " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="PasswordHash" > PasswordHash: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " PasswordHash " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " PasswordHash " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="PasswordSalt" > PasswordSalt: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " PasswordSalt " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " PasswordSalt " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="rowguid" > rowguid: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " rowguid " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " rowguid " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< label  for ="ModifiedDate" > ModifiedDate: </ label >
<% =  Html.TextBox( " ModifiedDate " %>
<% =  Html.ValidationMessage( " ModifiedDate " " * " %>
</ p >
< p >
< input  type ="submit"  value ="Create"   />
</ p >
</ fieldset >

<%  }  %>

< div >
<% = Html.ActionLink( " Back to List " " Index " %>
</ div >

</ asp:Content >



2.使用IDataErrorInfo Interface



public interface IDataErrorInfo
string this[string columnName] { get; }

string Error { get; }



 使用IDataErrorInfo Interface的步骤如下:

  • 针对Model,创建一个Partial类
  • 添加OnChanging和OnChanged Partial方法
  • 实现IDataErrorInfo接口


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace MvcApplication4.Models
    public partial class Customer:IDataErrorInfo
        private Dictionary
< string , string >  _errors = new Dictionary < string , string > ();
        partial void OnCompanyNameChanging(string value)
            if (value.Trim().Length == 0)
                _errors.Add("CompanyName", "CompanyName is required");

        public string Error
                return string.Empty;

        public string this[string columnName]
                if (_errors.ContainsKey(columnName))
                    return _errors[columnName];
                return string.Empty;

3.使用Data Annotation Validators

  • 下载Data Annotations Model Binder sample ,下载地址在
  • 添加对 Microsoft.Web.Mvc.DataAnnotations.dll和System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll 的引用
  • 在Global.asax.cs中的Application_Start()方法中配置
  • 使用Data Annotation Validator Attributes
  • Range:范围验证
  • ReqularExpression:正则表达式验证
  • Required:必须验证
  • StringLength:字符串长度验证
  • Validation:这是所有验证属性的基类。

using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace  MvcApplication4.Models
public   class  Test
public   int  Id {  get set ; }

10 )]
public   string  Name {  get set ; }

public   string  Description {  get set ; }

" Price " )]
@" ^/$?/d+(/.(/d{2}))?$ " )]
public   decimal  UnitPrice {  get set ; }



