
object dt05_ForFouncation {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

   <pre name="code" class="objc">//    1.
    for (i <- 1 to 2; j <- 1 to 2) println(100 * i + j + "")
    //    打印结果
    //    2.添加条件表达式
    for (i <- 1 to 2; j <- 1 to 2 if i != j) println(100 * i + j + "")
    //    打印结果

    //3. 函数是有返回值的
    def addA(x: Int) = x + 100

    val add = (x: Int) => x + 200

    println("The result from a founcation is :" + addA(2))
    println("The result from a val is :" + add(2))
    //        The result from a founcation is :102
    //        The result from a val is :202

    //4.   递归
    def fac(n: Int): Int = if (n <= 0) 1 else n * fac(n - 1)
    println("The result from a fac is :" + fac(6))
    //The result from a fac is :720

    //    5.传递多个不同的参数
    def combine(content: String, left: String = "[", right: String = "]") = left + content + right
    println("The result from a combine is :" + combine("I love spark", ">"))
    //    The result from a combine is :>I love spark]

    //    6.

    def connected(args: Int*) = { // 不定参数的使用类似于java中的

      var result = 0
      for (arg <- args) result += arg


    println("The result from a connected is :" + connected(1, 2, 3, 5, 7))
    //The result from a connected is :18


