The following commands can be issued in SQL*Plus (in addition to the standardSQL commands.)
@pathname Run (START) an SQL Script
@MyScript.sql parameter1 parameter2 parameter3
In the SQL-Script, refer to the parameters as &1, &2, and &3.
@ScriptName.sql will call sub-scripts from the current working directory of SQL*Plus.
@C:\work\oracle\ScriptName.sql will call a sub-script from a specific directory.
@@pathname Run (START) an SQL Script
@@ will call a sub-script from the same directory as the main script.
@variable A substitution variable
@@variable A substitution variable valid for the session
/ Execute (or re-execute) commands in the SQL*Plus buffer
does not list commands before running
ACCEPT User input
ACC[EPT] variable [NUM[BER]|CHAR|DATE] [FORMAT format]
APPEND Add text to the end of the current line in the buffer.
A[PPEND] text_to_add
BREAK Specify where and how formatting will change.
BREAK ON {column|expr|ROW|REPORT} action
BTITLE Place and format a title at the bottom of each page.
BTITLE printspec [text|variable]
CHANGE Change text on the current line.
C /oldval/newval
CLEAR Clear the SQL*Plus screen and the screen buffer.
COLUMN Change display width of a column.
COMPUTE Calculate and display totals.
CONNECT Connect to a database as a specified user.
connect username/password@SID
COPY Copy data from a query into a table (local or remote)
DEFINE User variables:
DEFINE varName = String
Display a user variable
DEFINE varName
Display all variables
DEL Delete the current line in the SQL buffer
DESC[RIBE] Describe a table, column, view, synonym, function
procedure, package or package contents.
DISCONNECT Logoff (but don't exit)
EDIT Load the SQL*Plus buffer into an editor.
By default, saves the file to AFIEDT.BUF
EXECUTE Run a single PLSQL statement
EXIT [n] Commit, logoff and exit (n = error code)
GET file Retrieve a previously stored command file
HELP topic Topic is an SQL PLUS command or HELP COMMANDS
HOST Execute a host operating system command
HOST CD scripts
INPUT Edit sql buffer - add line(s) to the buffer
LIST n m Edit sql buffer - display buffer lines n to m
For all lines - specify m as LAST
PAUSE message Wait for the user to hit RETURN
PRINT variable List the value of a bind variable or REF Cursor (see VARIABLE / SHOW)
PROMPT message Echo a message to the screen
REMARK REMARK comment or --comment-- or /* comment */
RUN Execute (or re-execute) commands in the SQL*Plus buffer
Lists the commands before running
RUNFORM Run a SQL*Forms application
SAVE file Save the contents of the SQL*Plus buffer in a command file
SET Display or change SQL*Plus settings
SHOW List the value of a system variable (see PRINT)
SPOOL file Store query results in file
SPOOL OFF Turn off spooling
SPOOL OUT sends file to printer
SQLPLUS Start SQL*Plus and connect to a database.
STA[RT] Run an SQL Script (see @)
TIMING Record timing data TIMING {START | SHOW | STOP}
TTITLE Define a page title
UNDEFINE Delete a user/substitution variable UNDEFINE varName (see DEFINE)
VARIABLE Define a bind variable (Can be used in both SQLPlus and PL/SQL)
A RefCursor bind variable can be used to reference PL/SQL cursor variables in stored procedures.
PRINT myRefCursor
EXECUTE somePackage.someProcedure(:myRefCursor)
VARIABLE on its own will display the definitions made.
WHENEVER OSERROR Exit if an OS error occurs
WHENEVER SQLERROR Exit if an SQL or PLSQL error occurs
SQL*Plus Prompt:
To display the currently connected UserName and SID, instead of just SQL>
SET sqlprompt '&_user:&_connect_identifier > '
Add the line above to the file: $ORACLE_SID/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql (this tip requires Oracle 10g or greater)
“Client Servers were a tremendous mistake and we are sorry that we sold it to you. Instead of applications running on the desktop and data sitting on the server, everything will be Internet based” - Larry Ellison, CEO, Oracle Corp.