在今天的练习中,我们将使用我们前面练习"从零开始创建一个Ubuntu应用 -- 一个小小的RSS阅读器 (1)"中的例子来开始.我们可以通过如下的命令来获取该例程的代码:
$ git clone git@github.com:liu-xiao-guo/rssreader_cache.git
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3也就是说 Ubuntu.Components 1.1/1.2都不支持.目前我们可以在Ubuntu Desktop 15.10上可以运行以下的代码.
Item { id: root signal clicked(var instance) property alias currentIndex : listView.currentIndex property alias model: listView.model property alias listview: listView ... }
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 import "components" MainView { // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5) objectName: "mainView" // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest applicationName: "rssreader.liu-xiao-guo" width: units.gu(60) height: units.gu(85) AdaptivePageLayout { id: layout anchors.fill: parent primaryPage: listPage layouts: PageColumnsLayout { when: width > units.gu(60) // column #0 PageColumn { minimumWidth: units.gu(30) maximumWidth: units.gu(60) preferredWidth: units.gu(40) } // column #1 PageColumn { fillWidth: true } } Page { id: listPage visible: false header: PageHeader { title: "POCO 摄影" trailingActionBar.actions: [ Action { iconName: "reload" text: "Reload" onTriggered: articleList.reload() } ] // flickable: articleList.listview } ArticleListView { id: articleList anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom top: listPage.header.bottom } clip: true onClicked: { articleContent.text = instance.content layout.addPageToNextColumn(listPage, contentPage) } } } Page { id: contentPage header: PageHeader { title: "Content" } visible: false ArticleContent { id: articleContent objectName: "articleContent" anchors.fill: parent } } onColumnsChanged: { console.log("columns: " + columns ); if ( columns == 2 ) { console.log("currentIndex: " + articleList.currentIndex ) if ( articleList.currentIndex != undefined && articleList.currentIndex >= 0 ) { var model = articleList.model var index = articleList.currentIndex articleContent.text = model.get(index).content layout.addPageToNextColumn(listPage, contentPage) } } } } Action { id: reloadAction text: "Reload" iconName: "reload" onTriggered: articleList.reload() } }
layout.addPageToNextColumn(listPage, contentPage)
layouts: PageColumnsLayout { when: width > units.gu(60) // column #0 PageColumn { minimumWidth: units.gu(30) maximumWidth: units.gu(60) preferredWidth: units.gu(40) } // column #1 PageColumn { fillWidth: true } }
layouts: PageColumnsLayout { when: width > units.gu(200) // column #0 PageColumn { minimumWidth: units.gu(30) maximumWidth: units.gu(60) preferredWidth: units.gu(40) } // column #1 PageColumn { fillWidth: true } }