在先前的文章"如何在QML应用中设计一个C++ Model并使用它"中,我们介绍了如何利用Qt C++创建一个QAbstractListModel,并是我们的C++数据能够在我们的QML应用中呈现.在今天的文章中,我们将继续探讨这个话题.我们将利用另外一种方法来实现同样的目的.在今天的例程中,我们将展示如何从网路得到数据,并解析数据,进而在我们的QML应用中展示得到的数据.这个例程可以作为一个标准的例程供以后我们需要使用Qt C++来作为数据的来源的时候使用.
为了能够在我们的QML应用中很好地使用C++,我们采用了我们SDK提供的"QtQuick App with QML UI (qmake)".
{ "error": 0, "status": "success", "date": "2015-09-25", "results": [ { "currentCity": "北京", "pm25": "25", "index": [ { "title": "穿衣", "zs": "热", "tipt": "穿衣指数", "des": "天气热,建议着短裙、短裤、短薄外套、T恤等夏季服装。" }, { "title": "洗车", "zs": "较适宜", "tipt": "洗车指数", "des": "较适宜洗车,未来一天无雨,风力较小,擦洗一新的汽车至少能保持一天。" }, { "title": "旅游", "zs": "适宜", "tipt": "旅游指数", "des": "天气较好,风稍大,但温度适宜,是个好天气哦。适宜旅游,您可以尽情地享受大自然的无限风光。" }, { "title": "感冒", "zs": "少发", "tipt": "感冒指数", "des": "各项气象条件适宜,无明显降温过程,发生感冒机率较低。" }, { "title": "运动", "zs": "较适宜", "tipt": "运动指数", "des": "天气较好,但风力较大,推荐您进行室内运动,若在户外运动请注意避风保暖。" }, { "title": "紫外线强度", "zs": "强", "tipt": "紫外线强度指数", "des": "紫外线辐射强,建议涂擦SPF20左右、PA++的防晒护肤品。避免在10点至14点暴露于日光下。" } ], "weather_data": [ { "date": "周五 09月25日 (实时:25℃)", "dayPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/day/qing.png", "nightPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/night/qing.png", "weather": "晴", "wind": "北风3-4级", "temperature": "27 ~ 13℃" }, { "date": "周六", "dayPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/day/qing.png", "nightPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/night/duoyun.png", "weather": "晴转多云", "wind": "微风", "temperature": "26 ~ 15℃" }, { "date": "周日", "dayPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/day/duoyun.png", "nightPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/night/yin.png", "weather": "多云转阴", "wind": "微风", "temperature": "26 ~ 16℃" }, { "date": "周一", "dayPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/day/yin.png", "nightPictureUrl": "http://api.map.baidu.com/images/weather/night/duoyun.png", "weather": "阴转多云", "wind": "微风", "temperature": "22 ~ 15℃" } ] } ] }
#ifndef WEATHERDATA_H #define WEATHERDATA_H #include <QObject> class WeatherData : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString date READ date WRITE setDate NOTIFY dataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString dayPictureUrl READ dayPictureUrl WRITE setDayPictureUrl NOTIFY dataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString nightPictureUrl READ nightPictureUrl WRITE setNightPictureUrl NOTIFY dataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString weather READ weather WRITE setWeather NOTIFY dataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString wind READ wind WRITE setWind NOTIFY dataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString temp READ temp WRITE setTemp NOTIFY dataChanged) public: explicit WeatherData(QObject *parent = 0); WeatherData(const WeatherData &other); QString date() const; QString dayPictureUrl() const; QString nightPictureUrl() const; QString weather() const; QString wind() const; QString temp() const; void setDate(const QString &value); void setDayPictureUrl(const QString &value); void setNightPictureUrl(const QString &value); void setWeather(const QString &value); void setWind(const QString &value); void setTemp(const QString &value); signals: void dataChanged(); private: QString m_date; QString m_dayPictureUrl; QString m_nightPictureUrl; QString m_weather; QString m_wind; QString m_temp; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(WeatherData) #endif // WEATHERDATA_H
QString WeatherData::date() const { return m_date; } void WeatherData::setDate(const QString &value) { if ( m_date == value ) return; m_date = value; emit dataChanged(); }
#ifndef APPMODEL_H #define APPMODEL_H #include <QObject> #include <QGeoPositionInfo> #include <QGeoPositionInfoSource> #include <QQmlListProperty> class AppModelPrivate; class WeatherData; class AppModel : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool ready READ ready NOTIFY readyChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<WeatherData> forecast READ forecast NOTIFY weatherChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString city READ city WRITE setCity NOTIFY cityChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString pm25 READ pm25 WRITE setCity NOTIFY pm25Changed) public: explicit AppModel(QObject *parent = 0); bool ready() const; QQmlListProperty<WeatherData> forecast() const; QString city() const; void setCity(const QString &value); QString pm25() const; void setPm25(const QString &value); private slots: void handleWeatherNetworkData(QObject *replyObj); void handleGeoNetworkData(QObject *replyObj); void networkSessionOpened(); void positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo gpsPos); void positionError(QGeoPositionInfoSource::Error e); void queryCity(); public slots: Q_INVOKABLE void refreshWeather(); signals: void readyChanged(); void cityChanged(); void pm25Changed(); void weatherChanged(); private: void hadError(bool tryAgain); private: AppModelPrivate *d; }; #endif // APPMODEL_H
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<WeatherData> forecast READ forecast NOTIFY weatherChanged)
class AppModelPrivate { public: static const int baseMsBeforeNewRequest = 5 * 1000; // 5 s, increased after each missing answer up to 10x QGeoPositionInfoSource *src; QGeoCoordinate coord; QString longitude, latitude; QString city; QNetworkAccessManager *nam; QNetworkSession *ns; WeatherData now; QList<WeatherData*> forecast; QQmlListProperty<WeatherData> *fcProp; QSignalMapper *geoReplyMapper; QSignalMapper *weatherReplyMapper; bool ready; bool useGps; bool hasValidCity; QElapsedTimer throttle; int nErrors; int minMsBeforeNewRequest; QTimer delayedCityRequestTimer; QString pm25; AppModelPrivate() : src(NULL), nam(NULL), ns(NULL), fcProp(NULL), ready(false), useGps(true), hasValidCity(false), nErrors(0), minMsBeforeNewRequest(baseMsBeforeNewRequest), pm25("") { delayedCityRequestTimer.setSingleShot(true); delayedCityRequestTimer.setInterval(1000); // 1 s throttle.invalidate(); } };
这在移植Qt时,是一个标准的写法.通常这个类不是继承于QObject的.在这个标准的写法,其实也是需要把AppModel这个类的q(继承于QObject)指针传人到我们的Private类中.这样做的目的是为了能够利用我们的q指针来发送我们的信号,从而使得我们的UI或其它的QObject类能够收到Private类中的数据.有关于这个话题的更进一步资料,可以详细参阅Qt porting之类的文章.这里不一一描述了.这个类可以使用已有的平台的API来获取我们所需要的服务中的数据.
void AppModel::handleWeatherNetworkData(QObject *replyObj) { qDebug() << "handleWeatherNetworkData"; qDebug() << "got weather network data"; QNetworkReply *networkReply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(replyObj); if (!networkReply) return; if (!networkReply->error()) { // We need to clear the previously stored data QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(networkReply->readAll()); qDebug() << "document: " << document; QVariantMap root = document.toVariant().toMap(); QString date = root["date"].toString(); qDebug() << "date: " << date; QList<QVariant> list = root["results"].toList(); int count = list.count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { QVariantMap item = list.at(i).toMap() ; QString city = item["currentCity"].toString(); qDebug() << "city: " << city; QString pm25 = item["pm25"].toString(); qDebug() << "PM25: " << pm25; QList<QVariant> index = item["index"].toList(); int size = index.count(); qDebug() << "size: " << size; for ( int j = 0; j < size; j ++ ) { QVariantMap each = index.at(j).toMap() ; QString title = each["title"].toString(); qDebug() << "title: " << title; QString des = each["des"].toString(); qDebug() << "des: " << des; } d->forecast.clear(); foreach (const QVariant &k, item["weather_data"].toList()) { QVariantMap each = k.toMap(); QString date = each["date"].toString(); qDebug() << "date: " << date << " length: " << date.length(); date = date.left(2); qDebug() << "new date: " << date; QString dayPictureUrl = each["dayPictureUrl"].toString(); qDebug() << "dayPictureUrl: " << dayPictureUrl; QString nightPictureUrl = each["nightPictureUrl"].toString(); qDebug() << "nightPictureUrl: " << nightPictureUrl; QString weather = each["weather"].toString(); qDebug() << "weather: " << weather; QString wind = each["wind"].toString(); qDebug() << "wind: " << wind; QString temperature = each["temperature"].toString(); qDebug() << "temperature: " << temperature; // Now let's fill in the weather data WeatherData *forecastEntry = new WeatherData(); forecastEntry->setDate(date); forecastEntry->setDayPictureUrl(dayPictureUrl); forecastEntry->setNightPictureUrl(nightPictureUrl); forecastEntry->setWeather(weather); forecastEntry->setWind(wind); forecastEntry->setTemp(temperature); d->forecast.append(forecastEntry); } } if (!(d->ready)) { d->ready = true; emit readyChanged(); } emit weatherChanged(); } networkReply->deleteLater(); }
#include <QGuiApplication> #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> #include <QQuickView> #include "appmodel.h" #include "weatherdata.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); qmlRegisterType<WeatherData>("WeatherInfo", 1, 0, "WeatherData"); qmlRegisterType<AppModel>("WeatherInfo", 1, 0, "AppModel"); QQuickView view; view.setSource(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:///Main.qml"))); view.setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); view.show(); return app.exec(); }
import QtQuick 2.0 import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 import WeatherInfo 1.0 /*! \brief MainView with a Label and Button elements. */ MainView { // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5) objectName: "mainView" // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest applicationName: "baiduweather.liu-xiao-guo" /* This property enables the application to change orientation when the device is rotated. The default is false. */ //automaticOrientation: true // Removes the old toolbar and enables new features of the new header. useDeprecatedToolbar: false width: units.gu(60) height: units.gu(85) AppModel { id: mymodel onReadyChanged: { console.log("ready is changed!"); console.log("city: " + city) // console.log("forecast[0]: " + forecast[0].dayPictureUrl); if (mymodel.ready) { page.state = "ready" input.text = mymodel.city // listview.model = mymodel.forecast; } else { page.state = "loading" } } } Page { id: page // We cannot name it window. title: i18n.tr("Baidu Weather") Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: units.gu(1) TextField { id: input anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter onAccepted: { mymodel.city = text; } onTextChanged: { mymodel.city = text; } } Image { id: image height: parent.height/3 width: height anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter source: { if ( !mymodel.ready ) return "" var date = new Date(); var n = date.getHours(); if ( n >= 7 && n < 18 ) { return mymodel.forecast[0].dayPictureUrl; } else { return mymodel.forecast[0].nightPictureUrl; } } Label { id: city anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: mymodel.city fontSize: "large" } Label { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.top:city.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: units.gu(1) text: "PM25: " + mymodel.pm25; fontSize: "large" } } Row { id: firstrow spacing: units.gu(1) width: parent.width anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Repeater { model: mymodel.forecast width: page.width anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Column { spacing: units.gu(2) Text { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: date font.pixelSize: units.gu(3) } Image { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter width: (page.width - firstrow.spacing*3 ) /4 height: width source: dayPictureUrl } Image { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter width: (page.width - firstrow.spacing*3) /4 height: width source: nightPictureUrl } Text { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: mymodel.forecast[index].temp } } } } } } }
Repeater { model: mymodel.forecast .... }