前面分析了Appointment的绘制过程.devexpress 相对封闭。所以,如果想要改变其行为,CustomDraw,是常用方法。
private void schedulerControl_CustomDrawAppointment(object sender, DevExpress.XtraScheduler.CustomDrawObjectEventArgs e) { SchedulerViewType svt = this.schedulerControl.ActiveViewType; AppointmentViewInfoCollection appointmentViewInfos = null; switch (svt) { case SchedulerViewType.Day: appointmentViewInfos = this.schedulerControl.DayView.ViewInfo.AppointmentViewInfos; break; case SchedulerViewType.Month: appointmentViewInfos = this.schedulerControl.MonthView.ViewInfo.AppointmentViewInfos; break; case SchedulerViewType.Week: appointmentViewInfos = this.schedulerControl.WeekView.ViewInfo.AppointmentViewInfos; break; case SchedulerViewType.WorkWeek: appointmentViewInfos = this.schedulerControl.WorkWeekView.ViewInfo.AppointmentViewInfos; break; default: return; } Debug.Assert(appointmentViewInfos.Count > 0); // WeekView for example will have multiple AppointmentViewInfos. For this naive example, attempt to paint the first half of the first one only. // Note: avi.AppointmentInterval is the entire span, whereas avi.Interval will be the current interval under the weekly views. AppointmentViewInfo avi = appointmentViewInfos[0]; if (avi.Appointment.Subject.StartsWith("Test")) // Custom paint only appts starting with "Test" { e.DrawDefault(); Rectangle r = e.Bounds; // Try to get width of the appointment border so we can draw inside it. Pen borderPen = avi.Appearance.GetBorderPen(e.Cache); int borderWidth = (int)borderPen.Width * 2; // Seems necessary for different skins to double this, but don't know why. Rectangle firstHalf = new Rectangle(r.Left + borderWidth, r.Top + borderWidth, r.Width / 2, r.Height - 2 * borderWidth); e.Cache.FillRectangle(Color.LightBlue, firstHalf); // Attempt to redraw the subject text, since half will be overwritten. Many problems with this approach though! StringFormat strFormat = new StringFormat(); strFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; strFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; e.Cache.DrawString(avi.Appointment.Subject, avi.Appearance.Font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), r, strFormat); e.Handled = true; } }
private void schedulerControl1_CustomDrawAppointment(object sender, CustomDrawObjectEventArgs e) { AppointmentViewInfo av = e.ObjectInfo as AppointmentViewInfo; av.Appearance.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10); Color boundsColor = Color.Black; int statusDelta = 0; for(int i = 0; i < av.StatusItems.Count; i++) { AppointmentViewInfoStatusItem statusItem = av.StatusItems[i] as AppointmentViewInfoStatusItem; e.Cache.FillRectangle(statusItem.BackgroundViewInfo.Brush, statusItem.BackgroundViewInfo.Bounds); e.Cache.FillRectangle(statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.Brush, statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.Bounds); e.Cache.DrawRectangle(new Pen(statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.BorderColor), statusItem.BackgroundViewInfo.Bounds); e.Cache.DrawRectangle(new Pen(statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.BorderColor), statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.Bounds); statusDelta = Math.Max(statusDelta, statusItem.Bounds.Width); boundsColor = statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.BorderColor; } Rectangle r = e.Bounds; r.X += statusDelta; r.Y += 5; Font subjFont = new Font("Tahoma", 15); e.Cache.DrawString(av.Appointment.Subject.Trim(), subjFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Blue), r, StringFormat.GenericDefault); SizeF subjSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(av.Appointment.Subject.Trim(), subjFont); int lineNumber = (int)Math.Floor(subjSize.Width / r.Width) + 1; Rectangle loc = r; loc.Y += (int)Math.Round(subjSize.Height * lineNumber); e.Cache.Graphics.DrawLine(e.Cache.GetPen(boundsColor), new Point(loc.Location.X + statusDelta, loc.Location.Y), new Point(loc.Location.X + loc.Width - (statusDelta * 2), loc.Location.Y)); e.Cache.DrawString(av.Appointment.Location.Trim(), new Font("Tahoma", 10), new SolidBrush(Color.Salmon), loc, StringFormat.GenericTypographic); Rectangle dec = loc; SizeF locSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(av.Appointment.Location.Trim(), new Font("Tahoma", 10)); int lineLocNumber = ((int)Math.Floor(locSize.Width / loc.Width) + 1); dec.Y += (int)Math.Round(locSize.Height * lineLocNumber); e.Cache.DrawString(av.Appointment.Description.Trim(), new Font("Tahoma", 10), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), dec, StringFormat.GenericTypographic); e.Handled = true; }
private void schedulerControl1_CustomDrawAppointmentBackground(object sender, CustomDrawObjectEventArgs e) { var info = (AppointmentViewInfo)e.ObjectInfo; e.DrawDefault(); switch (info.Appointment.Subject ) { case "Wrong": // InnerBounds reflects the whole Appointment drawing rectangle. // Unfortunately it introduces a 1px wide white border. e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Lavender, info.InnerBounds); break; case "Right": Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Empty; Rectangle statusItemBounds = Rectangle.Empty; var statusItem = info.StatusItems.FirstOrDefault() as AppointmentViewInfoStatusItem; if (statusItem != null) statusItemBounds = statusItem.Bounds; // Calulating the drawing area by substracting the top, left, right and bottom // borders from e.ObjectInfo.Bounds bounds = info.Bounds; bounds.Y += info.TopBorderBounds.Height; bounds.X += info.LeftBorderBounds.Width + statusItemBounds.Width; Size size = bounds.Size; size.Height -= (info.TopBorderBounds.Height + info.BottomBorderBounds.Height); size.Width -= (info.LeftBorderBounds.Width + info.RightBorderBounds.Width + statusItemBounds.Width); bounds.Size = size; if (statusItem != null) { // To get the Y position and the height of the area that is drawn by the time status item, // we have to access the private ForegroundViewInfo property and read its // Y position and height in order to adjust our drawing rectangle to it. var prop = statusItem.GetType().GetProperty("ForegroundViewInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); AppointmentStatusViewInfo statusForeGroundInfo = (AppointmentStatusViewInfo)prop.GetValue(statusItem, null); bounds.Y = Math.Max(bounds.Y, statusForeGroundInfo.Bounds.Y); bounds.Height = Math.Min(bounds.Height, statusForeGroundInfo.Bounds.Height); } e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Lavender, bounds); break; default: break; } e.Handled = true;
自绘制Top Status 线
private void schedulerControl_CustomDrawAppointment(object sender, CustomDrawObjectEventArgs e)
AppointmentViewInfo av = e.ObjectInfo as AppointmentViewInfo;
av.Appearance.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10);
Color boundsColor = Color.Black;
//int statusDelta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < av.StatusItems.Count; i++)
AppointmentViewInfoStatusItem statusItem = av.StatusItems[i] as AppointmentViewInfoStatusItem;
ViewInfoItem curitem = av.Items[i] as ViewInfoItem;
e.Cache.FillRectangle(statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.Brush, statusItem.ForegroundViewInfo.Bounds);