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$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '123456';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] ='root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '123456';
2.小空间 大智慧
7.1 System requirements
SmartFoxServer is a multi-platform applicationwritten in Java 1.4 that can be run on many different operatingsystems.
The minimum requirements to run the serverare:
- A 300Mhz cpu or better
- At least64Mb of RAM
- 50Mb ofhardisk space
- Anoperating system capable of running a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)like Windows (98/NT/2000/XP), Linux, MacOS X, other Unix basedOS(es)
- The Sun"Java Runtime Edition (JRE) version 1.4.2 or higher.
(The PRO edition requires Java 1.5 - Linux versions already comewith an embedded JRE)
Reccomended basic hardwarerequirements:
- 800Mhz or higher CPU
- 256MbRAM
Reccomended hardware requirements for hightraffic applications and games:
- Dual 2.0Ghz CPU or higher
- 1GbRam
- Serverversion of the Sun JVM
7.2 Installing the Java Runtime
In order to install or upgrade your Java Runtime, pleasefollow thislink.
7.3 Installing on Windows (NT/2K/XP/2003)
Double click on the installer and follow the simple instructionson screen.
When theprocess is finished you will find a newSmartFoxServer folder under the Start >Programs menu where you can launch the server and accessthe other application folders.
InstallingSmartFoxServer as a Windows Service:
From the Windows Start Menu open the SmartFoxServer folderand click on the Install Service icon to installSmartFoxServer as a windows service. Once this is done you willfind it listed in the windows services under the managementconsole.
You can nowstart/stop/restart the server following these steps:
1.Right-click My Computer, and chooseManage.
2. Expandthe Services & Applications tab, and selectServices.
3. SelectSmartFoxServer and use the control buttons or right click on it toaccess the context menu.
In order touninstall the server as a service just click the UninstallService icon from the Start > Programs >SmartFoxServer menu.
7.4 Flash API installation
To complete the setup you will need to install theSmartFoxServer API extension forAdobe Flash.
The extension will add new objects that you can use in Actionscriptto interact with the server.
To install the API just open the Flash API/folder in your SFS main directory and choose the appropriateversion.
» Flash MX 2004 - Flash8
Simply double click the Actionscript2.0/SmartFoxClient_AS2.mxp file to launch the ExtensionManager and install the component.
Alternatively you can point the Flash classpath of your currentproject to the sources/AS2/ folder.
» Flex Builder 2 /Flash 9 alpha
Add the provided SmartFoxClient_AS3.swc libraryfile to your current project build path.
In Flex Builder right click the project icon, chooseproperties >> FlexBuild Path >> LibraryFile >> AddSWC...
If you want to use the JSON based protocol, add also the Adobecorelib.swc library file.
7.5 API documentation
For more info about the Flash Client API, please refer tosection 4.1, and section 4.2 of this documentation.
In case youneed to upgrade your Adobe Extension Manager please download the latest version.
问题1,PHP Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected $end 解决方法:
12In PHP 5, the following error may appears as an error entry in Apache error log or simply displays on PHP web page, even if calling to php scripts with php_info() works perfectly and successfully returns information on PHP configurations:
Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ….. scripts.php on line …
The error may caused by a missing curly bracket in PHP script coding. Beside, it may also caused by error in PHP coding in class definition, as in PHP, a class definition cannot be broke up and distributed into multiple files, or into multiple PHP blocks, unless the break is within a method declaration.
But more commonly, the error is often caused by the use of Short Open tags in PHP,
To use short open tags, it must be enabled in PHP.INI. Search for short_open_tag in PHP.INI, and change the value to On. The line should look line:
short_open_tag = On
补充2:phpmyadmin安装在htdocs目录下。输入http://localhost/phpmyadmin显示页面如下: Index of /phpMyAdmin等
DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html
补充3:php配置的问题Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
把php5ts.dll,libmysql.dll 拷到 system32系统目录里了。
extension_dir = "D:/php/ext 也改了
解决方法:将extension_dir = "D:/php/ext ";改为
extension_dir = "D:/php/ext ";