这个变量被用来提供一个健全的线路设置集合, 如果这个端口在被用户初始化前使用. 驱动初始化这个变量使用一个标准的数值集, 它拷贝自 tty_std_termios 变量. tty_std_termos 在 tty 核心被定义为:
struct termios tty_std_termios = { .c_iflag = ICRNL | IXON, .c_oflag = OPOST | ONLCR, .c_cflag = B38400 | CS8 | CREAD | HUPCL, .c_lflag = ISIG | ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHOCTL | ECHOKE | IEXTEN, .c_cc = INIT_C_CC };
这个 struct termios 结构用来持有所有的当前线路设置, 给这个 tty 设备的一个特定端口. 这些线路设置控制当前波特率, 数据大小, 数据流控设置, 以及许多其他值.
(一)c_iflag 标志常量:Input mode ( 输入模式)
input mode可以在输入值传给程序之前控制其处理的方式。其中输入值可能是由序列埠或键盘的终端驱动程序所接收到的字元。我们可以利用termios结构的c_iflag的标志来加以控制,其定义的方式皆以OR来加以组合。
Local mode主要用来控制终端设备不同的特色。利用termios结构里的c_lflag的标志来设定局部模式。
(五)c_cc 数组: 特殊控制字元
- ISIG:当接受到字符 INTR, QUIT, SUSP, 或 DSUSP 时,产生相应的信号。
- ICANON:启用标准模式 (canonical mode)。允许使用特殊字符 EOF, EOL, EOL2, ERASE, KILL, LNEXT, REPRINT, STATUS, 和 WERASE,以及按行的缓冲。
- XCASE:(不属于 POSIX; Linux 下不被支持) 如果同时设置了 ICANON,终端只有大写。输入被转换为小写,除了有前缀的字符。输出时,大写字符被前缀(某些系统指定的特定字符) ,小写字符被转换成大写。
- ECHO :回显输入字符。
- ECHOE :如果同时设置了 ICANON,字符 ERASE 擦除前一个输入字符,WERASE 擦除前一个词。
- ECHOK :如果同时设置了 ICANON,字符 KILL 删除当前行。
- ECHONL :如果同时设置了 ICANON,回显字符 NL,即使没有设置 ECHO。
- ECHOCTL :(不属于 POSIX) 如果同时设置了 ECHO,除了 TAB, NL, START, 和 STOP 之外的 ASCII 控制信号被回显为 ^X, 这里 X 是比控制信号大 0x40 的 ASCII 码。例如,字符 0x08 (BS) 被回显为 ^H。
- ECHOPRT :(不属于 POSIX) 如果同时设置了 ICANON 和 IECHO,字符在删除的同时被打印。
- ECHOKE :(不属于 POSIX) 如果同时设置了 ICANON,回显 KILL 时将删除一行中的每个字符,如同指定了 ECHOE 和 ECHOPRT 一样。
- DEFECHO :(不属于 POSIX) 只在一个进程读的时候回显。
- FLUSHO :(不属于 POSIX; Linux 下不被支持) 输出被刷新。这个标志可以通过键入字符 DISCARD 来开关。
- NOFLSH :禁止在产生 SIGINT, SIGQUIT 和 SIGSUSP 信号时刷新输入和输出队列,即关闭queue中的flush。
- TOSTOP :向试图写控制终端的后台进程组发送 SIGTTOU 信号(传送欲写入的信息到后台处理)。
- PENDIN :(不属于 POSIX; Linux 下不被支持) 在读入下一个字符时,输入队列中所有字符被重新输出。(bash 用它来处理 typeahead)
- IEXTEN :启用实现自定义的输入处理。这个标志必须与 ICANON 同时使用,才能解释特殊字符 EOL2,LNEXT,REPRINT 和 WERASE,IUCLC 标志才有效。
- VINTR:(003, ETX, Ctrl-C, or also 0177, DEL, rubout) 中断字符。发出 SIGINT 信号。当设置 ISIG 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VQUIT :(034, FS, Ctrl-) 退出字符。发出 SIGQUIT 信号。当设置 ISIG 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VERASE :(0177, DEL, rubout, or 010, BS, Ctrl-H, or also #) 删除字符。删除上一个还没有删掉的字符,但不删除上一个 EOF 或行首。当设置 ICANON 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VKILL :(025, NAK, Ctrl-U, or Ctrl-X, or also @) 终止字符。删除自上一个 EOF 或行首以来的输入。当设置 ICANON 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VEOF :(004, EOT, Ctrl-D) 文件尾字符。更精确地说,这个字符使得 tty 缓冲中的内容被送到等待输入的用户程序中,而不必等到 EOL。如果它是一行的第一个字符,那么用户程序的 read() 将返回 0,指示读到了 EOF。当设置 ICANON 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VMIN :非 canonical 模式读的最小字符数(MIN主要是表示能满足read的最小字元数)。
- VEOL :(0, NUL) 附加的行尾字符。当设置 ICANON 时可被识别。
- VTIME :非 canonical 模式读时的延时,以十分之一秒为单位。
- VEOL2 :(not in POSIX; 0, NUL) 另一个行尾字符。当设置 ICANON 时可被识别。
- VSWTCH :(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux; 0, NUL) 开关字符。(只为 shl 所用。)
- VSTART :(021, DC1, Ctrl-Q) 开始字符。重新开始被 Stop 字符中止的输出。当设置 IXON 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VSTOP :(023, DC3, Ctrl-S) 停止字符。停止输出,直到键入 Start 字符。当设置 IXON 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VSUSP :(032, SUB, Ctrl-Z) 挂起字符。发送 SIGTSTP 信号。当设置 ISIG 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VDSUSP :(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux; 031, EM, Ctrl-Y) 延时挂起信号。当用户程序读到这个字符时,发送 SIGTSTP 信号。当设置 IEXTEN 和 ISIG,并且系统支持作业管理时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VLNEXT :(not in POSIX; 026, SYN, Ctrl-V) 字面上的下一个。引用下一个输入字符,取消它的任何特殊含义。当设置 IEXTEN 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VWERASE :(not in POSIX; 027, ETB, Ctrl-W) 删除词。当设置 ICANON 和 IEXTEN 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VREPRINT :(not in POSIX; 022, DC2, Ctrl-R) 重新输出未读的字符。当设置 ICANON 和 IEXTEN 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VDISCARD :(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux; 017, SI, Ctrl-O) 开关:开始/结束丢弃未完成的输出。当设置 IEXTEN 时可被识别,不再作为输入传递。
- VSTATUS :(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux; status request: 024, DC4, Ctrl-T).
- 这些符号下标值是互不相同的,除了 VTIME,VMIN 的值可能分别与 VEOL,VEOF 相同。 (在 non-canonical 模式下,特殊字符的含义更改为延时含义。MIN 表示应当被读入的最小字符数。TIME 是以十分之一秒为单位的计时器。如果同时设置了它们,read 将等待直到至少读入一个字符,一旦读入 MIN 个字符或者从上次读入字符开始经过了 TIME 时间就立即返回。如果只设置了 MIN,read 在读入 MIN 个字符之前不会返回。如果只设置了 TIME,read 将在至少读入一个字符,或者计时器超时的时候立即返回。如果都没有设置,read 将立即返回,只给出当前准备好的字符。)
1、 MIN = 0 , TIME =0有READ立即回传否则传回 0 ,不读取任何字元2、 MIN = 0 , TIME >0READ 传回读到的字元,或在十分之一秒后传回TIME若来不及读到任何字元,则传回03、 MIN > 0 , TIME =0READ 会等待,直到MIN字元可读4、 MIN > 0 , TIME > 0每一格字元之间计时器即会被启动READ 会在读到MIN字元,传回值或TIME的字元计时(1/10秒)超过时将值传回
1.原型int tcgetattr(int fd,struct termois & termios_p);2.功能取得终端介质(fd)初始值,并把其值 赋给temios_p; 函数可以从后台进程中调用;但是,终端属性可能被后来的前台进程所改变。
1.原型int tcsetattr(int fd,int actions,const struct termios *termios_p);2.功能
设置与终端相关的参数 (除非需要底层支持却无法满足),使用 termios_p 引用的 termios 结构。optional_actions (tcsetattr函数的第二个参数)指定了什么时候改变会起作用:
- TCSANOW:改变立即发生
- TCSADRAIN:改变在所有写入 fd 的输出都被传输后生效。这个函数应当用于修改影响输出的参数时使用。(当前输出完成时将值改变)
- TCSAFLUSH :改变在所有写入 fd 引用的对象的输出都被传输后生效,所有已接受但未读入的输入都在改变发生前丢弃(同TCSADRAIN,但会舍弃当前所有值)。
- TCIFLUSH :刷新收到的数据但是不读
- TCOFLUSH :刷新写入的数据但是不传送
- TCIOFLUSH :同时刷新收到的数据但是不读,并且刷新写入的数据但是不传送
- TCOOFF :挂起输出
- TCOON :重新开始被挂起的输出
- TCIOFF :发送一个 STOP 字符,停止终端设备向系统传送数据
- TCION :发送一个 START 字符,使终端设备向系统传输数据
设置速度为 B0 使得 modem "挂机"。与 B38400 相应的实际比特率可以用 setserial(8) 调整。
输入和输出波特率被保存于 termios 结构中。
cfmakeraw 设置终端属性如下:
termios_p->c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
termios_p->c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHONL|ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN);
termios_p->c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE|PARENB);
termios_p->c_cflag |= CS8;
2.cfsetospeed() 设置 termios_p 指向的 termios 结构中存储的输出波特率为 speed。取值必须是以下常量之一:
B0 B50 B75 B110 B134 B150 B200 B300 B600 B1200 B1800 B2400 B4800 B9600 B19200 B38400 B57600 B115200 B230400
其中:零值 B0 用来中断连接。如果指定了 B0,不应当再假定存在连接。通常,这样将断开连接。CBAUDEX 是一个掩码,指示高于 POSIX.1 定义的速度的那一些 (57600 及以上)。因此,B57600 & CBAUDEX 为非零。
3.cfgetispeed() 返回 termios 结构中存储的输入波特率。
4.cfsetispeed() 设置 termios 结构中存储的输入波特率为 speed。如果输入波特率被设为0,实际输入波特率将等于输出波特率。
1.cfgetispeed() 返回 termios 结构中存储的输入波特率。
2.cfgetospeed() 返回 termios 结构中存储的输出波特率。
(1)0: 成功
(2)-1: 失败,
注意 tcsetattr() 返回成功,如果任何所要求的修改可以实现的话。因此,当进行多重修改时,应当在这个函数之后再次调用 tcgetattr() 来检测是否所有修改都成功实现。
六、NOTES 注意
Unix V7 以及很多后来的系统有一个波特率的列表,在十四个值 B0, ..., B9600 之后可以看到两个常数 EXTA, EXTB ("External A" and "External B")。很多系统将这个列表扩展为更高的波特率。
tcsendbreak 中非零的 duration 有不同的效果。SunOS 指定中断 duration*N 秒,其中 N 至少为 0.25,不高于 0.5 。Linux, AIX, DU, Tru64 发送 duration 微秒的 break 。FreeBSD, NetBSD, HP-UX 以及 MacOS 忽略 duration 的值。在 Solaris 和 Unixware 中, tcsendbreak 搭配非零的 duration 效果类似于 tcdrain。
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfmakeraw, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, cfsetspeed - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
#include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> int tcgetattr(int fd, struct termios *termios_p); int tcsetattr(int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *termios_p); int tcsendbreak(int fd, int duration); int tcdrain(int fd); int tcflush(int fd, int queue_selector); int tcflow(int fd, int action); void cfmakeraw(struct termios *termios_p); speed_t cfgetispeed(const struct termios *termios_p); speed_t cfgetospeed(const struct termios *termios_p); int cfsetispeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed); int cfsetospeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed); int cfsetspeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed);Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):
The termios functions describe a general terminal interface that is provided to control asynchronous communications ports.
The termios structure
tcflag_t c_iflag; /* input modes */ tcflag_t c_oflag; /* output modes */ tcflag_t c_cflag; /* control modes */ tcflag_t c_lflag; /* local modes */ cc_t c_cc[NCCS]; /* special characters */
In the descriptions below, "not in POSIX" means that the value is not specified in POSIX.1-2001, and "XSI" means that the value is specified in POSIX.1-2001 as part of the XSI extension.
c_iflag flag constants:
Ignore BREAK condition on input.
If IGNBRK is set, a BREAK is ignored. If it is not set but BRKINT is set, then a BREAK causes the input and output queues to be flushed, and if the terminal is the controlling terminal of a foreground process group, it will cause a SIGINT to be sent to this foreground process group. When neither IGNBRK nor BRKINT are set, a BREAK reads as a null byte ('\0'), except when PARMRK is set, in which case it reads as the sequence \377 \0 \0.
Ignore framing errors and parity errors.
If IGNPAR is not set, prefix a character with a parity error or framing error with \377 \0. If neither IGNPAR nor PARMRK is set, read a character with a parity error or framing error as \0.
Enable input parity checking.
Strip off eighth bit.
Translate NL to CR on input.
Ignore carriage return on input.
Translate carriage return to newline on input (unless IGNCR is set).
(not in POSIX) Map uppercase characters to lowercase on input.
Enable XON/XOFF flow control on output.
(XSI) Typing any character will restart stopped output. (The default is to allow just the START character to restart output.)
Enable XON/XOFF flow control on input.
Enable implementation-defined output processing.
(not in POSIX) Map lowercase characters to uppercase on output.
(XSI) Map NL to CR-NL on output.
Map CR to NL on output.
Don't output CR at column 0.
Don't output CR.
Send fill characters for a delay, rather than using a timed delay.
(not in POSIX) Fill character is ASCII DEL (0177). If unset, fill character is ASCII NUL ('\0'). (Not implemented on Linux.)
Newline delay mask. Values are NL0 and NL1. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE]
Carriage return delay mask. Values are CR0, CR1, CR2, or CR3. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE]
Horizontal tab delay mask. Values are TAB0, TAB1, TAB2, TAB3 (or XTABS). A value of TAB3, that is, XTABS, expands tabs to spaces (with tab stops every eight columns). [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE]
Backspace delay mask. Values are BS0 or BS1. (Has never been implemented.) [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE]
Vertical tab delay mask. Values are VT0 or VT1.
Form feed delay mask. Values are FF0 or FF1. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE]
(not in POSIX) Baud speed mask (4+1 bits). [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
(POSIX says that the baud speed is stored in the termios structure without specifying where precisely, and provides cfgetispeed() and cfsetispeed() for getting at it. Some systems use bits selected by CBAUD in c_cflag, other systems use separate fields, for example, sg_ispeed and sg_ospeed.)
Character size mask. Values are CS5, CS6, CS7, or CS8.
Set two stop bits, rather than one.
Enable receiver.
Enable parity generation on output and parity checking for input.
If set, then parity for input and output is odd; otherwise even parity is used.
Lower modem control lines after last process closes the device (hang up).
Ignore modem control lines.
(not in POSIX) Block output from a noncurrent shell layer. For use by shl (shell layers). (Not implemented on Linux.)
(not in POSIX) Mask for input speeds. The values for the CIBAUD bits are the same as the values for the CBAUD bits, shifted left IBSHIFT bits. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or_SVID_SOURCE] (Not implemented on Linux.)
(not in POSIX) Use "stick" (mark/space) parity (supported on certain serial devices): if PARODD is set, the parity bit is always 1; if PARODD is not set, then the parity bit is always 0). [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
When any of the characters INTR, QUIT, SUSP, or DSUSP are received, generate the corresponding signal.
Enable canonical mode (described below).
(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux) If ICANON is also set, terminal is uppercase only. Input is converted to lowercase, except for characters preceded by \. On output, uppercase characters are preceded by \ and lowercase characters are converted to uppercase. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE]
Echo input characters.
If ICANON is also set, the ERASE character erases the preceding input character, and WERASE erases the preceding word.
If ICANON is also set, the KILL character erases the current line.
If ICANON is also set, echo the NL character even if ECHO is not set.
(not in POSIX) If ICANON is also set, KILL is echoed by erasing each character on the line, as specified by ECHOE and ECHOPRT. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or_SVID_SOURCE]
(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux) Output is being flushed. This flag is toggled by typing the DISCARD character. [requires _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
Disable flushing the input and output queues when generating signals for the INT, QUIT, and SUSP characters.
Send the SIGTTOU signal to the process group of a background process which tries to write to its controlling terminal.
(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux) All characters in the input queue are reprinted when the next character is read. (bash(1) handles typeahead this way.) [requires_BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE]
Enable implementation-defined input processing. This flag, as well as ICANON must be enabled for the special characters EOL2, LNEXT, REPRINT, WERASE to be interpreted, and for the IUCLC flag to be effective.
(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux; 031, EM, Ctrl-Y) Delayed suspend character (DSUSP): send SIGTSTP signal when the character is read by the user program. Recognized when IEXTEN and ISIG are set, and the system supports job control, and then not passed as input.
(004, EOT, Ctrl-D) End-of-file character (EOF). More precisely: this character causes the pending tty buffer to be sent to the waiting user program without waiting for end-of-line. If it is the first character of the line, the read(2) in the user program returns 0, which signifies end-of-file. Recognized when ICANON is set, and then not passed as input.
(0, NUL) Additional end-of-line character (EOL). Recognized when ICANON is set.
(not in POSIX; 0, NUL) Yet another end-of-line character (EOL2). Recognized when ICANON is set.
(0177, DEL, rubout, or 010, BS, Ctrl-H, or also #) Erase character (ERASE). This erases the previous not-yet-erased character, but does not erase past EOF or beginning-of-line. Recognized when ICANON is set, and then not passed as input.
(003, ETX, Ctrl-C, or also 0177, DEL, rubout) Interrupt character (INTR). Send a SIGINT signal. Recognized when ISIG is set, and then not passed as input.
(025, NAK, Ctrl-U, or Ctrl-X, or also @) Kill character (KILL). This erases the input since the last EOF or beginning-of-line. Recognized when ICANON is set, and then not passed as input.
(not in POSIX; 026, SYN, Ctrl-V) Literal next (LNEXT). Quotes the next input character, depriving it of a possible special meaning. Recognized when IEXTEN is set, and then not passed as input.
Minimum number of characters for noncanonical read (MIN).
(034, FS, Ctrl-\) Quit character (QUIT). Send SIGQUIT signal. Recognized when ISIG is set, and then not passed as input.
(021, DC1, Ctrl-Q) Start character (START). Restarts output stopped by the Stop character. Recognized when IXON is set, and then not passed as input.
(023, DC3, Ctrl-S) Stop character (STOP). Stop output until Start character typed. Recognized when IXON is set, and then not passed as input.
(032, SUB, Ctrl-Z) Suspend character (SUSP). Send SIGTSTP signal. Recognized when ISIG is set, and then not passed as input.
(not in POSIX; not supported under Linux; 0, NUL) Switch character (SWTCH). Used in System V to switch shells in shell layers, a predecessor to shell job control.
Timeout in deciseconds for noncanonical read (TIME).
The above symbolic subscript values are all different, except that VTIME, VMIN may have the same value as VEOL, VEOF, respectively. In noncanonical mode the special character meaning is replaced by the timeout meaning. For an explanation of VMIN and VTIME, see the description of noncanonical mode below.
Retrieving and changing terminal settings
tcsetattr() sets the parameters associated with the terminal (unless support is required from the underlying hardware that is not available) from the termios structure referred to bytermios_p. optional_actions specifies when the changes take effect:
Canonical and noncanonical mode
In canonical mode:
Input is made available line by line. An input line is available when one of the line delimiters is typed (NL, EOL, EOL2; or EOF at the start of line). Except in the case of EOF, the line delimiter is included in the buffer returned by read(2).
Line editing is enabled (ERASE, KILL; and if the IEXTEN flag is set: WERASE, REPRINT, LNEXT). A read(2) returns at most one line of input; if the read(2) requested fewer bytes than are available in the current line of input, then only as many bytes as requested are read, and the remaining characters will be available for a future read(2).
MIN == 0; TIME == 0: If data is available, read(2) returns immediately, with the lesser of the number of bytes available, or the number of bytes requested. If no data is available,read(2) returns 0.
MIN > 0; TIME == 0: read(2) blocks until the lesser of MIN bytes or the number of bytes requested are available, and returns the lesser of these two values.
MIN == 0; TIME > 0: TIME specifies the limit for a timer in tenths of a second. The timer is started when read(2) is called. read(2) returns either when at least one byte of data is available, or when the timer expires. If the timer expires without any input becoming available, read(2) returns 0.
MIN > 0; TIME > 0: TIME specifies the limit for a timer in tenths of a second. Once an initial byte of input becomes available, the timer is restarted after each further byte is received. read(2) returns either when the lesser of the number of bytes requested or MIN byte have been read, or when the inter-byte timeout expires. Because the timer is only started after the initial byte becomes available, at least one byte will be read.
Raw mode
termios_p->c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON); termios_p->c_oflag &= ~OPOST; termios_p->c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN); termios_p->c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); termios_p->c_cflag |= CS8;
Line control
If the terminal is not using asynchronous serial data transmission, tcsendbreak() returns without taking any action.
tcdrain() waits until all output written to the object referred to by fd has been transmitted.
tcflush() discards data written to the object referred to by fd but not transmitted, or data received but not read, depending on the value of queue_selector:
suspends output.
restarts suspended output.
transmits a STOP character, which stops the terminal device from transmitting data to the system.
transmits a START character, which starts the terminal device transmitting data to the system.
Line speed
Setting the speed to B0 instructs the modem to "hang up". The actual bit rate corresponding to B38400 may be altered with setserial(8).
The input and output baud rates are stored in the termios structure.
cfgetospeed() returns the output baud rate stored in the termios structure pointed to by termios_p.
cfsetospeed() sets the output baud rate stored in the termios structure pointed to by termios_p to speed, which must be one of these constants:
cfgetispeed() returns the input baud rate stored in the termios structure.
cfsetispeed() sets the input baud rate stored in the termios structure to speed, which must be specified as one of the Bnnn constants listed above for cfsetospeed(). If the input baud rate is set to zero, the input baud rate will be equal to the output baud rate.
cfsetspeed() is a 4.4BSD extension. It takes the same arguments as cfsetispeed(), and sets both input and output speed.
cfgetispeed() returns the input baud rate stored in the termios structure.
cfgetospeed() returns the output baud rate stored in the termios structure.
All other functions return:
on success.
on failure and set errno to indicate the error.
tcgetattr(), tcsetattr(), tcsendbreak(), tcdrain(), tcflush(), tcflow(), cfgetispeed(), cfgetospeed(), cfsetispeed(), and cfsetospeed() are specified in POSIX.1-2001.
cfmakeraw() and cfsetspeed() are nonstandard, but available on the BSDs.
UNIX V7 and several later systems have a list of baud rates where after the fourteen values B0, ..., B9600 one finds the two constants EXTA, EXTB ("External A" and "External B"). Many systems extend the list with much higher baud rates.
The effect of a nonzero duration with tcsendbreak() varies. SunOS specifies a break of duration * N seconds, where N is at least 0.25, and not more than 0.5. Linux, AIX, DU, Tru64 send a break of duration milliseconds. FreeBSD and NetBSD and HP-UX and MacOS ignore the value of duration. Under Solaris and UnixWare, tcsendbreak() with nonzero duration behaves like tcdrain().