【索引】General Problem Solving Techniques:Examples:Intermediate

AOAPC I: Beginning Algorithm Contests -- Training Guide (Rujia Liu)

Chapter 1. Algorithm Design::General Problem Solving Techniques:Examples:Intermediate

  • 10905 - Children's Game
  • 1422 - Processor
  • 11627 - Slalom
  • 11134 - Fabled Rooks
  • 11100 - The Trip, 2007
  • 1344 - Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing
  • 11389 - The Bus Driver Problem
  • 1418 - WonderTeam
  • 1153 - Keep the Customer Satisfied
  • 1419 - Ugly Windows
  • 1420 - Priest John's Busiest Day
  • 1445 - Cubist Artwork
  • 1421 - Archery(uva上数据有误,可以到uvalive上提交)
  • 1377 - Ruler
  • 1354 - Mobile Computing
  • 1374 - Power Calculus
  • 10037 - Bridge
  • 10602 - Editor Nottoobad
  • 10716 - Evil Straw Warts Live
  • 11127 - Triple-Free Binary Strings
  • 10120 - Gift?!
  • 10123 - No Tipping
  • 10366 - Faucet Flow
  • 10396 - Vampire Numbers
  • 10479 - The Hendrie Sequence
  • 10483 - The Sum Equals the Product
  • 10570 - Meeting with Aliens
  • 10609 - Fractal
  • 10624 - Super Number
  • 10729 - Treequivalence
  • 10747 - Maximum Subsequence
  • 10771 - Barbarian tribes
  • 11012 - Cosmic Cabbages
  • 11106 - Rectilinear Polygon
  • 11269 - Setting Problems
  • 11387 - The 3-Regular Graph
  • 11714 - Blind Sorting
  • 11776 - Oh Your Royal Greediness!
  • 11920 - 0 s, 1 s and ? Marks
  • 11986 - Save from Radiation
  • 1554 - Binary Search
  • 1531 - Problem Bee
  • 668 - Parliament
  • 714 - Copying Books
  • 211 - The Domino Effect
  • 219 - Department of Redundancy Department
  • 229 - Scanner
  • 279 - Spin
  • 307 - Sticks
  • 322 - Ships(一直AC不了)
  • 502 - DEL command
  • 510 - Optimal Routing(貌似有误,没人AC)
  • 519 - Puzzle (II)
  • 529 - Addition Chains
  • 589 - Pushing Boxes
  • 609 - Metal Cutting
  • 646 - The Gourmet Club(未能AC)
  • 649 - You Who?
  • 690 - Pipeline Scheduling
  • 764 - Pentominos(TLE)
  • 770 - Puncher(题意不大理解)
  • 772 - Divide et unita(恶心题)
  • 798 - Tile Puzzle

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