《Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 4th Edition》Chapter 1 Meet Hadoop

  1. We live in the data age
  2. In a nutshell,this is what Hadoop provides:a reliable,scalable platform for storage and analysis.What’s more,because it runs on commodity hardware and is open source,Hadoop is affordable.
  3. For all its strengths,MapReduce is fundamentally a batch processing system, and is not suitable for interactive analysis.You can’t run a query and get results back in a few seconds or less.Queries typically take minutes or more, so it’s best for offline use.
    Hadoop has evolved beyond batch processing.Indeed,the term “Hadoop” is sometimes used to refer to a larger ecosystem of projects,not just HDFS and MapReduce, that fall under the umbrella of infrastructure for distributed computing and large-scale data processing.
    The Hadoop ecosystem includes Spark,Storm,Hive,HBase etc.
  4. Book Structure
    1. Part I
      Meet Hadoop
      Hadoop IO
    2. Part II
      MapReduce Application
      How MapReduce Works
      MapReduce Types and Formats
      Advanced MapReduce Feature
    3. Part III
      Setting Up a Hadoop Cluster
      Administering Hadoop
    4. Part IV
      Related Projects
    5. Part V
      Case Studies
