/* CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Profile_Total] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Profile END ================================================== CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Profile_GET] @PageSize int = null, @CurrentPage int = null, @SortExpression nvarchar(max) = null AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SqlString nvarchar(max) Declare @UpperBand int Declare @LowerBand int SET @LowerBand = (@CurrentPage - 1) * @PageSize SET @UpperBand = (@CurrentPage * @PageSize) + 1 BEGIN WITH tempProfile AS( SELECT [ProfileId], [Name], [Address], [Email], [Mobile], [IsActive] = CASE [IsActive] WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 0 THEN 'DeActive' END, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CASE @SortExpression WHEN 'ProfileId' THEN [ProfileId] END, CASE @SortExpression WHEN 'Name' THEN [Name] END, CASE @SortExpression WHEN 'Address' THEN [Address] END, CASE @SortExpression WHEN 'Email' THEN [Email] END, CASE @SortExpression WHEN 'Mobile' THEN [Mobile] END, CASE @SortExpression WHEN 'Status' THEN [IsActive] END ) AS RowNumber FROM [dbo].[Profile] ) SELECT [ProfileId], [Name], [Address], [Email], [Mobile], [IsActive] FROM tempProfile WHERE RowNumber > @LowerBand AND RowNumber < @UpperBand ORDER BY CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='ProfileId' THEN [ProfileId] END, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='ProfileId DESC' THEN [ProfileId] END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Name' THEN [Name] END, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Name DESC' THEN [Name] END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Address' THEN [Address] END, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Address DESC' THEN [Address] END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Email' THEN [Email] END, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Email DESC' THEN [Email] END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Mobile' THEN [Mobile] END, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Mobile DESC' THEN [Mobile] END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Status' THEN [IsActive] END, CASE WHEN @SortExpression ='Status DESC' THEN [IsActive] END DESC END END */
[System.ComponentModel.DataObject(true)] public class CCDataSource { public CCDataSource() { } [System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethod(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, false)] public Int32 TotalRowCount(Int32 startRowIndex, Int32 pageSize, String sortExpression) { Int32 intTotalProfile = 0; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("SQLConnetionString......")) { SqlCommand cmdSelect = new SqlCommand(); conn.Open(); cmdSelect.CommandText = "Profile_Total"; cmdSelect.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdSelect.Connection = conn; SqlDataReader dataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader(); dataReader.Read(); intTotalProfile = Convert.ToInt32(dataReader[0]); } return intTotalProfile; } [System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethod(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)] public static DataTable GetProfileData(Int32 startRowIndex, Int32 pageSize, String sortExpression) { DataTable profileDataTable = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("SQLConnetionString......")) { SqlCommand cmdSelect = new SqlCommand(); conn.Open(); cmdSelect.CommandText = "Profile_GET"; cmdSelect.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdSelect.Connection = conn; startRowIndex = Convert.ToInt32(startRowIndex / pageSize) + 1; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortExpression)) sortExpression = "ProfileId"; cmdSelect.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CurrentPage", startRowIndex); cmdSelect.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PageSize", pageSize); cmdSelect.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SortExpression", sortExpression); SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); dataAdapter.SelectCommand = cmdSelect; dataAdapter.Fill(profileDataTable); } //startRowIndex = Convert.ToInt32(startRowIndex / pageSize) + 1; return profileDataTable; } }
If you need to import Excel file to a database and already have ADO.NET code entities in place (DataSets, DataTables, DataAdapters) you can do this task trivially with this Excel C# / VB.NET library.
Here is a sample Excel C# code how to import Excel to DataTable (after which you can easily transfer DataTable to database with DataAdapter):
ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile(); // Depending on the format of the input file, you need to change this: DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string)); dataTable.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string)); // Load Excel file. ef.LoadXls("FileName.xls"); // Select the first worksheet from the file. ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets[0]; // Extract the data from the worksheet to the DataTable. // Data is extracted starting at first row and first column for 10 rows or until the first empty row appears. ws.ExtractToDataTable(dataTable, 10, ExtractDataOptions.StopAtFirstEmptyRow, ws.Rows[0], ws.Columns[0]);