jQuery JSON with PHP json_encode and json_decode




Today I looked for a replacement for my old jspanserializer.js script that I can’t even remember where I found anymore. Turns out that I wont have to either, I can forget it. From now on I’ll use jQuery JSON instead.

This stuff can really not get any simpler than this:

Json Test</title>

 data = new
  data.hello = "Hello"
  data.world = 'World'
  data.worked = " it worked "
  data.somebool = true
  data.array = new
 dataString = $.toJSON(data); 
, {data: dataString}, function
 obj = $.evalJSON(res); 
(obj.somebool === true
).html(obj.hello + ' '
 + obj.array[1
] + obj.worked + ". Message from PHP: "

We initialize some test data, encode it with $.toJSON and send it with $.post to phpfile.php :

 = json_decode($_REQUEST
], true
] = "I am PHP"echo

Note the last argument to json_decode , omitting it will result in a return type of stdObject which is not what we want in this simple test. Note that json_decode requires PHP 5.2. If that is not available you might want to check out an alternative method.

And the final output in the result div:

Hello "World" it worked . Message from PHP: I am PHP

