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# Thrift Tutorial

# Mark Slee (


# This file aims to teach you how to use Thrift, in a .thrift file. Neato. The

# first thing to notice is that .thrift files support standard shell comments.

# This lets you make your thrift file executable and include your Thrift build

# step on the top line. And you can place comments like this anywhere you like.


# Before running this file, you will need to have installed the thrift compiler

# into /usr/local/bin.




 * The first thing to know about are types. The available types in Thrift are:


 *  bool        Boolean, one byte

 *  byte        Signed byte

 *  i16         Signed 16-bit integer

 *  i32         Signed 32-bit integer

 *  i64         Signed 64-bit integer

 *  double      64-bit floating point value

 *  string      String

 *  binary      Blob (byte array)

 *  map<t1,t2>  Map from one type to another

 *  list<t1>    Ordered list of one type

 *  set<t1>     Set of unique elements of one type


 * Did you also notice that Thrift supports C style comments?



// Just in case you were wondering... yes. We support simple C comments too.



 * Thrift files can reference other Thrift files to include common struct

 * and service definitions. These are found using the current path, or by

 * searching relative to any paths specified with the -I compiler flag.


 * Included objects are accessed using the name of the .thrift file as a

 * prefix. i.e. shared.SharedObject


include "shared.thrift"



 * Thrift files can namespace, package, or prefix their output in various

 * target languages.


namespace cpp tutorial

namespace java tutorial

namespace php tutorial

namespace perl tutorial

 * Thrift lets you do typedefs to get pretty names for your types. Standard
 * C style here.
typedef i32 MyInteger

 * Thrift also lets you define constants for use across languages. Complex
 * types and structs are specified using JSON notation.
const i32 INT32CONSTANT = 9853
const map<string,string> MAPCONSTANT = {'hello':'world', 'goodnight':'moon'}

 * You can define enums, which are just 32 bit integers. Values are optional
 * and start at 1 if not supplied, C style again.
enum Operation {
  ADD = 1,
  DIVIDE = 4

 * Structs are the basic complex data structures. They are comprised of fields
 * which each have an integer identifier, a type, a symbolic name, and an
 * optional default value.
 * Fields can be declared "optional", which ensures they will not be included
 * in the serialized output if they aren't set.  Note that this requires some
 * manual management in some languages.
struct Work {
  1: i32 num1 = 0,
  2: i32 num2,
  3: Operation op,
  4: optional string comment,

 * Structs can also be exceptions, if they are nasty.
exception InvalidOperation {
  1: i32 what,
  2: string why

 * Ahh, now onto the cool part, defining a service. Services just need a name
 * and can optionally inherit from another service using the extends keyword.
service Calculator extends shared.SharedService {

   * A method definition looks like C code. It has a return type, arguments,
   * and optionally a list of exceptions that it may throw. Note that argument
   * lists and exception lists are specified using the exact same syntax as
   * field lists in struct or exception definitions.

   void ping(),

   i32 add(1:i32 num1, 2:i32 num2),

   i32 calculate(1:i32 logid, 2:Work w) throws (1:InvalidOperation ouch),

    * This method has a oneway modifier. That means the client only makes
    * a request and does not listen for any response at all. Oneway methods
    * must be void.
   oneway void zip()


 * That just about covers the basics. Take a look in the test/ folder for more
 * detailed examples. After you run this file, your generated code shows up
 * in folders with names gen-<language>. The generated code isn't too scary
 * to look at. It even has pretty indentation.

