A类: CPrintDialog.DoModal,然后在模态对话框里选打印机、打印配置;
2、在OnInitDialog里枚举打印机设备,如果报函数未定义,加入头文件#include <winspool.h>
// TODO: 在此添加额外的初始化代码 DWORD dwNeeded; DWORD dwReturn; DWORD dwFlag = PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS | PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL; EnumPrinters(dwFlag, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded, &dwReturn); PRINTER_INFO_4* p4; p4 = new PRINTER_INFO_4[dwNeeded]; EnumPrinters(dwFlag, NULL, 4, (PBYTE)p4, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded, &dwReturn); for (int i = 0; i<(int)dwReturn; i++) this->m_cboPrint.AddString(p4[i].pPrinterName); delete []p4;
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 // CDialogEx::OnOK(); this->UpdateData(); CString strMessage; CString strPrintDevice; this->GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1)->GetWindowTextW(strMessage); strMessage += _T("\r\n"); //添加结尾,方便后面循环读取打印数据 this->GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1)->GetWindowTextW(strPrintDevice); DWORD dwFlag = PD_ALLPAGES | PD_NOPAGENUMS | PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES | PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE; //打印配置界面的按钮可用性,因为后台打印,其实这个配置没什么意义 CPrintDialog pPrintdlg(FALSE, dwFlag, this); //CPrintDialog实例化,因为MFC的打印设备无关性,可以理解为这就是一台打印机 HGLOBAL hDevMode = NULL; HGLOBAL hDevNames = NULL; if (GetPrinterDevice(strPrintDevice.GetBuffer(0), &hDevNames, &hDevMode)) //获得指定打印机的配置、名字 AfxGetApp()->SelectPrinter(hDevNames, hDevMode); else AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to select custom printer")); strPrintDevice.ReleaseBuffer(); pPrintdlg.m_pd.hDevMode = hDevMode; //让pPrintdlg使用我们指定的打印机 pPrintdlg.m_pd.hDevNames = hDevNames; CDC dc; dc.Attach(pPrintdlg.CreatePrinterDC()); //后台打印创建法,如果需要弹出打印对话框,请用DoModal DOCINFO di; //下面的内容网上很多,就不解释了 di.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO); di.lpszDocName = _T("有驱打印测试"); di.lpszDatatype = NULL; di.lpszOutput = NULL; di.fwType = 0; dc.StartDocW(&di); dc.StartPage(); dc.SetMapMode(MM_TEXT); CRect recPrint(0, 0, dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX), dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY)); dc.DPtoLP(&recPrint); dc.SetWindowOrg(0, 0); CFont newFont; VERIFY(newFont.CreatePointFont(120, _T("宋体"), &dc)); CFont* oldFont = dc.SelectObject(&newFont); dc.SetTextAlign(TA_TOP | TA_LEFT); CString strPrint; int nIndex = 0; int x = 50; int y = 50; CSize textSize; textSize = dc.GetTextExtent(_T("00"), 2); //根据当前字体的宽、高,后面以此高度为行高 while ((nIndex = strMessage.Find(_T("\r\n"))) > -1) //将IDC_EDIT1编辑框中内容打印,支持换行,一次换行等于'\r\n',所以在开头strMessage += _T("\r\n") { strPrint = strMessage.Left(nIndex); strMessage = strMessage.Mid(nIndex+2); dc.TextOutW(x, y, strPrint); y += textSize.cy; //下移一行,行高为字体高度 } dc.SelectObject(oldFont); newFont.DeleteObject(); dc.EndPage(); dc.EndDoc(); DeleteDC(dc.Detach());
BOOL CMFCApplication2Dlg::GetPrinterDevice(LPTSTR pszPrinterName, HGLOBAL* phDevNames, HGLOBAL* phDevMode) { // if NULL is passed, then assume we are setting app object's // devmode and devnames if (phDevMode == NULL || phDevNames == NULL) return FALSE; // Open printer HANDLE hPrinter; if (OpenPrinter(pszPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL) == FALSE) return FALSE; // obtain PRINTER_INFO_2 structure and close printer DWORD dwBytesReturned, dwBytesNeeded; GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &dwBytesNeeded); PRINTER_INFO_2* p2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwBytesNeeded); if (GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)p2, dwBytesNeeded, &dwBytesReturned) == 0) { GlobalFree(p2); ClosePrinter(hPrinter); return FALSE; } ClosePrinter(hPrinter); // Allocate a global handle for DEVMODE HGLOBAL hDevMode = GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(*p2->pDevMode) + p2->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra); ASSERT(hDevMode); DEVMODE* pDevMode = (DEVMODE*)GlobalLock(hDevMode); ASSERT(pDevMode); // copy DEVMODE data from PRINTER_INFO_2::pDevMode memcpy(pDevMode, p2->pDevMode, sizeof(*p2->pDevMode) + p2->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra); GlobalUnlock(hDevMode); // Compute size of DEVNAMES structure from PRINTER_INFO_2's data DWORD drvNameLen = lstrlen(p2->pDriverName)+1; // driver name DWORD ptrNameLen = lstrlen(p2->pPrinterName)+1; // printer name DWORD porNameLen = lstrlen(p2->pPortName)+1; // port name // Allocate a global handle big enough to hold DEVNAMES. HGLOBAL hDevNames = GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(DEVNAMES) + (drvNameLen + ptrNameLen + porNameLen)*sizeof(TCHAR)); ASSERT(hDevNames); DEVNAMES* pDevNames = (DEVNAMES*)GlobalLock(hDevNames); ASSERT(pDevNames); // Copy the DEVNAMES information from PRINTER_INFO_2 // tcOffset = TCHAR Offset into structure int tcOffset = sizeof(DEVNAMES)/sizeof(TCHAR); ASSERT(sizeof(DEVNAMES) == tcOffset*sizeof(TCHAR)); pDevNames->wDriverOffset = tcOffset; memcpy((LPTSTR)pDevNames + tcOffset, p2->pDriverName, drvNameLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); tcOffset += drvNameLen; pDevNames->wDeviceOffset = tcOffset; memcpy((LPTSTR)pDevNames + tcOffset, p2->pPrinterName, ptrNameLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); tcOffset += ptrNameLen; pDevNames->wOutputOffset = tcOffset; memcpy((LPTSTR)pDevNames + tcOffset, p2->pPortName, porNameLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); pDevNames->wDefault = 0; GlobalUnlock(hDevNames); GlobalFree(p2); // free PRINTER_INFO_2 // set the new hDevMode and hDevNames *phDevMode = hDevMode; *phDevNames = hDevNames; return TRUE; }