1. Linux 下操作:
在 修改默认语言为 ja_JP.UTF-8,操作如下:
export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
2. Windows下的修改方法:
打开 工具--> 选项 --> 高级选项
然后 选编辑-->Java源代码,把缺省编码修改为 UTF-8
打开 项目属性-->编译
然后 修改"其他编译选项"值为:"-encoding utf-8"
If you use the UNIX/Linux platform, you can start the IDE with the UTF-8 locale. Most modern UNIX/Linux platforms support UTF-8 locales. For example, if you use Japanese,
% export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
% netbeans
How to set the encoding on Windows?
There is no way in Windows to change the locale at IDE startup. This means for example, that the IDE always uses Shift_JIS on Japanese Windows. When you want to use UTF-8 encoding in Java sources file, you need to change the encoding of the source editor, and add a compiler option. Please follow the steps below.
Open Option dialog by Tools > Option
Switch to Advanced Options
Click the Java Source node of the Editor Editing category
Find the "Default Encoding" field and enter "UTF-8" into the field
This is the setting just for the Editor. Now you need to set compiler options:
Open the project's Property dialog
Find the "Aditional Compiler Option" field in the "Build" category
Enter "-encoding utf-8" into the field
How to change the encoding for other text files, e.g. .txt, .js files?
Currently, there is no recommended solution. Some people use the "-J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" switch as IDE startup option, but it's not a perfect solution.