- Boolean MediaSubsession::createSourceObjects(int useSpecialRTPoffset) {
- do {
- if (strcmp(fProtocolName, "UDP") == 0) {
- fReadSource = BasicUDPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket);
- fRTPSource = NULL;
- if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP2T") == 0) {
- fReadSource = MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::createNew(env(), fReadSource);
- }
- } else {
- Boolean createSimpleRTPSource = False;
- Boolean doNormalMBitRule = False;
- if (strcmp(fCodecName, "QCELP") == 0) {
- fReadSource =
- QCELPAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPSource,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR") == 0) {
- fReadSource =
- AMRAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPSource,
- fRTPPayloadFormat, 0 ,
- fNumChannels, fOctetalign, fInterleaving,
- fRobustsorting, fCRC);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR-WB") == 0) {
- fReadSource =
- AMRAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPSource,
- fRTPPayloadFormat, 1 ,
- fNumChannels, fOctetalign, fInterleaving,
- fRobustsorting, fCRC);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPA") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = MPEG1or2AudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPA-ROBUST") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = MP3ADURTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- if (fRTPSource == NULL) break;
- if (!fReceiveRawMP3ADUs) {
- MP3ADUdeinterleaver* deinterleaver
- = MP3ADUdeinterleaver::createNew(env(), fRTPSource);
- if (deinterleaver == NULL) break;
- fReadSource = MP3FromADUSource::createNew(env(), deinterleaver);
- }
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "X-MP3-DRAFT-00") == 0) {
- fRTPSource
- = SimpleRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency,
- "audio/MPA-ROBUST" );
- if (fRTPSource == NULL) break;
- fReadSource = MP3FromADUSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSource,
- False );
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP4A-LATM") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = MPEG4LATMAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "VORBIS") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = VorbisAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "VP8") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = VP8VideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AC3") == 0 || strcmp(fCodecName, "EAC3") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = AC3AudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP4V-ES") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = MPEG4ESVideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPEG4-GENERIC") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = MPEG4GenericRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency,
- fMediumName, fMode,
- fSizelength, fIndexlength,
- fIndexdeltalength);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPV") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = MPEG1or2VideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP2T") == 0) {
- fRTPSource = SimpleRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency, "video/MP2T",
- 0, False);
- fReadSource = MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::createNew(env(), fRTPSource);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H261") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = H261VideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H263-1998") == 0 ||
- strcmp(fCodecName, "H263-2000") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = H263plusVideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H264") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = H264VideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "DV") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = DVVideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "JPEG") == 0) {
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = JPEGVideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency,
- videoWidth(),
- videoHeight());
- } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "X-QT") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "X-QUICKTIME") == 0) {
- char* mimeType
- = new char[strlen(mediumName()) + strlen(codecName()) + 2] ;
- sprintf(mimeType, "%s/%s", mediumName(), codecName());
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = QuickTimeGenericRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency,
- mimeType);
- delete[] mimeType;
- } else if ( strcmp(fCodecName, "PCMU") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "GSM") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "DVI4") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "PCMA") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "MP1S") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "MP2P") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "L8") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "L16") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "L20") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "L24") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "G726-16") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "G726-24") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "G726-32") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "G726-40") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "SPEEX") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "T140") == 0
- || strcmp(fCodecName, "DAT12") == 0
- ) {
- createSimpleRTPSource = True;
- useSpecialRTPoffset = 0;
- } else if (useSpecialRTPoffset >= 0) {
- createSimpleRTPSource = True;
- } else {
- env().setResultMsg("RTP payload format unknown or not supported");
- break;
- }
- if (createSimpleRTPSource) {
- char* mimeType
- = new char[strlen(mediumName()) + strlen(codecName()) + 2] ;
- sprintf(mimeType, "%s/%s", mediumName(), codecName());
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = SimpleRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency, mimeType,
- (unsigned)useSpecialRTPoffset,
- doNormalMBitRule);
- delete[] mimeType;
- }
- }
- return True;
- } while (0);
- return False;
- }
- fReadSource = fRTPSource
- = H264VideoRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket,
- fRTPPayloadFormat,
- fRTPTimestampFrequency);
- void setupStreams() {
- static MediaSubsessionIterator* setupIter = NULL;
- if (setupIter == NULL) setupIter = new MediaSubsessionIterator(*session);
- while ((subsession = setupIter->next()) != NULL) {
- if (subsession->clientPortNum() == 0) continue;
- setupSubsession(subsession, streamUsingTCP, continueAfterSETUP);
- return;
- }
- delete setupIter;
- if (!madeProgress) shutdown();
- if (createReceivers) {
- if (outputQuickTimeFile) {
- qtOut = QuickTimeFileSink::createNew(*env, *session, "stdout",
- fileSinkBufferSize,
- movieWidth, movieHeight,
- movieFPS,
- packetLossCompensate,
- syncStreams,
- generateHintTracks,
- generateMP4Format);
- if (qtOut == NULL) {
- *env << "Failed to create QuickTime file sink for stdout: " << env->getResultMsg();
- shutdown();
- }
- qtOut->startPlaying(sessionAfterPlaying, NULL);
- } else if (outputAVIFile) {
- aviOut = AVIFileSink::createNew(*env, *session, "stdout",
- fileSinkBufferSize,
- movieWidth, movieHeight,
- movieFPS,
- packetLossCompensate);
- if (aviOut == NULL) {
- *env << "Failed to create AVI file sink for stdout: " << env->getResultMsg();
- shutdown();
- }
- aviOut->startPlaying(sessionAfterPlaying, NULL);
- } else {
- madeProgress = False;
- MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
- while ((subsession = iter.next()) != NULL) {
- if (subsession->readSource() == NULL) continue;
- char outFileName[1000];
- if (singleMedium == NULL) {
- static unsigned streamCounter = 0;
- snprintf(outFileName, sizeof outFileName, "%s%s-%s-%d",
- fileNamePrefix, subsession->mediumName(),
- subsession->codecName(), ++streamCounter);
- } else {
- sprintf(outFileName, "stdout");
- }
- FileSink* fileSink;
- if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "audio") == 0 &&
- (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "AMR") == 0 ||
- strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "AMR-WB") == 0)) {
- fileSink = AMRAudioFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
- fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
- } else if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0 &&
- (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "H264") == 0)) {
- fileSink = H264VideoFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
- subsession->fmtp_spropparametersets(),
- fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
- } else {
- fileSink = FileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
- fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
- }
- subsession->sink = fileSink;
- if (subsession->sink == NULL) {
- *env << "Failed to create FileSink for \"" << outFileName
- << "\": " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
- } else {
- if (singleMedium == NULL) {
- *env << "Created output file: \"" << outFileName << "\"\n";
- } else {
- *env << "Outputting data from the \"" << subsession->mediumName()
- << "/" << subsession->codecName()
- << "\" subsession to 'stdout'\n";
- }
- if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0 &&
- strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "MP4V-ES") == 0 &&
- subsession->fmtp_config() != NULL) {
- unsigned configLen;
- unsigned char* configData
- = parseGeneralConfigStr(subsession->fmtp_config(), configLen);
- struct timeval timeNow;
- gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
- fileSink->addData(configData, configLen, timeNow);
- delete[] configData;
- }
- subsession->sink->startPlaying(*(subsession->readSource()),
- subsessionAfterPlaying,
- subsession);
- if (subsession->rtcpInstance() != NULL) {
- subsession->rtcpInstance()->setByeHandler(subsessionByeHandler, subsession);
- }
- madeProgress = True;
- }
- }
- if (!madeProgress) shutdown();
- }
- }
- if (duration == 0) {
- if (scale > 0) duration = session->playEndTime() - initialSeekTime;
- else if (scale < 0) duration = initialSeekTime;
- }
- if (duration < 0) duration = 0.0;
- endTime = initialSeekTime;
- if (scale > 0) {
- if (duration <= 0) endTime = -1.0f;
- else endTime = initialSeekTime + duration;
- } else {
- endTime = initialSeekTime - duration;
- if (endTime < 0) endTime = 0.0f;
- }
- startPlayingSession(session, initialSeekTime, endTime, scale, continueAfterPLAY);
- }
- fileSink = H264VideoFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
- subsession->fmtp_spropparametersets(),
- fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
然后是subsession->sink = fileSink;
- subsession->sink->startPlaying(*(subsession->readSource()),
- subsessionAfterPlaying,
- subsession);
- Boolean MediaSink::startPlaying(MediaSource& source,
- afterPlayingFunc* afterFunc,
- void* afterClientData) {
- if (fSource != NULL) {
- envir().setResultMsg("This sink is already being played");
- return False;
- }
- if (!sourceIsCompatibleWithUs(source)) {
- envir().setResultMsg("MediaSink::startPlaying(): source is not compatible!");
- return False;
- }
- fSource = (FramedSource*)&source;
- fAfterFunc = afterFunc;
- fAfterClientData = afterClientData;
- return continuePlaying();
- }
- Boolean FileSink::continuePlaying() {
- if (fSource == NULL) return False;
- fSource->getNextFrame(fBuffer, fBufferSize,
- afterGettingFrame, this,
- onSourceClosure, this);
- return True;
- }
- fBuffer = new unsigned char[bufferSize];
- fileSink = H264VideoFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,
- subsession->fmtp_spropparametersets(),
- fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);
- void MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame() {
- if (!fAreDoingNetworkReads) {
- fAreDoingNetworkReads = True;
- TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc* handler
- = (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&networkReadHandler;
- fRTPInterface.startNetworkReading(handler);
- }
- fSavedTo = fTo;
- fSavedMaxSize = fMaxSize;
- fFrameSize = 0;
- fNeedDelivery = True;
- doGetNextFrame1();
- }