

#define L sizeof( struct student )

struct student
long xuehao;
char name[20]; 
float shudian;
float english;
float physics;
float cyuyan;
struct student *next;

struct student *creat()

struct student *p1,*p2,*head;
char str[90];
int n = 0;
FILE *fp = fopen( "file2.txt","r" );

if( fp == NULL )
printf( "cannot open the file" );
 exit( 0 );

puts( fgets( str,90,fp ) );
head = p1 = p2 = ( struct student* )malloc(L);
  fscanf( fp,"%ld %s %f %f %f %f",&p1->xuehao,p1->name,&p1->shudian,
          &p1->english,&p1->physics,&p1->cyuyan );
while( !feof( fp ) )
  p1 = ( struct student* )malloc( L );
    fscanf(fp,"%ld %s %f %f %f %f\n",&p1->xuehao,p1->name,&p1->shudian,
      p2->next = p1;
    p2 = p1;
p2->next = NULL;
fclose( fp );
return( head );

void search( struct student *head,long num )
struct student *p;
printf( "search record: " );
scanf( "%ld",&num );
p = head;
while( p )
if( p->xuehao == num )
p = p->next;

void print( struct student *head )
struct student *p;
p = head;
if( head != NULL )
while( p != NULL )

printf("%ld    %s  %6.1f  %6.1f  %6.1f   %6.1f\n",p->xuehao,p->name,p->shudian,
p = p->next;

struct student *sort(struct student *head)
struct student *endpt,*p,*p1,*p2;
p1 = (struct student *)malloc(L);
p1->next = head; 
head = p1;
for (endpt = NULL; endpt != head; endpt = p) 
for (p=p1 = head; p1->next->next != endpt; p1 = p1->next)
    if ((p1->next->shudian+p1->next->english+p1->next->physics+
     p1->next->cyuyan)>(p1->next->next->shudian+ p1->next->next->english+
     p1->next->next->physics+ p1->next->next->cyuyan)) 
    p2 = p1->next->next; 
    p1->next->next = p2->next; 
    p2->next = p1->next; 
    p1->next = p2; 
    //p = p1->next->next; 
p1 = head; 
head = head->next; 
return head;


void save(struct student *head)
FILE *fp;int i;
char s[80] = "学号    姓名  数电  英语  物理  c语言 总分 平均分" ;
struct student *p;
head = sort(head);
p = head;

if( (fp = fopen("file3.txt","w")) == NULL )
printf( "cannot open the file!\n" );
 exit( 0 );

fprintf( fp,"%s\n", s );

while( p != NULL )

fprintf(fp,"%ld %s %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f\n",
    p = p->next;

fclose( fp );

struct student *del( struct student *head,long xuehao )
struct student *p1,*p2;
if( head == NULL )
printf( "\nlist null\n" );
  int flag = 0;
while( p1)

if( xuehao == p1->xuehao )
  flag = 1;
if( p1 == head )
head = p1->next;
p2->next = p1->next;
  printf("delete xuehao : %ld\n",xuehao);
 p2 = p1;
p1 = p1->next;
if( flag == 0 )
printf("%ld not been found!\n",xuehao);
return( head );

struct student *insert( struct student *head,struct student *stu )
struct student *p0,*p1,*p2;
p0 = stu;
p1 = head;

if( head == NULL )
head = p0;
 p0->next = NULL;
while( ( p0->xuehao > p1->xuehao )
      &&( p1->next != NULL ))
p2 = p1;
p1 = p1->next;

if( p0->xuehao <= p1->xuehao )
if( head == p1 )

head = p0;
p2->next = p0;
p0->next = p1;
p1->next = p0;
p0->next = NULL;

  return( head );

int main( )
struct student *head,stu;
long a,b;
printf( "input records:\n" );
head = creat();
print( head );
search( head , b );
printf( "\ninput the deleted xuehao:" );
scanf( "%ld",&a );
head = del( head , a );
printf( "\ninput the inserted record:" );
scanf( "%ld%s%f%f%f%f",&stu.xuehao,stu.name,&stu.shudian,
     &stu.english,&stu.physics,&stu.cyuyan );
  head = insert( head,&stu );
  print( head );
  save( head );
return 0;
